I already don't like any of this!

Time slowed down as I fell, the lion's claws filling my vision.

All my careful planning, all my academic theories about feline behavior patterns, and I was about to be taken out by a loose rock. But then something unexpected happened - Hercules' body moved on its own, pure muscle memory taking over where scholarly knowledge failed.

I rolled to the side just as those massive claws slashed through the space where my head had been. The lion's own momentum carried it past me, giving me precious seconds to scramble back to my feet.

My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it over the lion's roars.

"Change of plans!" I shouted to Iolaus, ducking behind a boulder as the lion wheeled around for another attack. "Forget the tire-it-out strategy - we need to try the holds now!" The lion was too close, too aggressive.

We couldn't risk waiting any longer.

The beast charged again, but this time I was ready.