The Astral Glass

Null felt a strange sensation stirring within him, something he had never experienced before. It was as if a flicker of warmth had ignited in his heart, an unfamiliar feeling that made him both confused and flushed. He was captivated by the sight of the beautiful young girl with stunning features, white silver hair cascading down her back, and striking black eyes that seemed to draw him in. For a moment, the world around him faded, and he couldn't understand why he was so entranced.

After a brief silence, Selene broke through his reverie. "What happened? Is anything wrong?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Null didn't respond, his gaze still fixed on the girl as she moved closer to a group of injured individuals. Selene observed him carefully, a hint of amusement in her expression. "Hmm, what are you looking at, young boy?"

He remained silent but finally found his voice. "Who is she? Why is she coming out of the portal?"

Selene smirked, enjoying his curiosity. "First of all, the portal you're talking about is the Astral Glass. It is an ethereal mirror that serves as the portal between worlds. The beautiful young girl you see is Theia, a fellow Riftwalker. Even we both are Riftwalkers there is a very high difference in our abilities . As well as, she has a high ranking among the awakeners. She has a remarkable gift, just like you."

As Selene spoke, Theia knelt by the injured, her presence radiating a calm yet powerful energy. Null felt an inexplicable pull toward her, a yearning to understand this new emotion welling up inside him.

Null took a deep breath, forcing himself to focus and suppress the bewildering emotions coursing through him. He turned to Selene, curiosity replacing his confusion. "What exactly is a Riftwalker?"

Selene regarded him with a serious expression. "After becoming awakened, your abilities and capabilities determine the rank you are assigned. Being a Riftwalker is the most respected position, but it also comes with the highest level of danger. It's not just a profession; it's a commitment to protecting our worlds."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in. "To be a Riftwalker, one must possess a very strong soul. Ordinary souls cannot traverse between portals; otherwise, they would be varnished, lost to the void forever."

Null listened intently, the weight of her explanation settling on him. "So, it's not just about power. It's about survival?"

"Exactly," Selene confirmed. "Riftwalkers face the most formidable challenges, battling creatures from other worlds. Their strength and resolve are constantly tested. It's a path fraught with peril, but also one filled with purpose."

As she spoke, Null's mind raced with possibilities, a mix of fear and excitement at the thought of becoming something more than just an observer in this hidden world.

Selene was still explaining when Null suddenly cut her off, a determined look on his face. "I have decided."

Selene watched him with curiosity. "What have you decided?"

"To be an Awakener," Null stated firmly.

Selene asked "And why do you suddenly want to be an Awakener?"

Null replied firmly "For my selfish reasons". The real reason behind null acting this way was he wanted to know what this uneasiness feeling is that he had never felt and to know it he have to get closer to Theia.

A smile spread across Selene's face, but she didn't say anything. "It's not going to be easy."

Null locked eyes with her, his expression unyielding, silently affirming his resolve.

After a moment, Selene suggested, "Let's go for dinner for now."

As they made their way to dinner, Selene continued to elaborate on the roles of Awakeners.

"There are several key positions among them," she explained. "Riftwalkers are at the forefront, traveling between worlds and facing the most dangerous threats. Then we have Wardens, who serve as guardians—think of them as the law enforcement of the upper world."

Selene glanced at Null to gauge his reaction. "Defenders are Awakeners tasked with entering the upper world to eliminate Inversians and protect the people. They're essential for maintaining order and safety."

"Vanguards are similar to Riftwalkers, but they focus more on leading the charge in battles against the Inversians. They are the frontline fighters," Selene replied.

She continued, "These roles are assigned based on an individual's soul strength and the abilities that best fit them. However, not all Awakeners possess powerful souls. Those with lesser abilities may find themselves in roles like scouts, researchers, mentors, or even administrators. Every position is vital in maintaining the balance."

Null listened intently, absorbing the information as he considered what role he might fit into.

After their conversation, they arrived at the restaurant, which was bustling with activity. Null had never been to a place like this before; it was his first experience in such an environment.

As they entered, Selene confidently approached the counter and ordered their food. Null stood nearby, taking in the scene around him. He was shocked to see so many people gathered in one place. "Are all these people Awakeners?" he asked, his eyes wide.

Selene shook her head, smiling. "No, there isn't any law that requires one to be awakened to live in the underground world. Many people lead normal lives here."

Null nodded, processing this new information. Then, with curiosity bubbling up again, he asked, "You're a Riftwalker. Why were you in the upper world earlier? Isn't that the job of the Defenders?"

Selene regarded him thoughtfully. "Yes, that task is typically carried out by Defenders. However, we Riftwalkers have a unique privilege: we can go to the upper world, but we must remain anonymous."

"Anonymous?" Null echoed, intrigued.

Selene leaned closer, lowering her voice slightly. "Haven't you seen videos or photos of people using supernatural powers on social media?"

Null frowned. "Yes, but I thought those were fake."

"Not at all," Selene replied, her expression serious. "They're very real. We've done everything we can to keep that information contained, but it has spread despite our efforts."

Null's mind raced with the implications of her words. The world above was far more complex than he had imagined.