When meeting the Emperor, do you not show respect?

In Li Huang's room, the sound of multiple heads hitting the floor echoed as Li Huang, his body stained with blood, spoke.

"Upgrade the Dark Shadow Secret Unit for me."

[ System bug detected... fixing immediately. ] The system's voice interrupted suddenly.

[ Bug fixed. From now on, you will no longer receive points for killing summoned troops. ] The system responded hastily.

Li Huang paid no attention and simply repeated, "Upgrade the Dark Shadow Secret Unit for me."

The system hesitated, unsure of what to say. [...….]

In the end, it complied. [ Dark Shadow Secret Unit, Level 2: Their cultivation has reached the peak of Spirit Sea. They are elite intelligence and assassination units, capable of ensuring successful kills. They possess the ability to blend with shadows and erase their presence from others' detection. The host can now summon 50 members per day, with 100% loyalty and no chance of betrayal (Upgrade cost: 10,000 points). ]

[ Total Kill Points: 8,880 ]

[ Don't you think your actions are a bit cruel? ]

Li Huang replied, "I just wanted to test if they were truly loyal to me. Summon the remaining Dark Shadow Secret Unit members."

The system remained silent [.....]

But finally, it followed the command. [ Understood, Host. ]

Suddenly, another 40 members of the Dark Shadow Secret Unit emerged and knelt before Li Huang. He gazed at them intently and gave a simple order. "Clean this room."

"Understood, Your Majesty!"

As the 40 members of the Dark Shadow Secret Unit began cleaning up the corpses and tidying the throne room, Li Huang sat down calmly. There was no rush. Amidst the quiet room that had once been filled with the scent of blood, he took out the "Eternal Emperor's Technique" manual and began studying it immediately.

This technique was unlike any other. The content was full of mysterious energy, and cultivating it would immensely strengthen the practitioner's body. With every flow of spiritual energy, the body would become stronger and more resilient.

Li Huang closed his eyes and entered meditation, allowing Qi to circulate throughout his body slowly, following the principles of the technique. His eyes shone with a deepening red glow as spiritual energy flowed through him, his power increasing exponentially with every breath.

Before long, Li Huang had fully mastered the Eternal Emperor's Technique. His body felt an entirely new level of strength—unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Not only had his Qi control improved, but every cell in his body had grown significantly stronger, far beyond his expectations. As he finished his training, morning had already arrived.

Suddenly, a voice called from outside the throne room, interrupting his meditation.

A gentle knock followed the voice of a eunuch, who spoke humbly, "Your Majesty, it is time for you to attend the imperial court meeting."

After calculating his plans in his mind, Li Huang smiled coldly and immediately stepped out of the throne room. The old eunuch waiting outside the door flinched slightly as he saw Li Huang emerge. The white robes Li Huang wore were stained a bright crimson with blood, creating a terrifying sight. His glowing red eyes added to the unsettling atmosphere. The old eunuch's legs trembled, as did the two maids behind him, who quickly lowered their heads, not daring to meet Li Huang's gaze.

Li Huang glanced at them briefly and said in a chilling voice, "Lead the way."

The old eunuch looked up, startled. "Your Majesty... would you like to change your clothes first?"

Li Huang cut him off immediately. "No need. They'll be stained again soon enough. Now, lead the way."

Terrified, the old eunuch quickly bowed his head and led the way to the court meeting. His mind raced with confusion, wondering why he couldn't sense Li Huang's cultivation level. He reminded himself that Li Huang never had any cultivation before, but after witnessing the terrifying aura earlier, he questioned whether this could still be true.

Meanwhile, in the imperial court meeting room, nobles and generals had already gathered. The atmosphere was tense. Several princes were present as well. At the head of the room, adorned with golden drapes and embroidered dragons, sat the former emperor's empress, watching everyone with a sharp gaze. They were all waiting for the emperor.

But no matter how much time passed, Emperor Li Huang had yet to appear.

One of the important officials spoke up in frustration, "Has His Majesty still not arrived?"

Another laughed lightly before speaking mockingly, "What can you expect from someone as worthless as him?"

Several others chuckled, and a general added, "I really don't understand why the emperor chose the useless Eighth Prince over any of the other princes or princesses."

Whispers and murmurs spread throughout the room, some laughing, others nodding in agreement. The air was thick with disdain, and no one seemed to hold any real regard for Li Huang.

Suddenly, the doors of the imperial court burst open with a loud bang, silencing the entire room. All eyes turned toward the entrance, only to see a severed head rolling into the middle of the room. The head came to a stop, blood still pouring from the neck.

As gasps and murmurs of shock began to ripple through the room, everyone turned to the entrance, where someone was walking in. To their astonishment, it was none other than the current emperor of the Heavenly Flame Dynasty, Li Huang.

As Li Huang entered the court, his robes still drenched in blood, the once-white fabric now stained a vivid red. His glowing red eyes were both mesmerizing and terrifying. Every gaze in the room was locked onto him, unable to turn away.

Li Huang looked at the nobles and generals gathered in the room, and with a voice that was cold, commanding, and filled with menace, he asked, "When meeting the emperor, do you not show respect?"

Everyone in the room was left speechless, frozen in shock.