The Western Region

In the Eastern Region, the Dark Shadow Secret Unit swiftly executed their plan, accusing the nobles of colluding with the Sword Empire, the enemy of the Heavenly Flame Empire. This made the takeover of various cities smooth, as the people of the Eastern Region already harbored deep hatred for the Sword Empire. By simply accusing the nobles of conspiring with the Sword Empire, the Dark Shadow Secret Unit faced little resistance, as the citizens already despised their city lords and officials.

The Dark Shadow Secret Unit moved quickly, eliminating the nobles and power holders in each city before they could even defend themselves—dead men tell no tales. The people, seeing the conspiratorial nobles wiped out, further increased their faith in and admiration for Emperor Li Huang, unaware that those nobles had no actual ties to the Sword Empire.

In no time, all 40 cities of the Eastern Region were conquered. Every resource, be it agricultural goods, gold, gems, or even human capital, fell into Li Huang's hands. The Dark Shadow Secret Unit looted the treasuries of the accused nobles, sending a portion of the wealth back to bolster the capital.

To solidify a positive image for Emperor Li Huang, the Dark Shadow Secret Unit announced a one-year tax exemption in the Eastern Region. The citizens of each city rejoiced, praising the emperor for his mercy. They distributed rice, dried food, and essential supplies to the people, further enhancing Li Huang's reputation.

The atmosphere in the Eastern Region became one of joy, with citizens cheering and hailing Li Huang as the leader who had saved them from the corrupt and oppressive nobles. His fame soared, with the people recognizing him as a wise and just emperor. In their eyes, Li Huang became a godlike figure, delivering them from suffering.

Meanwhile, the Dark Shadow Secret Unit continued their mission across the cities, ensuring everything remained under Li Huang's control. They ruthlessly eliminated threats, securing the stability of the Heavenly Flame Empire. They killed anyone, regardless of rank or status, and no one knew of their actions except for Li Huang.

In the Western Region, it was akin to hell on earth for the common folk, but for the nobles and the powerful, it was a paradise. Every city in the region was plagued by famine and despair, with bodies littering the streets, indistinguishable from the living. Many homes were abandoned or in ruins. The citizens faced extreme hardship daily, as the nobles and city lords extorted them through merciless taxation, leaving them with barely enough to survive. Starvation was rampant, and the people were left with no hope.

In one of the city lord's mansions, extravagance and luxury filled the atmosphere. Many women, forced into servitude, had tear-streaked faces as they were made to cater to the whims of the city lord, Zhang Gang. He laughed mockingly as he reached for one of the women, who flinched in fear, her body trembling.

"Crying won't save you," Zhang Gang sneered, pulling her closer as she closed her eyes, resigning herself to her fate.

But just then, the walls exploded with a thunderous roar, shaking the entire room. Zhang Gang's body was flung against the wall, and when the women looked, they saw his head impaled by a spear, blood streaming down the wall and pooling on the floor.

A cold voice echoed through the room, "Zhang Gang, guilty of dereliction of duty, abuse of power, rape, and overtaxation. The sentence is death!"

The city lord's guards, along with Zhang Gang's son, rushed into the room, only to see the women collapsed on the floor, staring in awe at a man in black armor seated atop a horse. His presence exuded a cold, foreboding light beneath his helmet. One of the women sobbed softly, "Thank you for saving us... thank you."

The man in black armor glanced at her and replied indifferently, "Don't thank me. Thank Emperor Li Huang."

Zhang Gang's son, confused and furious, shouted, "Who are you?"

The Black Dragon Cavalry soldier didn't respond. He summoned the spear back with his spirit power, and it flew through the air, piercing the walls and brutally killing the nobles and soldiers in the mansion. The women watching weren't shocked by the sight—they felt a sense of grim satisfaction, knowing the horrors they had endured were far worse than what the men deserved.

The Black Dragon Cavalry soldier dragged Zhang Gang's son and the remaining surviving nobles up to the city lord's chamber wall. He impaled their hands with swords, leaving them hanging from the wall.

Gathering more swords using his spirit power, the soldier tossed them in front of the women who had been abused in the mansion, speaking coldly, "You already know what to do."

The women, though terrified, were consumed by rage and hatred that had long smoldered in their hearts, overpowering any fear. They had suffered too much—coercion, violence, and abuse.

One woman picked up a sword, her hands shaking with fury. She rushed forward and stabbed the blade into Zhang Gang's son, his screams piercing the air, "Aaaaah! You… you!"

More swords followed as the women took turns stabbing the man, one shouting, "This is for my sister!"

Another woman cried out, "This is for my brother! Die!"

The stabbing continued, accompanied by the nobles' and Zhang Gang's son's agonized screams. Their pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears.

"I had nothing to do with it… I never harmed you… please!" another noble begged, but his voice too faded amidst the chaos, drowned out by the thick scent of blood filling the room.

The Black Dragon Cavalry soldier watched as the women stood trembling, their hands covered in the blood of those who had tormented them.

Smiling slightly, he said, "If you want to reclaim control of your lives, in ten days, Emperor Li Huang will hold a selection for the Royal Army of the Heavenly Flame Empire. If you are interested, prepare yourselves. Someone will come to this city for the recruitment."

With those parting words, the soldier rode off swiftly, leaving the women bewildered but profoundly grateful. Some of them collapsed to the floor, bowing low in thanks, while others followed suit.

"Thank you… Thank you, soldier. Thank you, Emperor, for freeing us from this torment."