The first light of dawn crept over the horizon, painting the sky in soft hues of pink and gold. Kazuki stood at the east gate of the city, his hand resting lightly on the hilt of his sword. His heart was steady, but a sense of anticipation coursed through him. Today would determine whether he truly had the strength to walk this path.

The man from the previous day had not yet arrived, but Kazuki was patient. As he waited, he replayed the events in his mind—Jiro's death, the revelation of the Kekkei Kaigen, and now this new opportunity to learn the secrets he needed to exact his revenge. It had all led him here, to this very moment.

Soon, the figure he was waiting for appeared in the distance, striding toward him with the same calm confidence he had displayed in the tavern. His dark robes flowed behind him, and his hand rested easily on the sword at his side.

"You came," the man said as he approached, a hint of approval in his voice.

Kazuki nodded. "I said I would."

The man gave a small nod of acknowledgment. "Good. My name is Tatsuya. You seek to unlock your full potential, but before I agree to help you, I need to see if you're truly worthy."

Kazuki's grip tightened on his sword. "I'm ready."

Tatsuya gestured toward the open field just beyond the city gates. "Follow me."

Kazuki did as he was told, the two of them walking in silence until they reached the field. The tall grass swayed gently in the morning breeze, and the only sound was the soft rustling of the leaves in the nearby trees.

Tatsuya stopped and turned to face Kazuki, his expression serious. "The technique you witnessed yesterday was a mere glimpse of the skills I possess. If you wish to learn from me, you must prove that you have the strength and resolve to handle the training. We will spar, and I will not hold back. If you can land a single blow on me, I will teach you what you seek."

Kazuki's eyes widened slightly, but he quickly composed himself. He had seen Tatsuya's skill firsthand, and he knew this would be no easy task. But he also knew he couldn't back down. This was his chance.

"I accept," Kazuki said, drawing his sword.

Tatsuya smiled faintly, unsheathing his own blade with a smooth, practiced motion. "Good. Let's see what you've got."

Without warning, Tatsuya lunged forward, his speed startling. Kazuki barely had time to raise his sword to block the strike, and the force of the blow sent a shockwave through his arms. Tatsuya wasn't just fast—he was powerful.

Kazuki gritted his teeth and pushed back, trying to create some distance between them. He knew he couldn't rely on brute strength to win this. Tatsuya was too skilled, too experienced. He would have to outthink him.

As Tatsuya pressed the attack, Kazuki dodged and parried as best he could, but he was constantly on the defensive. Tatsuya's movements were fluid, almost effortless, and Kazuki struggled to keep up.

"You're too slow," Tatsuya said, his voice calm but firm. "If this is all you've got, you won't last long."

Kazuki knew he was right. He needed to change his approach. Taking a deep breath, he focused on the lessons Jiro had taught him—the importance of patience, of waiting for the right moment.

He let Tatsuya push him back, biding his time. Then, as Tatsuya swung his sword in a wide arc, Kazuki saw his chance. Instead of blocking the blow, he sidestepped and moved in close, aiming a strike at Tatsuya's side.

But Tatsuya was faster. He twisted his body at the last second, dodging the attack with ease. Kazuki's sword whistled through the air, missing its mark.

"Not bad," Tatsuya said, stepping back. "But still not good enough."

Kazuki panted, his muscles burning from the effort. Tatsuya was playing with him, testing him. But Kazuki wasn't about to give up. He had come too far to fail now.

Drawing on his remaining strength, Kazuki focused his mind. He had been holding back, afraid to tap into the power of the Kekkei Kaigen. But if he was going to win this fight, he needed to embrace his abilities fully.

With a deep breath, Kazuki closed his eyes for a brief moment, feeling the energy within him stir. When he opened them again, there was a fire in his gaze—a determination that hadn't been there before.

Tatsuya noticed the change immediately. "Ah, so you're finally ready to fight seriously."

Kazuki didn't respond. Instead, he launched himself forward, moving with a speed and precision he hadn't shown before. His sword flashed in the sunlight as he attacked, his movements more fluid, more controlled.

Tatsuya raised his sword to block, but Kazuki was relentless. He struck again and again, each blow more powerful than the last. Tatsuya's calm demeanor faltered for a moment as he was forced to retreat, the intensity of Kazuki's assault catching him off guard.

Kazuki pressed his advantage, sensing that this was his moment. He feinted to the left, then quickly spun to the right, aiming a strike at Tatsuya's shoulder. Tatsuya moved to block, but Kazuki's sword was already there.

The blade grazed Tatsuya's arm, drawing a thin line of blood.

Tatsuya's eyes widened in surprise, and for the first time, he looked at Kazuki with genuine respect. He stepped back, lowering his sword.

"You've passed," Tatsuya said, his voice even. "You're stronger than I expected."

Kazuki lowered his sword, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. He had done it. He had landed a blow on Tatsuya.

Tatsuya sheathed his sword and crossed his arms. "You have the potential to unlock great power, but you're still raw. You lack refinement. If you truly wish to master the Kekkei Kaigen, you will need more than just strength. You will need discipline, focus, and the will to endure whatever challenges lie ahead."

Kazuki nodded, his resolve unwavering. "I'm ready to do whatever it takes."

Tatsuya regarded him for a moment, then nodded. "Very well. I will teach you. But understand this—my training will be grueling, and it will push you to your limits. You will face pain, exhaustion, and failure. But if you can endure it, you will emerge stronger than you ever thought possible."

Kazuki met Tatsuya's gaze, his eyes burning with determination. "I won't fail."

Tatsuya's lips curled into a small smile. "We'll see."

With that, Tatsuya turned and began walking back toward the city. Kazuki followed, his heart pounding with anticipation. This was it—the beginning of his true training. The path ahead would be difficult, but he was ready.

As they walked, Kazuki couldn't help but think of Jiro. His mentor had always believed in him, had always known that he was destined for something greater. And now, Kazuki was one step closer to fulfilling that destiny.

The city loomed ahead, its towering walls and bustling streets a reminder of the challenges that still lay before him. But Kazuki no longer felt out of place. He was a warrior, and he had the strength and the will to carve out his own path in this world.

Tomorrow, the real training would begin. And with it, Kazuki's journey toward vengeance and mastery of the Kekkei Kaigen would move forward.

For now, though, Kazuki allowed himself a brief moment of satisfaction. He had passed the first test. And that, in itself, was a victory worth savoring.

As they re-entered the city, Tatsuya glanced over at Kazuki and said with a hint of humor, "Don't get too comfortable. Tomorrow, I'll make you wish you never landed that hit."

Kazuki chuckled, the tension of t

he fight fading as he allowed himself a small laugh. "I wouldn't expect anything less."