
After what Selene told to Null, Null was in deep thought but still couldn't decide. Then Selene told him, "Listen carefully, Null. I can understand why you are hesitating for this. When I saw you for the first time, I saw my younger self in you, and I can get why you don't want to protect those upper-world people. If I were you, I think I would also have done the same."

Then Selene told proudly, "Null, if you don't want to do this for others, do it for yourself. You can understand what I am trying to say: to live in this cruel world, you have to be selfish."

Null stood still, contemplating her words. The idea felt foreign, yet it sparked something within him—a conflict he hadn't acknowledged before. He had always been taught to prioritize others, to bear the weight of their expectations. But was it truly selfish to want something for himself?

Selene continued, sensing his inner turmoil. "You deserve to live for your own sake, to fight for what you want. There's strength in that."

The silence stretched, and Null's heart raced. Could he really embrace this new perspective? What would it mean for him and those he cared about?

"Take your time to think," Selene encouraged, her voice gentle. "But remember, you have the power to choose your own path. Don't let fear dictate your decisions."

Still, Null didn't know what to say or decide. He was just opening his mouth when Selene cut him off in the middle and said, "Let's leave this topic for now; you still have time." She looked around, her expression shifting to one of enthusiasm. "How about we take a break and enjoy some dinner together?"

Null hesitantly agreed. "Sure."

"There's still time for dinner, so do you want to explore this world?" Selene asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yes," Null replied.

Then, as they walked, Selene pointed out various landmarks, explaining the significance of each place. Null was amazed to see these structures, each radiating an aura of history and purpose. "Is that a school?" he asked, pointing at a grand building adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to tell a story of their own.

Selene smiled and nodded, pride evident in her voice. "Yes, there are many schools in this underground world, Aetheris. In these schools, they are trained to fight the INVERSIANS."

Null furrowed his brow, curiosity piqued. "Inversians?"

Selene replied, "We named the otherworldly creatures as INVERSIANS. They pose a significant threat to our existence, and understanding them is crucial for our survival."

"Are all the otherworld creatures same like that wolf" null asked.

Selene replied,"No, they are categorized according to their power or threat they possessed."

After hearing about the INVERSIANS, Null asked, "Did you also study in these schools?"

Selene's gaze shifted away, and she replied quietly, "No." Her voice was barely above a whisper, and for a moment, the silence felt heavy between them.

Not wanting to dwell on the subject, Null chose to redirect the conversation. "Where are we going to eat dinner? Are you going to cook?"

Selene shook her head with a light laugh. "No, we're going to a restaurant."

"Restaurant?" Null echoed, his tone flat. "There are also restaurants here?"

Selene nodded, her enthusiasm contrasting sharply with Null's demeanor. "Yes, Aetheris has some great places to eat. The food is different from what you might expect."

"Different how?" he asked, curiosity piquing slightly, though his expression remained impassive.

"It's rich in flavors and unique ingredients, unlike anything from the surface," Selene explained, her eyes lighting up. "I think you'll find it interesting."

Null simply replied, "Interesting. Let's see."

As they walked, Null's gaze was drawn to a large, blue, mirror-like object. It shimmered under the artificial light, creating an aura of mystery and danger. This was no ordinary mirror; it pulsed with energy, as if it were alive. Guarded by hundreds of Awakeners, the atmosphere around it felt charged, heavy with anticipation. Null turned to Selene, his voice steady but laced with curiosity. "What is that thing, and why is it under such tight security?"

Before Selene could explain, the portal erupted into a blinding glow, capturing the attention of everyone nearby. The air crackled with tension as a collective gasp echoed through the crowd. Null felt a knot form in his stomach, a mix of dread and intrigue. What lay beyond that glowing threshold? The moment hung suspended in time.

Suddenly, figures began to stumble out of the portal, each one appearing gravely injured. They looked like shadows of themselves, their eyes hollow and filled with pain. The sight was jarring, a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond. A chill ran down Null's spine as he watched them, a surge of adrenaline pumping through his veins. This was no simple matter; something significant was happening.

Then, from within the radiant light, a young girl emerged. Her silver-white hair flowed like liquid moonlight, and her black, glowing eyes radiated an intensity that captivated everyone around her. She moved with a grace that seemed otherworldly, and for a moment, the world around Null faded away. It was as if she were a goddess descended from the heavens, embodying both beauty and strength.

The crowd fell silent, awe-struck by her presence. Even Null felt his breath catch in his throat as he stared at her, unable to look away. Suddenly, that young girl looked at Null as see was searching something important. When their eyes finally locked, an electric current surged through him. In that instant, something stirred deep within his chest—an unfamiliar warmth that felt almost foreign. It was a sensation he had never experienced before, a mixture of longing and recognition that left him breathless.

For the first time, Null felt something ignite inside him, a flicker of hope against the cold void he had known for so long. It was as if she had reached into his heart and pulled out the shadows, revealing a glimmer of light. The intensity of the connection overwhelmed him, leaving him vulnerable yet intrigued. What was it about this girl that drew him in so completely? As he stood there, grappling with this newfound emotion, he couldn't help but wonder what path lay ahead.