I’m Back


I woke up the day of the engagement party, the day everything was set in motion. The day I was supposed to become Callum's fiancée, locking myself into a future I no longer wanted.

But this time… this time, I have a choice.

I sit up in bed, the silk sheets slipping down my body as I push myself to my feet. The room feels colder than usual, or maybe that's just the weight of my decision sinking in. My fingers shake as I touch the engagement ring still on my finger, the glittering diamond heavy with expectation. 

Callum had courted me for three years, always playing the role of the perfect suitor, the perfect businessman. And for three years, I convinced myself that this was the path I had to take.

My father's last dying wish, that I marry before I turn twenty-five to secure our family's fortune, has been hanging over me like a noose. Callum was the obvious choice as they approved of him before their car accident. Cold, emotionless, but powerful. The perfect match for someone like me, or so I thought.

But not anymore.

I pull the ring from my finger, holding it between my thumb and forefinger, the weight of it lighter than I remember. It feels like nothing compared to the decisions I'm about to make.

I glance at the clock. I have just enough time to get ready before the party starts. Before my engagement is officially announced to the world.

Only this time, there won't be an announcement.

The first time we announced the engagement, I wore a dress my late mother would have approved of: soft, demure and modest. A reflection of the perfect little heiress, obedient to the expectations placed on me. 

But I'm done being that person. Today, I'm dressing for myself, not for Callum or anyone else.

I stand in front of my closet, scanning the rows of dresses. The one I wore last time; a pale blue gown, delicate lace trim, is hanging there like a ghost. I push it aside and keep looking until I find what I want: a sleek, red satin dress.

It hugs every curve, low-cut, with a slit high enough to catch anyone's attention. It's bold. It's sexy and it's the kind of dress that will have people talking.

Perfect. Old Riley would never do sexy; but old Riley was naive and believed in romance. My anger is fueling me now, and those who did me wrong will pay.

I slide into the dress, the fabric smooth against my skin, and step into my heels. The woman staring back at me in the mirror is different: fierce, unapologetic, ready for what's coming.

My hair falls in loose waves, not the prim updo I had the first time. My makeup is heavier, more striking. I look powerful, like a woman who knows what she wants. Like a woman who's about to take back control of her life.

I smile to myself, my heart pounding with anticipation. Tonight is going to be different. Tonight, I'm walking out of this mess on my terms.

The party is already in full swing when I arrive. The ballroom is packed with people, all of them sipping champagne and gossiping about the latest business deals, their eyes occasionally flicking toward me as I enter. I can feel the stares, the murmurs as I glide through the room. 

But I don't care. Let them talk. I'm no longer the old Riley, that woman literally died in her wedding dress.

I spot Callum across the room, deep in conversation with a group of executives. He hasn't seen me yet, but Bianca has.

She's standing just a few feet away from him, her eyes widening in shock as she takes in my appearance. Her perfect smile falters for just a moment, and I can practically see the wheels turning in her head. I've caught her off guard. 


Bianca's always been the type to blend into Callum's life, slipping into every crack of his world with ease. She played the loyal ex and PA, the shadow in his life that I was always supposed to tolerate. But I know her for what she really is. She's evil and ruthless. I know now that she was the one who wanted me gone.

I meet her gaze with a smirk, enjoying the way her jaw tightens.

Callum finally notices me as well. His eyes roam over my body, and I can tell he's surprised, maybe even a little impressed. But there's confusion there, too. I can see it in the way his brow furrows, the way his mouth presses into a thin line.

"Riley," he says, his voice low, polite, but with an edge of curiosity. "You look … different."

I raise an eyebrow. "Different how?"

He pauses for a moment, glancing at the people around us, clearly aware of the attention we're drawing. "I didn't expect … that dress."

I smile, but there's no warmth in it. "It's a special night, isn't it? I thought I'd dress for the occasion."

Callum's eyes narrow slightly, but he doesn't push it. Instead, he gestures toward the stage at the front of the ballroom, where a microphone stands waiting. "We should start. Everyone's waiting."

"Are they?" I murmur, mostly to myself, but I follow him anyway. My pulse quickens as we make our way toward the stage, but it's not from nerves—it's from excitement.

This is it.

Callum steps up to the microphone, his voice smooth as he begins his speech. He talks about legacy, about partnership, about the future of our families and what this union will mean for the business world. It's all so perfectly rehearsed that it almost makes me laugh. 

He hasn't mentioned love once. Not that I expected him to.

"And now," Callum says, turning to me, "I'd like to officially announce my engagement to Riley…"

But before he can finish, I step forward, cutting him off.

"I've changed my mind."