The Northern Region

In one of the cities in the Western Region, amidst a pile of garbage, the voice of a young boy was heard. "Brother, I'm hungry..." A six-year-old boy turned to his older brother, who was just nine years old.

"Go to sleep for now. When you wake up, there will be plenty of food waiting for you," the older brother said, trying to hold back his tears. He didn't want his younger sibling to realize the hopelessness they were facing.

"But I'm so hungry, I feel like I'm going to die..." the younger boy said, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Just go to sleep. When you wake up, there will be lots of food," the older brother's voice quivered as he spoke, tears starting to flow uncontrollably.

At that moment, the scent of food drifted through the air. A small glimmer of hope flickered in the hearts of the two brothers. They turned toward the source of the smell and saw a kind-looking man in black, standing there with a bowl of hot porridge, offering it to them.

The two boys looked at each other in amazement before speaking in unison, "Thank you, sir."

The younger boy, though drooling at the sight of the food, said, "Brother, you eat first."

The older brother shook his head. "I'm not hungry. You eat."

"But brother..."

Suddenly, the man in black spoke, "If that's not enough, you can have more. The Emperor has sent a large amount of supplies to relieve the famine in the Western Region."

His words were like a beacon of hope shining in the boys' eyes. They cried tears of joy. "Really, sir?"

The man in black smiled gently. "Of course." He patted their heads affectionately. "Eat while it's still hot. Once you're done, you can get more."

The two boys smiled happily, thanking the man in black before eagerly sharing the food. The tears that once fell in despair were now tears of gratitude and joy.

The Black Dragon Cavalry did not stop with just helping these two brothers. They gathered all available resources from the city and handed them over to the Dark Shadow Secret Unit, who distributed the food to the starving citizens and announced a one-year tax exemption. They also provided dry food and essential supplies to the people.

This story wasn't unique to just one city. It spread across 23 other cities in the Western Region. The once hopeless people were now filled with joy, shedding tears of gratitude for the kindness of Emperor Li Huang. The citizens' voices echoed throughout the cities.

"Long live Emperor Li Huang!"

"Long live Emperor Li Huang!"

"Long live Emperor Li Huang!"

These cheers resounded across the Western Region, accompanied by tears of joy flowing endlessly from those who had been saved.

Meanwhile, in the Northern Region, despair and countless corpses littered the land as the attacks from spirit beasts grew fiercer each day. The army, which once numbered 300,000 soldiers, was now reduced to just 120,000. The spirit beasts not only increased in number but also grew stronger. Occasionally, Nirvana-level spirit beasts appeared, making the battles increasingly dire for the stationed soldiers.

Bai Xue, the female general leading the army, stood on the city wall, watching her soldiers fight bravely, though the situation grew more desperate. Her body was severely injured from a battle with a Nirvana-level black panther spirit beast at the fifth stage. Blood from her wounds made her feel weak, but she continued to look at the citizens standing behind the walls, cheering and offering their support to the soldiers.

Bai Xue smiled with pride, gripping her sword tightly, preparing to face the enemy once again. Just then, the black panther lunged toward her with the speed of a shadow. She tried to dodge and raise her sword in defense, but she knew there was no way she could block the attack in time.

But before the panther's claws could reach her throat, a tall man clad in black armor suddenly appeared, striking the panther with lightning speed. His sharp halberd sliced the beast into twelve pieces, and its body collapsed to the ground, lifeless. Bai Xue stared at the man in shock. His face was obscured by a black helmet, but the aura he exuded was overwhelmingly powerful.

"Leave the rest to Emperor Li Huang's Black Dragon Cavalry," the man said firmly and decisively. Behind him, 1,000 soldiers, all clad in the same armor, marched forward with perfect discipline, their auras radiating strength.

Bai Xue watched the man and his army with admiration. The powerful and imposing figure before her was Hei Long. He leapt from the city wall with ease, followed by the Black Dragon Cavalry. Suddenly, a massive black horse with wings appeared in the sky as if it had emerged from thin air. Hei Long mounted the horse swiftly, and the beast radiated the powerful aura of a black dragon, instilling courage and strength in the soldiers fighting below.

The shouts of the Black Dragon Cavalry reverberated across the battlefield as they charged down with incredible speed. Their horses, all of a unique breed with dragon blood, tore through the spirit beasts without mercy. Their attacks were swift and devastating, wiping out the invading spirit beasts with relentless efficiency.

Bai Xue, still standing on the city wall, watched the battle with awe and newfound hope. "Emperor Li Huang…" she whispered, smiling with relief.

The assault by the Black Dragon Cavalry continued, and the city's soldiers, who had once been hopeless, were reinvigorated, joining the fight alongside the cavalry. The tide of battle began to turn. The appearance of the Black Dragon Cavalry not only salvaged the situation but also reignited hope and courage in everyone in the Northern Region.

The sound of the army and the cheers of the people echoed throughout the city. The flame of hope in the hearts of the Northern people had been rekindled once again.