
13.The Chains Have Fallen

We were her slaves, weren't we?

Bowing at his feet, heads low, eyes closed,

as if he were the sun, the center of all,

a god in robes of power, a king of our minds.

She wore the crown of our devotion,

and we—

we believed every word, every promise,

like children trusting their father

to keep them safe from the storm.

She whispered, and we obeyed,

for he was the light we followed,

the only truth we knew.

He promised us freedom,

promised us life beyond the suffering,

and we believed.

How could we not?

His voice was honeyed with certainty,

his words spun into gold.

We built his world with our hands,

carved his kingdom from our bones,

and in return, she gave us dreams.

Dreams that never came to be.

But look at us now—look!

What have we become under his rule?

The promises are dust,

the life he held out before us—

a lie, a cruel mirage that faded

just when we thought we could touch it.

She built his empire on our backs,

on our hopes and hearts,

and we—

we let him, didn't we?

Blinded by faith, by love,

we gave her everything we had.

But no more.

Today we see him clearly,

not as a god, not as a mother,

but as the devil in disguise.

He who once wore the mask of kindness,

now shows the teeth of a wolf.

We were his slaves, yes,

but now—

we are waking.

The chains we wore have fallen,

the fear we felt has turned to fire.

Rise with me, now!

Let the world hear our voices rise,

let him tremble in the throne she built

from our suffering and pain.

We were born free, weren't we?

Yet we bowed, we crawled,

believing in the life she promised,

believing in his lies,

but now we see the truth.

He was never our savior,

only a master in a golden mask,

dressed in the robes of deceit.

Rise with me, for we are no longer his!

We are no longer the shadows

that follow in silence.

The time has come to take back

what was always ours.

He promised us a future,

but what has he given?

A prison, wrapped in golden bars,

a dream that slipped through our fingers

like sand.

Now we see her—

the devil in disguise,

his hands stained with the blood

of the trust we gave.

We trusted him as a father,

but now we see him for what he is—

an enemy, a tyrant,

and we, his puppets no longer.

She made us believe we were weak,

that we needed him,

but strength has always been in us,

and now—

now we know.

We are the power he feared,

we are the storm he cannot stop.

He made us kneel,

but now we rise.

We rise from the ashes of his lies,

from the ruin of his empty promises.

We were his slaves,

but we are slaves no longer.

The chains she wrapped around us

have crumbled to dust.

Rise with me, for we were born free.

No longer will we live in the shadow

of his false light.

The time has come to reclaim the sky,

to take back what was stolen,

to break the walls she built around us.

We were never meant to live in chains,

never meant to suffer in silence.

The life he promised was a lie,

and now we shatter that illusion.

We see her now—

the truth in his eyes,

the mask torn away,

revealing the face of the enemy.

He was a god, yes,

but only because we gave him that power.

Now we take it back.

We rise from the ashes of his kingdom,

and we will no longer bow.

Rise with me, for freedom is ours to claim.

His rule is over,

his time is done.

We are no longer the children

she can control,

no longer the shadows

that follow without question.

The chains have fallen,

the doors are open,

and the sky belongs to us once more.

We rise as one,

and the world will hear our roar.

No more lies, no more chains—

we break free from the prison he built,

and we will never be his again.

Let him fall from his throne,

let him crumble into dust.

We were his slaves,

but now—

we are free.

Free to carve our own path,

free to reclaim our lives.

Rise with me, and let the stars guide us.

No more will we bend to her will,

no more will we live in his shadow.

The chains are broken,

and the world is ours to build anew.

Together, we rise. Together,

we are free.