As the lion leaped toward us, we did something completely insane - we ran straight at it. The beast was so surprised by our sudden charge that it actually hesitated for a split second, which was all we needed.
Instead of trying to grapple with its fur from above, I dove low, rolling underneath its massive body.
"The throat!" I shouted to Iolaus as I came up behind the lion. "Its fur pattern changes at the throat!" In all our careful study of the lion's golden coat, we'd missed the most obvious thing - the fur under its chin grew in a different direction, creating a natural weak point.
The lion spun around faster than anything its size should be able to move, but now I was ready. As it turned, I grabbed its mane, using the momentum to swing myself onto its back. The leather grips worked perfectly, letting me hold on as the beast tried to shake me off.