Chapter 24: Being Caught On The Spot By Tsunade!

Pushing away the book Naoki handed him, Shigeru turned around and walked into the kitchen. He had to have a good talk with Tsunade tomorrow, so he had to deal with his brother as soon as possible.

Seeing that Shigeru ignored him and walked directly into the kitchen, Naoki was worried that he would complain, so he followed him.

"Shigeru, I treat you as a friend, you can't complain to my sister!"

After washing the rice, adding water, and putting it on the stove, Shigeru turned around and said, "So, you mean I should help you hide it?"

"Of course, we're friends! Friends! How could you betray your friends?" Naoki replied matter-of-factly.

Shigeru: "..."

My dear friend, you're looking at Little Emperor Uncle here, kid. Don't you realize how serious this is?

He took out two potatoes from the cabinet. Shigeru peeled the potatoes and asked, "Naoki, do you really like reading these books?"

"Of course, what man doesn't like it?" Naoki felt he was absolutely right.

"Don't you like reading this kind of book, Shigeru? Or do you just not like girls?"


Shigeru, who was peeling potatoes, nearly cut himself with the knife. This was a bit too much.

Speechless, Shigeru put down the knife and potatoes in his hands and said seriously to Naoki:

"Of course, I like looking at it, but I won't watch it until I grow up. Also, my sexual orientation is perfectly normal, and I do like pretty and cute girls."

"Why won't you watch it until you grow up?"

"To see this kind of thing, we need to distinguish age?"

Naoki found this strange. After all, Jiraiya never told him such things.

He would just take him along... for fun.

Shigeru spread his hands: "Because it's useless to look at it before you grow up."

"Think about it carefully. Jiraiya takes you to see these things. He can go out and have fun, but can you?"


Facing Shigeru's question, the smile on Naoki's face froze.

He realized that while Jiraiya liked going to certain places, he himself couldn't enter those places. If he wanted to follow Jiraiya, he'd be sent away.

"So... it's not easy to save pocket money, especially under your sister's watch. Don't waste it on such useless things in the future. If you really like this, when you're older, you'll have plenty of time to look at it. You won't be criticized or judged for it. Understand?"

Naoki blinked blankly at Shigeru's lecture.

"Shigeru, are you saying I should save money and wait until I grow up so I can help Jiraiya with beautiful big sisters?"


Shigeru almost choked.

"Ah, yes, yes, whatever you say is right."


It's up to you, as long as you're not afraid of your sister beating you up.

Why did Shigeru's tone sound so perfunctory?

Naoki couldn't figure it out, so he just focused on his book.

So... from the kitchen, Shigeru kept hearing obscene laughter from the living room, making him sigh, "What a sin."

After eating, Shigeru decisively kicked Naoki out when he tried to linger around.

This brat was learning nothing good. Shigeru didn't want to be responsible for teaching bad habits.

It's better to let Jiraiya take the blame. After all, Naoki liked these things, and it was Jiraiya who taught him.

Hopefully, his sister would work overtime today.

Upon returning home, Naoki cautiously looked around, like a guilty thief, fearing he would be caught.

Great, no one was there.

The yard was quiet, and no sound came from the house. Uzumaki Mito should be teaching Kushina the unique sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan. As for Tsunade, she was either working overtime or resting in her room.

After confirming there was no danger, Naoki walked into the yard openly.



It's over.

Hearing the voice behind him, the smile on Naoki's face froze, and his body seemed to be nailed to the spot by a restraining spell, unable to move.

"Why are you back so late? Where have you been?"

Tsunade skillfully twisted Naoki's ear and said viciously:

"I tell you every morning to come home right after school and spend more time with Grandma. What do you do?"

Naoki coming back late usually wasn't a big deal. A few words would suffice. But the way Naoki snuck in like a thief raised Tsunade's suspicions.

After discovering this, she hid to see what he was sneaking around about.

"Ah, it hurts! Sister, my ear's going to fall off."

Naoki screamed, hoping his sister would show mercy.

"Tell me honestly where you went."

Tsunade remained unmoved, knowing she hadn't used much force. At most, Naoki would feel some pain, but his ears falling off was nonsense.

The elder sister's control over her younger brother was unquestionable, so Naoki quickly confessed: "I went to Shigeru's place, had dinner there, and then came back. I didn't go anywhere else."

"You found a place to eat, huh?"

Tsunade released Naoki's ear, believing he wouldn't dare lie.

It was just that he came back late, nothing to make a big fuss over.

Still angry, Naoki covered his ears and glared at her.

"Why are you still staring?"

Tsunade, about to let it go, noticed Naoki glaring at her, so she smacked him lightly.

Caught off guard, Naoki was hit, and the book hidden in his clothes fell to the ground.

Tsunade had a habit of checking his schoolbag, so to avoid being discovered, Naoki had stuffed the book under his clothes. But after the slap, it fell out.


What the hell?

Tsunade glanced down, and her eyes widened.

It's over. My precious book... no, the book isn't the issue anymore—I'm done for.

Who will save me?

Picking up the book from the ground, Tsunade flipped through it and smiled coldly at Naoki: "Will you confess, or do I have to beat it out of you?"

"I bought it with my pocket money. I just got it today."

"So you went to Shigeru's place just to read this?"

"No, Hyuga Shigeru also looked at this?"

The words slipped out, and Tsunade's expression darkened.

Naoki awkwardly scratched his head and smiled: "He kicked me out and said kids shouldn't look at it until they grow up."


Tsunade was now surprised.

Not only did Shigeru not look at it, but he also lectured Naoki and kicked him out?

In her experience, most men she knew, from the Third Hokage to Jiraiya, and plenty of others, couldn't resist such things.

Even if someone could resist, they wouldn't lecture a kid about it as seriously as Shigeru just did.

"Sister Tsunade, what are you doing?"

Although Tsunade often disciplined her brother, this was the first time Naoki felt shame while standing with his schoolbag.


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**End of Chapter**