
28.The Divine Mockery: Seven Fools

Oh, Pride, you come first, don't you

Of course, you do—how could you not?

The king of kings, the one who stands tallest—

at least, in your own mind.

Did you build this world,Pride?

Did you shape the stars with your hands,

or was that just the reflection of your ego

stretching too far across the sky?

Tell me, when you look down from the tower,

do you see anything but yourself?

Ah, but don't worry—

when you fall, the ground will greet you kindly.

It's been waiting for you all along.

And Envy, there you are,

always lurking in someone else's shadow.

Do you even know what you want,

or is it just easier to want what others have?

How exhausting it must be,

to never be satisfied with your own life,

to chase after everything that isn't yours,

like a dog snapping at the heels of strangers.

Do you think taking what others have

will make you whole?

Oh, sweet Envy,

you'll always be hungry,

and nothing will ever fill you.

Wrath, oh yes, here you come,

burning so brightly, so fiercely.

DO you feel powerful when you scream,

when you tear things apart with your rage?

Do you feel like you're in control,

as the fire consumes everything?

But tell me—when the flames die down,

when the ashes settle—

what are you left with?

Ah, nothing but smoke and ruin.

Well done, Wrath, you've destroyed it all.

Are you satisfied now? No?

Funny, I didn't think so.

Sloth, oh, you're here too?

How surprising—you actually showed up.

But I see you've brought your usual friend,

Laziness, haven't you?

Tell me, Sloth, what have you achieved

with all your sitting and waiting?

Have the fruits of your labor blossomed,

or did you forget to plant the seeds?

Ah, you thought the world would build itself,

didn't you?

You thought time would bend to your will,

but look around—nothing grows in your shadow.

Good luck with that, Sloth, good luck.

Greed! My favorite glutton for gold.

How heavy is your wallet now?

Does it weigh down your soul,

or are you too busy counting coins

to notice the chains around your neck?

You want more, don't you?

More, more, more—

until your hands are so full

that you can't grasp anything real.

Oh, but don't stop now, Greed.

I'm sure the next thing you grab

will finally be enough…

or maybe not. But you'll never know, will you?

Ah, Gluttony, my dear consumer of all things.

How's that endless feast going?

Is your stomach full yet,

or are you still reaching for the next bite?

I see you've devoured everything in sight,

but somehow, you're emptier than before.

Strange, isn't it?

That the more you consume,

the less you have.

But go on—stuff yourself with the world.

Perhaps you'll find satisfaction at the bottom

of that plate.

Or perhaps not. Either way,

there's always more to chew on, isn't there?

Lust, don't think I've forgotten you.

How could I, with the way you slink around,

chasing every fleeting desire?

You've turned love into a game, haven't you?

A conquest, a quick thrill,

but tell me—how long does it last?

Do you feel whole when it's over,

or just emptier than before?

You trade your soul for a moment of pleasure,

and then you're left shivering in the cold.

Ah, Lust, you'll never understand,

will you?

You'll always be chasing something

that slips through your fingers

the moment you touch it.

And now, look at you all—

the seven of you, standing so proud,

so certain that you've won.

But what have you won, really?

An empty crown,

a kingdom of dust and shadows,

a throne that crumbles beneath your weight.

Is this what you wanted?

Is this the prize you sought?

You thought you'd find greatness

in your sins,

but all you've found is ruin.

You thought you could outsmart Me,

outplay the game,

but here you stand,

broken by your own desires,

chained by the things you thought

would set you free.

Oh, but don't worry,

I'll be here when you fall—

waiting with open arms

to remind you that the greatest joke

was the one you played on yourselves.

Now go—

enjoy the world you've built.

Let's see how far it takes you.

Or, perhaps,

how far it leaves you behind.