Revenge Is Sweet


The room falls silent. Callum blinks, clearly taken aback, but he recovers quickly. "What are you talking about?"

"I said," I repeat, louder this time, "I've changed my mind. I'm not marrying you, Callum."

A gasp ripples through the crowd. I can feel their eyes on me, but I don't care. This is my moment.

Callum stares at me, his eyes narrowing. I can see the calculation happening behind those cold green eyes. 

"Riley," he says, his voice low and controlled, "this isn't funny. Stop this nonsense and—"

"I'm dead serious," I cut him off again, not flinching under his sharp gaze. "I'm not marrying you, Callum. I'm done being your perfect little heiress."

I reach up and tug the engagement ring off my finger. The heavy diamond catches the light as I hold it up for everyone to see, as if it's some kind of trophy. But to me, it's nothing. Just a symbol of the life I've been shackled to.

"Here," I say, flicking the ring toward him. It lands at his feet with a soft clink, the sound audible but deafening in the stunned silence of the room. "You can keep it. I don't need it."

Callum's face hardens, the flicker of surprise quickly replaced by cold anger. His jaw tightens, and for a moment, I wonder if he's going to lash out, his composure slipping. But he stays still, his eyes locked on mine.

He looks down at the ring, his expression a mask of disbelief. "Riley, what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago," I say, my voice calm but firm. "I'm walking away from you."

The shock in his eyes is clear, but it's the confusion that really strikes me. He doesn't understand, he never did. To him, I was always just a piece of the puzzle, a means to an end. He never saw me as anything more

"I don't understand," he finally says, his voice low and cold. "This isn't a joke, Riley. We've talked about this. We've—"

"No, Callum, you talked," I cut him off, my voice firm. "I listened. I agreed to things I never wanted. But not anymore. I've made my decision."

I can feel the eyes of everyone in the room looking at us, the whispers growing louder now. I know people are trying to figure out if this is real, if I've just thrown the biggest social grenade imaginable. God, maybe I have. But for the first time, I feel like I'm in control.

From the corner of my eye, I see Bianca. Her face is pale, her lips slightly parted in disbelief. She's standing near Callum, just like she always is; his shadow, his ever-faithful follower. But this time, there's no pity in her eyes, no fake sympathy. Instead, there's something else...something like fear.

"Riley…" Bianca steps forward, her voice sickly sweet, trying to smooth things over. "Are you sure about this? You'll be making a big mistake—"

"The only mistake I made was staying for so long," I turn to her, my eyes hard. "I've thought about it, and I'm done playing your games. You want Callum so badly? You can have him now."

Her eyes widen in shock, and she glances at Callum, who's still standing frozen, his fists clenched at his sides. He's furious, but he won't make a scene here, not in front of all these people.

"Riley, don't do this," Callum says, his voice dropping into something close to a warning. His face shifts from surprise to irritation, his sharp features hardening. "You're making a mistake."

I take a step toward him, my heels clicking on the marble floor, the sound sharp and purposeful. I don't back down. Not anymore.

"No, the mistake was thinking I had no choice," I say, my voice steady even though I am shaking. "You've never treated me like a partner, just a piece of the puzzle you needed for your empire. But I'm not just an accessory to your life. I refuse to be known as just Callum Hawthorne's wife."

Callum's eyes darken, his face settling into that cold, unfeeling mask he wears so well. He closes the distance between us; his voice lowering so that only I can hear.

"You think you're walking away from this?" he asks, his tone dripping with warning. "You think I'll let you?"

"Let me?" I laugh in his face and I meet his gaze, and the fire that burns inside me makes me feel stronger than I've ever felt before. "That's cute. I'm already gone, Callum. Enjoy your life."

His fingers twitch, like he's fighting the urge to grab me, to stop me. I can see the struggle behind his eyes. Losing control in front of so many powerful people—it's not something he ever expected. 

And losing me? That's a blow to his pride.

I step back, turning on my heel, and head for the exit. My heart is pounding in my chest, but I don't look back. I don't stop. I've said what I needed to say.

The moment I step out of the ballroom, the cold night air hits me as the flashes of cameras explode around me. Paparazzi have gathered outside the event, waiting for a glimpse of the perfect couple. But what they're about to capture is far from perfect.

"Riley! Miss King!" voices shout from every direction. "What happened inside?"

"Are you still engaged?"

"Where's Callum?"

The questions blur together, but I don't stop to answer. I let them take their pictures. Let them capture this moment. This is the first step toward my freedom, toward reclaiming my life. They can speculate all they want.

I don't stop until I reach the black car waiting for me, the one that had been reserved for us after the party. But now, it's just for me. I slide into the back seat, my pulse still racing, and slam the door shut behind me.

Through the tinted window, I can still see the flashes of the cameras, still hear the distant voices shouting my name. But I also catch a glimpse of the entrance to the ballroom. Callum stands there, his hands clenched at his sides, his face pale with fury and shock. Bianca hovers close to him, her hand resting lightly on his arm like she's already moved in to claim what's left of him.

Good luck with that.

The car pulls away from the curb, the city lights blurring as we speed down the street. My breath catches in my throat as the adrenaline slowly begins to wear off, and the reality of what I've just done sinks in. I've just walked away from my engagement, from the life I was supposed to have. I've just destroyed everything.

And yet, for the first time, I feel free.

I lean back against the seat, my hands trembling as I process the magnitude of what's happened. My mind is racing, thoughts swirling around faster than I can keep up with. But one thought sticks out above the rest.

I'm not the old Riley anymore. I'm not the girl who just lets life happen to her. I've been given a second chance, and I'm going to take it. I'm going to make my own choices, even if it means burning down everything in my path.

A sharp knock on the window jolts me from my thoughts. The driver leans down, looking through the glass. "Where to, miss?"

I take a deep breath and look down at my phone, at the messages waiting for me. There's one name that stands out: Damien Frost.

I smile to myself. I know where I'm going.

"Take me to the Arcadia," I say, my voice steady, filled with resolve.

The driver nods, and the car pulls away again, leaving the chaos behind. I don't know what's going to happen next, but I do know one thing.

I'm not going back to the life Callum wanted for me. I'm taking control now, and no one, not Callum, not Bianca, can stop me.

I'm on my way to make a deal with the devil.