The city was bustling with its usual energy as Kazuki and Tatsuya walked through the crowded streets. Merchants shouted from their stalls, selling fresh produce, fabrics, and handcrafted goods, while townsfolk moved about their day, completely unaware of the battles waged in the shadows. Kazuki's mind was still on the morning's training session, replaying every detail, every flicker of progress.

"You're improving," Tatsuya said as they weaved through the crowd. His hands were tucked casually into the sleeves of his robes, but his eyes were constantly scanning their surroundings. "It may not seem like much now, but what you did today was important. Small steps are still steps forward."

Kazuki appreciated the encouragement but couldn't help feeling impatient. The weight of his promise to avenge Jiro pressed down on him like a boulder. He had seen how powerful the samurai with special abilities were—how his former master had been overpowered. If he was to have any chance, he needed more than just small steps.

"What's the next step?" Kazuki asked, hoping to keep the momentum going.

Tatsuya paused briefly at a stall, picking up a piece of dried fruit and examining it before tossing a coin to the merchant. "The next step," he said, biting into the fruit, "is endurance. You can summon your ki, but can you maintain it? Control it under pressure? A sword is only as sharp as the hand that wields it."

As they moved through the heart of the city, Kazuki noticed a change in Tatsuya's expression. The older samurai's usual calm demeanor was replaced by a subtle wariness. Kazuki followed his gaze, scanning the crowd for any signs of danger, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"Something's not right," Tatsuya murmured, his eyes narrowing as he stepped slightly in front of Kazuki. "Stay alert."

Kazuki's hand instinctively went to the hilt of his sword, his senses heightened. His heart began to pound as adrenaline surged through him, though he couldn't see the threat. All he knew was that if Tatsuya was on edge, there was a reason.

Suddenly, a sharp scream echoed through the market, followed by the unmistakable sound of steel clashing. The crowd erupted into chaos as people scrambled to get away from the source of the commotion. Kazuki and Tatsuya pushed through the fleeing masses, moving toward the disturbance.

At the center of the square, a group of men clad in dark armor stood, their swords drawn. They were clearly not ordinary samurai. There was an aura about them—cold, menacing, as if the air itself had turned hostile. Their faces were hidden beneath helmets, but their intent was clear: they were here to cause harm.

Kazuki's grip tightened on his sword as Tatsuya stepped forward, drawing his own blade. "Stay close," Tatsuya said, his voice low and steady. "These men aren't ordinary warriors."

The leader of the armored men took a step forward, his voice distorted beneath his helmet. "We've come for the one who killed Jiro of the Eastern Valley. Hand him over, and the rest of you can live."

Kazuki's blood ran cold at the mention of Jiro. These men were after him. But how had they tracked him down so quickly? He hadn't even fully understood the scope of the danger Jiro had faced before his death.

Tatsuya glanced back at Kazuki, his expression unreadable. "Looks like we won't have to wait long to test your endurance."

Without another word, Tatsuya surged forward, his blade gleaming in the sunlight as he struck with precision and deadly speed. Kazuki hesitated only for a moment before joining the fray. His heart pounded in his chest, but he steeled his resolve. This was what he had been training for.

The first enemy came at him with a wide, sweeping strike. Kazuki dodged to the side, feeling the rush of air as the blade missed him by inches. He countered with a quick slash of his own, but the man blocked it with ease. Kazuki gritted his teeth, trying to channel his ki into his movements, just as Tatsuya had taught him.


He sidestepped another attack and struck again, this time feeling a surge of energy flow through his body. His blade moved faster, the impact stronger as it clashed with his opponent's sword. The man stumbled back, momentarily off balance. Kazuki pressed the advantage, delivering a swift kick to his chest that sent the armored figure crashing to the ground.

Kazuki's victory was short-lived, however, as two more enemies rushed him at once. He barely managed to parry their strikes, his arms burning from the effort. They were relentless, and despite his training, he was beginning to feel the strain. His breathing grew labored, and the flow of ki began to falter.

Suddenly, a flash of steel sliced through the air, and one of the attackers fell to the ground, his helmet clattering away to reveal a lifeless face. Tatsuya stood behind him, his sword dripping with blood. "Don't lose focus, Kazuki!" he barked, fending off another enemy with a swift, practiced strike.

Kazuki nodded, forcing himself to focus. He couldn't afford to get overwhelmed. Not now. Not when the stakes were this high. He centered himself, feeling the flow of ki reignite within him. His movements became sharper, more precise, and he managed to deflect the next attack with a renewed sense of purpose.

The battle raged on, the clash of swords and the shouts of the combatants filling the air. Kazuki could feel the exhaustion creeping in, but he pushed through it, drawing on every ounce of strength he had. Tatsuya fought like a force of nature beside him, his blade a blur of motion as he cut down enemy after enemy with ruthless efficiency.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the last of the armored men fell. The square was littered with bodies, the once-bustling marketplace now eerily silent save for the heavy breathing of the two remaining warriors.

Kazuki lowered his sword, panting and drenched in sweat. His muscles ached, and his hands were shaking, but he had survived. More than that, he had fought back. He had held his own.

Tatsuya sheathed his sword, his expression calm but serious. "They'll be back," he said quietly. "This was just a taste of what's to come."

Kazuki wiped the sweat from his brow, his mind racing. Who were these men? How had they known about Jiro? And more importantly, how had they found him so quickly?

Before he could voice his questions, Tatsuya placed a hand on his shoulder. "We need to leave the city. It's no longer safe here. These men aren't acting alone, and the ones behind them won't stop until they've accomplished their mission."

Kazuki nodded, though a sense of dread settled in his stomach. He had been training for this moment, for the fight that was bound to come, but it was becoming clear that the enemies he faced were far more dangerous than he had imagined. And if Jiro's killers were coming after him now, it meant that the time for preparation was quickly running out.

"Where will we go?" Kazuki asked.

Tatsuya's eyes hardened. "To the capital. If there's any place we can find the answers we need, it's there. But be warned—once we enter those gates, things will only get more dangerous."

Kazuki nodded, determination settling in his chest like a weight. He had made a promise to avenge Jiro, and he wasn't about to back down now. No matter what lay ahead, he would face it head-on.

As they left the marketplace behind, the weight of the coming battles pressed heavily on Kazuki's shoulders. But beneath that weight, a spark of hope burned. He was growing stronger, day by day. And with Tatsuya by his side, he knew he had a chance.

The road ahead would be long, filled with danger and uncertainty. But one thing was cle

ar: the fight was far from over.

In fact, it was just beginning.