White Roses


The kiss with Riley keeps replaying in my mind, even days later. There's something about it, about her, that I can't shake. It was supposed to be part of the deal, nothing more than a planned move to seal our arrangement. 

But the moment our lips touched, it became more than that. The heat between us was undeniable, fierce in a way I hadn't expected. And now, I can't stop thinking about it and how much I wanted it to be more than a kiss.

I lean back in my office chair, staring out at the city skyline, my mind drifting back to the night at the restaurant. Riley King isn't just a pawn in some scheme to ruin Callum—she's far more than that. 

I've seen ambition before, but the way she carries herself, the sharpness in her eyes, it's different. There's a ruthlessness there, just beneath the surface, that matches mine.

How the hell did Callum let her slip through his fingers?

For years, I watched her by his side, always so quiet, so perfect. I assumed she was just another pretty face, another woman there to enhance Callum's image. But I was wrong. She's far more than that. 

The way she approached me, the way she offered me the information on Ryker—she's not just playing the game. She's rewriting the rules.

I smirk to myself, knowing Callum must have seen the news by now. I can only imagine the look on his face when he saw those photos—Riley and me, kissing for the whole world to see. 

It's poetic, really. The fucker always thought he was untouchable, that everything would go his way. But now? He's realizing that I've taken the one thing he thought he had complete control over. And not just a business deal, its Riley King.

I'm going to fucking ruin her for anyone else, that's for sure.

I turn my chair away from the window, my smirk widening as I think about what Callum's next move will be. He's not the type to sit back quietly. He'll retaliate, but he's too blinded by his ego to play it smart. He'll try something, and when he does, I'll be ready.

The thought of it amuses me, but my mind quickly shifts back to Riley. She's not just a weapon to use against Callum. She's more than that. I've met countless women in my life, but none of them have intrigued me the way she does. 

She's sharp, intelligent, and seemingly just as ruthless as I am. It's a rare combination, and I can't help but wonder how deep that ambition runs. How far is she willing to go?

The idea of finding out is … tempting.

I pick up my phone and send a quick message to my assistant. "Send a dozen white roses to Riley King's penthouse. Include an invitation for lunch this Sunday at The Madison."

My thumb hovers over the send button for a moment before I press it. I'm not asking her on a date—this is business. But the thought of spending more time with her, of watching the way her mind works, the way she maneuvers through our arrangement, it's appealing. She's unpredictable, and I like that.

I can already picture her reaction when she receives the flowers. She'll know exactly what I'm doing. She's too smart not to see it, but I wonder how she'll respond. Will she play along, or will she push back?

I glance at my phone, waiting for confirmation that the flowers have been sent, and lean back in my chair again, thoughts still swirling around Riley. Callum didn't appreciate her—clearly. He let her slip through his fingers because he was too busy focusing on himself, on his empire, to see the power she held. That's where we're different. I see it. I see her.

And now she's mine, at least for the time being.

The door to my office opens, and my second-in-command, Alexei, steps inside, his face impassive as always. He nods in greeting before sitting down across from me.

"Any updates?" I ask, shifting gears. I can't let my mind linger on Riley for too long. I still have business to run, and Callum's next move is something I need to be prepared for.

He nods. "We've been monitoring Callum's communications. He's furious, but we haven't seen any concrete action yet. He's keeping a tight circle around him, probably trying to figure out how you managed to undercut him with Ryker."

I smile at that. "Good. Let him stew in it. He'll make a move soon, and when he does, we'll be ready."

Nikolai's expression doesn't change, but I can tell he's amused. He's been with me long enough to know how I operate. 

"And what about Riley?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. "I saw the news. You're making quite the statement."

I chuckle, leaning forward. "Riley is … interesting. She's not just a pretty face I'm parading around. She's more ambitious than I expected, and wants to see Callum fall as badly as I do. I think this arrangement will benefit both of us."

Alexei nods, but there's a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "You think she's in it for more than revenge against Callum?"

I pause for a moment, considering the question. "She wants power. She wants control over her own life. I think, for now, that aligns with what I'm offering her. But she's not someone who will settle for just being a figurehead."

He leans back in his chair, nodding. "Smart. But dangerous, too. She could be a wildcard."

"Wildcards can be useful," I say with a smirk. "If you know how to play them."

He doesn't argue, and I know he understands. Alexei knows how I operate. Riley is a risk, sure, but she's also an opportunity. And if there's one thing I know how to do, it's how to turn opportunities into power.

Alexei rises to leave, but before he goes, he glances back at me. "And what about Callum? Do you think he'll try to use her against you?"

My smirk fades slightly. Callum doesn't have that kind of leverage anymore. Not with Riley. "No. She's already made her choice."

When he leaves, I return to my thoughts, my fingers drumming lightly on the desk. Callum's next move will come soon, but right now, my thoughts are still on Riley. That kiss. The way her lips felt against mine. There's something electric between us, something I didn't expect.

I glance at my phone again, wondering if she's received the flowers yet. I can't help but smile at the thought of her reaction. Will she roll her eyes, or will she be intrigued? Either way, she's not someone who's easily swayed by gestures like that, but I know she'll appreciate the game we're playing.

My phone buzzes, and I glance down at the confirmation text from my assistant. The flowers have been sent, and the invitation is on its way. Sunday's lunch will be the next step in our little arrangement, but part of me is looking forward to it more than I expected.

I can't quite explain why, but there's something about Riley that gets under my skin in a way no one else has. She's sharp, driven, and just as ruthless as I am. And for the first time in a long time, I'm curious to see where this will lead.

Whatever happens next, one thing is certain—this isn't just about Callum anymore. Riley is something else entirely, and I'm more than ready to see how far she's willing to go.