The First Day of the Second Stage's First Test went with Team A holding the Ball, Unleashing the Formation that they already prepared, Alucard Tepez and The Assasin King Nasir Helmud are both on Defense.
While Ramsey Dragonuv and The God of Shadows Zenith are both on offense.
Rey Castle could be seen sipping from a bottle of wine on his hand when he smiled, He is currently sitted in a room with only his Two Protectors standing before him, They had their eyes fixed on him.
" The First Day of the Test went by so we just have six more days to survive with the ball right? Considering the Silence of Team B....They want us to hold the ball for them until they want it back " Rey Castle said.
He drank from the bottle of wine when he yawned.
" What are you planning on doing boss? The Formation Is kept in place while the Assasin King holds the Ball, She is the Swiftest so it won't be able to drive her into a corner and Completely demolish her "