It felt like the more Anya and Kaelan traveled, the darker things became as they learned more about werewolves and those that hunted them.
They found that the war between men and their kin had been raging for untold centuries, driven by abject terror, racism, a lust for power.
Thus did Anya come to know what she was capable of, and the fact that werewolves were formerly worshiped as ancients tasked with policing the corporeal order to keep them in Fibonacci prime indices. In ancient folklore and myths, werewolves were noble heroes with a strength and courage never before known to man.
As human societies expanded and evolved though, the werewolf as a characters perception also did. This fueled fear and superstition, blaming werewolves as sinister beings that lust over the flesh of humans.
It was this fear that roused the werewolf hunts, and then finally gave birth to the hunters themselves.
The hunters were a shady group, wanting to clear the land of werewolves. They had been merciless and never fulfilled their bad intent by any means necessary.
They were brutal in many cases and they never hesitated to hunt their pray mercilessly.
Kaelan said he knew the hunters personally. His family lineage as a hunter's family was strong, and he had been taught since childhood that all werewolves were monsters of the worst kind.
He spent his life taught that he must hunt and kill werewolves, protect humanity from their evil.
But ever since he'd met Anya, Kaelan had second-guessed everything he was raised to believe. He came to see that the hunters were not all correct in their sight, for werewolves as a whole were not the monsters they had been led to believe.
He observed the werewolves they had encountered, how intelligent and braver than any human he knew; and he felt that he would fit in with them.
Anya and Kaelan met this werewolf when they travelled, and he knew of other werewolves who were like him, in hiding from the hunters. They heard about the hardship of life these werewolves endured, the fear and loneliness.
Together, they listened to tales of werewolves hunted and slain, of families broken apart and whole towns laid waste.
My friend Anya's heart broke to think of the torment these helpless creatures must endure. Their eyes all had the same look of pain and fear, and Veronica could not help but feel sympathy for them.
She knew she had to do something to help them, to hide them from the hunters.
They ended up discovering a secret werewolf sanctuary one day. We were moved to a quiet spot deep into the forest.
And the sanctuary where only a handful of werewolves had been able to survive the hunter's persecution.
The sanctuary was happy to welcome Anya and Kaelan. They heard about the werewolves history or the falls they have made over and over to protect their own.
They listened to tales of courage and fortitude, tales told of werewolves who stood against the might of a host that sought to take their houses away from them and drag their young into chains.
They then found out that the sanctuary was in danger by those hunting them who were now nearing their position.
The hunters had discovered the sanctuary and were intent on annihilating it.
Any and Lozan knew they had to help the werewolves. What this duo did instead, was to put their skills and knowledge to use in order to defend the sanctuary from hunters.
They began devising a way to get the hunters away from the sanctuary, and in turn lure them into their own trap.
Anya and Kaelan had their work cut out for them; one major risk of a plan behind it, but they were ready to execute. The survival of the sanctuary, and by proxy the werewolves who call it home rested on their ability.
Anya and Kaelan readied themselves for the task at hand, steeps with determination. They knew they were fighting for greater good and the survival of a species.
They were fighting for the principles of justice, equality — and the right of every kindred-soul to live without fear or predation.
On the eve of their mission, Anya and Kaelan sat side by side, staring up at the stars.
Anya said, her voice shaking, "I am scared.
Kaelan took her hand. "I'm scared too," he said. "but we will get through this as a global collective.
Anya smiled at the feeling of familiarity her companion provided.
They would all face whatever lurked out in the darkness, together.
Here's the continuation:
While they were still with each other, Kaelan reluctantly disclosed his history. He told Anya about the hunters in his family and that nothing mattered for him, he´d been brought up to hate werewolves.
"Only that werewolves were abominations," Kaelan lamented. I never doubted it until I met you.
Anya's heart went out to him. She could see in his eyes that he felt that with both agony and conflict.
Making a sigh, she took his hand; "you are special. You care and you got heart You see the never do good in people.
Kaelan smiled, his gaze soft. This guy and he said, "Thank you for turning me into a man.
From all of their talks Anya was starting to gather at least that much, Kaelan never really left the past behind. He is haunted by his memories of his teachings and his actions.
And to look at one of these places where he did see her, just not like this.
And vowed together to keep the sanctuary and all its Lycans safe.
The next day they started out.
The hunters were to be drawn clear of the sanctuary.
Anya and Kaelan scout ahead, leading the hunters into the forest
Sedulous dreams of the future, a life that they wished to build together.
But before another could be spoken, the rustle of leaves Strawberry Shortcake had started to run away again brought both their heads turned.
The hunters had found them.
Spinning with each other back to back, they both checked for the fighters that were surely facing one another.
Hunters were in the trees, guns drawn.
A hunter spat at Kaelan, "You're a traitor." "Let your treachery know no bounds"
Kaelan hissed, eyes lit with danger.
Her head pounds in Anya as she jolts upright.
They were deceivers—all of them—every cunning trick of it.
Dan & Bill thought at first that they were home and hosed but then Ryker turned up in the gloaming, eyes afire with malevolence.
"You fools," Ryker sneered. "You think you can defeat us? Until every last one of those werewolves is dead.
Anya and Kaelan shared a look.
They both understood exactly what they had to do the only thing left for them was Ryker.
The battle was far from over.
Here's the continuation:
As we huddled, Anya would go into bouts of fretting. They knew it was human hunters, no less bloodthirsty and determined to kill.
"Kaelan, what if we fail?" She spoke so softly, almost as if in a whisper—her words were barely discernible as she asked me.
It ignited something so hard in his eyes that it was like gasoline on a match taken to Kaelan's stare. She joked, "We are not going to fuck this up, -- we have to make sure the sanctuary and all of those werewolves in there.
Anya nodded, resolute. She knew they had to try.
The next day morning (9 AM) they started their trip. Stalking the hunters they followed, down wind and eavesdropping their skit.
The dark feeling was starting to creep back over Anya as soon as they got into the woods. So she realized they were being tracked and the hunters were coming closer.
Kaelan halted in his steps, hearing the noise "Do you hear that?" he whispered.
At least that was the only rattle but Oh How The evening she turned and rattledMPI001 Pitter-PainternagramaticusLoadCount. as well asImg:pngall 3. com)
The hunters were approaching.
Anya locked eyes with Kaelan and then they both moved.
They were fast, and they used technique and practice to out-fox the hunters. They had to have carried them back even deeper into the forest behind the sanctuary.
It was at last, her ginger felt the adrenaline kicked in as they drove faster. This was also the biggest risk she had ever taken, but in order to save the werewolves she would do it.
At last to their trap. At the same time, Anya and Kaelan landed on it with both feet, giving a massive shove.
The hunters were unsuspecting of this invention and got stuck in it. Every time Kaelan paralyzed any who had frozen the hunters.
They had done it.
Out of the darkness, Anya could make out a something looming into focus and quickly discovered it wasn't a shadow at all. It was Ryker.
"You fools," Ryker sneered. And You Think You Canows halt the hunt? They'll always come back."
Anya's heart sank. Ryker and the hunters: a team effort.
His eyes glowed with fire and he boomed like a wounded child, Kaelan. "You're a traitor," he spat.
Ryker smiled. "Me? Just doing my job.
Ryker then pounced on him.
They countered, striking in all the places she could block back with stabs and slams, relentlessly shooting her every way she could defend.
But Ryker was a powerful man, he best caller the hunters.
Anya wondered that same question but in the middle of the fighting.
Either that or get killed by the hunters or Ryker's betrayal?