The morning sun filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows across the small training ground. Kazuki stood in the center, his muscles still sore from the sparring match with Tatsuya. He rolled his shoulders, feeling the weight of the day ahead. His training was about to begin in earnest, and Tatsuya had made it clear that the path to mastering the Kekkei Kaigen would be far from easy.

Tatsuya approached from the far side of the training area, his demeanor calm and collected as always. His dark robes fluttered in the gentle breeze, and his eyes were sharp, studying Kazuki like a predator sizing up its prey.

"Today, we begin with the fundamentals," Tatsuya said, his voice steady. "Before you can unlock the true power of the Kekkei Kaigen, you need to understand the flow of energy within your body—what we call ki."

Kazuki nodded, focusing his attention. He had heard of ki before, but only in passing. Jiro had mentioned it a few times during their training sessions, but they had never gone into great detail. Now, it seemed, he would learn what his mentor had hinted at.

"Ki is the life force that flows through all living things," Tatsuya explained, stepping closer. "It is the source of your strength, your speed, and your endurance. But it is more than just physical power. It is your connection to the world around you, to the energies that govern this realm."

Kazuki listened carefully, absorbing the information. It sounded mystical, almost otherworldly, but there was a logic to it that he couldn't deny. He had felt something inside him during their battle—a surge of energy that had allowed him to push beyond his normal limits. Was that his ki?

"To control your ki," Tatsuya continued, "you must first be able to sense it. Close your eyes, Kazuki, and focus. Feel the energy within you, the pulse of life that flows through your veins. Do not force it—simply let it come to you."

Kazuki closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to still his mind. He focused on the rise and fall of his chest, the rhythm of his heartbeat. Slowly, he began to tune out the world around him—the rustling of the leaves, the distant sounds of the city—and turned his attention inward.

At first, there was nothing. Just the steady beat of his heart and the faint hum of blood coursing through his body. But then, after a few moments of concentration, he began to feel it—a faint warmth, deep within his core. It was subtle, barely noticeable, but it was there.

"Good," Tatsuya's voice broke through the quiet. "Now, focus on that energy. Let it flow through you, from the tips of your fingers to the soles of your feet. Imagine it like a river, coursing through every part of your body."

Kazuki did as instructed, visualizing the energy moving through him. The warmth grew stronger, spreading from his chest to his limbs. He felt lighter, as if a weight had been lifted from him. The sensation was strange, but not unpleasant. It was as if he were tapping into a hidden reserve of strength he hadn't known he possessed.

"That is your ki," Tatsuya said. "The core of your power. As you train, you will learn to harness it, to direct it where it is needed most. But for now, simply focus on maintaining the flow. Let it become second nature to you."

Kazuki nodded, though he kept his eyes closed. He could feel the energy pulsing through him now, stronger and more distinct. It was like a current of electricity running just beneath his skin, waiting to be unleashed.

After what felt like hours, Tatsuya finally spoke again. "Open your eyes."

Kazuki obeyed, blinking as the light of the day flooded back into his vision. Tatsuya stood before him, arms crossed, a satisfied look on his face.

"You did well," Tatsuya said. "Most people struggle to sense their ki on the first try. But you... you have a natural affinity for it."

Kazuki felt a small surge of pride at the compliment. But he knew this was only the beginning. There was still so much to learn, and he couldn't afford to get complacent.

"Now," Tatsuya continued, "let's move on to something more practical. Drawing your ki into your physical movements. This is the first step toward mastering the Kekkei Kaigen. With enough control, you'll be able to channel your ki into your strikes, making them faster and more powerful than anything you've done before."

Tatsuya stepped back and unsheathed his sword. "Watch closely."

In one fluid motion, Tatsuya swung his blade, the tip slicing through the air with a sharp whistle. Kazuki's eyes widened as the ground in front of him suddenly split open, as though the air itself had been cleaved apart by Tatsuya's strike. It was an attack of raw power, but there had been no excess movement, no wasted energy. It was precise, controlled—perfect.

"That is the power of a fully mastered strike," Tatsuya said, sheathing his sword. "With time and practice, you will be able to achieve the same."

Kazuki stared at the gash in the earth, his mind racing. To think that such strength could be achieved through mastering ki. If he could reach that level, he would truly be able to stand against those who had taken Jiro from him. But he knew that reaching such heights would take more than just raw strength. It would require discipline, patience, and an unshakable will.

"Now," Tatsuya said, interrupting his thoughts. "Pick up your sword. It's time for you to try."

Kazuki took a deep breath and unsheathed his blade. His hand trembled slightly as he gripped the hilt, the weight of the task ahead sinking in. He had faced life-and-death battles before, but this was different. This was about control, about mastering the energy within himself.

"Remember," Tatsuya instructed. "Focus on your ki. Let it flow into your sword, into your movements. Don't force it—let it come naturally."

Kazuki nodded, closing his eyes for a brief moment to center himself. When he opened them again, he felt that familiar warmth, the pulse of energy flowing through him. He gripped his sword tightly and took a step forward, swinging the blade in a clean arc.

Nothing happened.

Kazuki blinked in surprise. He had felt the energy, had sensed it flowing through him, but it hadn't manifested in his strike the way Tatsuya's had.

Tatsuya chuckled softly. "Don't be discouraged. It takes time to learn how to properly channel your ki into your sword. Keep practicing. Eventually, you'll find the right balance."

Kazuki frowned but nodded, determined to keep trying. He swung the sword again, this time with more focus. Again, nothing. But he didn't stop. He swung the sword over and over, each strike more determined than the last.

Hours passed, and the sun had climbed high into the sky, beating down on Kazuki's sweat-drenched form. He was exhausted, his muscles aching from the repeated motions, but he refused to give up.

Finally, as he prepared for yet another strike, he felt something different. A surge of energy, more intense than before. He swung his sword with all his might, and for a brief moment, he saw it—a flicker of power, a faint crack in the air as his blade sliced through.

It wasn't much, but it was something. A sign that he was on the right path.

Tatsuya nodded approvingly. "You're getting there. Slowly but surely."

Kazuki sheathed his sword, panting from the exertion. His body was spent, but his spirit was high. He had made progress, however small, and that was enough to keep him going.

"That's enough for today," Tatsuya said. "You've taken your first steps toward unlocking your true potential. But remember, this is only the beginning. There's still much more for you to learn."

Kazuki nodded, his resolve stronger than ever. He was willing to endure whatever it took to master the Kekkei Kaigen, to avenge Jiro's death and protect those he cared about. The path ahead was long and fraught with challenges, but he would face them head-on.

As they walked back toward the city, Tatsuya glanced at Kazuki and said with a smirk, "You might want to start practicing your speed too. Tomorrow, we'll see if you can keep up with me."

Kazuki chuckled, despite his e

xhaustion. "I'll be ready."

Tatsuya's smirk widened. "I look forward to it."