The Luncheon


I arrive at the restaurant for the luncheon Damien invited me to, feeling a mix of confidence and nerves. I've prepared myself for this, dressed in a fitted black dress that clings to my body in all the right places, my hair pinned up elegantly. 

But as I step out of the car, something tightens in my chest. This isn't just any casual meeting. This is a calculated move, and every eye will be on us the moment we walk in.

The flowers had been my first surprise. A dozen white roses, pristine and beautiful, arrived at my penthouse along with Damien's message. Callum never sent me flowers. Not once in all the years we were together, yet Damien did. 

The thought lingers in my mind as I make my way through the entrance, knowing full well this is more than just a power play. It's a game—and I intend to win.

As I enter the restaurant, my gaze immediately lands on him. Damien's already waiting for me near the entrance, leaning casually against the hostess stand. The second he spots me, a slow, dangerous smirk tugs at the corner of his lips, and for a moment, my heart stutters. 

He really is dangerously sexy, and that smirk of his? It's like he knows exactly the effect he has on me. Damn him.

I walk toward him, forcing myself to keep my steps steady, even as my pulse races. The way his eyes rake over me, like I'm the only person in the room, sends a jolt through me. He pushes off the stand, coming to meet me halfway, his voice low and smooth as he speaks.

"Beautiful as usual, Ms King," Damien says, offering his arm to me.

I take it, my hand sliding into the crook of his elbow as we walk inside together. The murmurs start almost immediately. I can feel the weight of the other guests' eyes on us, their whispers buzzing around the room like static. 

Everyone is watching—just like we wanted.

We move through the restaurant, and that's when I see them—Callum and Bianca, standing near one of the tables. Bianca, with her perfectly manicured nails gripping Callum's arm like she's already claimed him, and Callum with that usual stoic expression of his. 

His eyes land on me, darkening as he takes in the sight of me on Damien's arm. Bianca's eyes follow his, and when she sees me, a smug smirk curves on her lips. Like she's already won.

I force myself to ignore them. I'm not here for them. But the tension in the air is palpable, and I know it's only a matter of time before Callum makes his move. I can feel his gaze burning into me, and despite my best efforts to keep my head high, my chest tightens.

Damien leans in slightly, his voice just for me. "Ignore them."

I nod, but I know it's easier said than done. We make our way to our reserved table, but just as we're about to sit, I hear Callum's voice.


I turn slowly, steeling myself for whatever comes next. Callum steps forward, his eyes cold as he looks between me and Damien. Bianca trails after him, her smile tight and calculating.

"I didn't expect to see you here," Callum says, his voice deceptively calm, though there's an edge to it.

Damien doesn't even flinch, a casual smirk still plastered on his face as he glances at Callum. "Well, I didn't expect to see you either, but here we are."

Callum's jaw tightens, but he doesn't bite back immediately. Instead, his eyes narrow, zeroing in on Damien. He's calculating, trying to figure out how to handle this, how to regain control of a situation that's already slipping away from him.

"You always did like taking things that don't belong to you, didn't you, Frost?"

Damien laughs softly, the sound dripping with amusement rather than anger. "What can I say? If someone's careless enough to let something valuable slip through their fingers, they don't deserve to have it in the first place."

"Funny," Callum says, his voice tightening. "I thought you'd have more important things to do than parade Riley around town like some prize."

Damien chuckles softly, clearly unfazed. "You see, Callum, that's where you're wrong. I'm not parading her around. I'm showing her exactly where she belongs."

Bianca lets out a scoff, stepping closer to Callum's side. "Please. Riley's always been good at pretending to fit in. I guess some habits die hard."

Her words are soft, but the venom behind them is unmistakable. I feel a sharp sting in my chest, but before I can respond, Damien speaks up, his voice cold and controlled.

"You know, Bianca," Damien says, his eyes flicking toward her, "I think it's best if you stick to your role as Callum's accessory. Leave the conversation to the adults."

Bianca's face flushes red, and she opens her mouth to snap back, but Callum quickly places a hand on her arm, stopping her. The tension between the four of us thickens, and for a moment, I'm sure it's going to erupt into something ugly. But Damien remains calm, completely unbothered by Callum's anger or Bianca's insults.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Damien," Callum grinds out.

Damien's smirk never falters. "I'm aware. But I always play to win."

For a long moment, he just stares at Damien, his eyes flashing with barely contained rage. It's the same look I've seen in him countless times before, the one he uses to intimidate people, to make them back down. But it doesn't work on Damien. Not even a little.

Without another word, Callum turns his gaze to me, his expression hard. "Riley, you don't have to do this."

I meet his stare, my heart pounding in my chest. He never defended me to Bianca. He never stood up for me. But Damien? He cut Bianca down in one sentence without even thinking twice. The realization hits me hard, and something shifts inside me.

"I'm not doing anything I don't want to do," I say, my voice steady. "You made your choices, Callum. Now I'm making mine."

Callum's jaw tightens, and for a moment, I see something flash in his eyes—something like regret. But it's gone just as quickly as it came.

Damien places a hand on the small of my back, guiding me away from them. "Let's leave them to their sulking, shall we?"

Without waiting for a response, Damien leads me toward our table, leaving Callum and Bianca standing there, speechless. I can feel Callum's eyes on me as we walk away, but I don't turn back. I don't owe him anything anymore.

My heart is still pounding in my chest, the adrenaline from the confrontation surging through me. Damien is watching me closely, his expression calm but curious.

"You handled that well," he says, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I had help," I reply, offering him a small smile.

His eyes flicker with something I can't quite place, and for a moment, the intensity of his gaze makes my pulse quicken again. "You don't need help. You just need to remember who you are."

I blink at him, surprised by the comment. He says it so casually, but there's a weight to his words that lingers.

"And who am I, Mr Frost?" I ask, curious.

Damien's gaze never leaves mine as he responds. "You're someone who's learning how to take control. Someone who's finally stepping out of the shadows. And I have a feeling you're just getting started."


"And, you're mine."

For a moment, I'm not sure how to respond. He sees something in me, something I'm only just beginning to understand myself. It's both terrifying and exhilarating.

My mind keeps drifting back to Callum and Bianca, to the way Damien stood up for me without hesitation, the way he didn't let their insults affect him. It's something Callum never did for me. He always let Bianca have the upper hand, always let her belittle me without stepping in.

But Damien? He shut her down with a single sentence. And as much as I tell myself this is just a business arrangement, I can't help but feel a strange warmth in my chest at the thought of it.

This might have started as a business deal, but it's quickly becoming something far more dangerous. For both of us.