Alcatraz Penitentiary (5)

Jenny gracefully dodged a blow to her head with a level of calmness she didn't truly feel in the pit of her stomach. The man before her was desperately trying to hit her, something he had been failing to do since the start of the battle.

He looked worn, not from physical exertion, but mental worries. Fighting Jenny was not only humiliating for him as a man, but also terrifying, because he felt his death flash before his eyes each time he missed.

He immediately retreated back, relaxed into his boxing stance, and eyed Jenny as countless thoughts ran through his mind about what he should do to win.

Then it hit him—the girl hadn't once tried to hit him. Her expression, though calm, faltered every time she had a chance to strike back. She would hesitate and instead dodge his attacks.

He also remembered this was her first fight, and she seemed like the kind of woman the world hadn't yet completely crushed—unlike the friend she was always with.