Chapter 155: It begins

" Greetings Noble Successor Candidates of The Holy Ruberion Empire and the Representatives of their Respected Patheons, We will be starting The Second Stage of the Successor Program, The First Test "

The Vice Administrator Yang spoke out while holding The Ball.

She placed the Ball at the Center of the Alheimir Forest when she Transported all the Successor Candidates according to their teams to the end of the Forest Facing both sides when she held a whistle.

The Team A were seen dressed well for the First Test, Securing the Ball is the First Step!!

Rey Castle could be seen smiling brightly while stretching his leg, Ramsey Dragonuv remained calm while standing firmly meanwhile The Assasin King Nasir Helmud was smiling throughout this period.

Once the Vice Administrator Yang blows the whistle, The First Test will begin and The Test will be ending in Seven Days regardless of what happens, Until the end of the Test, Anyone who holds the Ball wins.