The path to the capital was long and fraught with peril, but Kazuki and Tatsuya moved swiftly. They had left the city behind, evading further confrontations with the mysterious attackers. The skies above were clear, but the air held a heavy tension. Kazuki could feel it in the pit of his stomach—the sense that something darker was looming.

"How much further?" Kazuki asked, breaking the silence that had settled between them during their trek.

"Not far now," Tatsuya replied, glancing ahead at the distant mountains that framed the horizon. "Once we cross the river, it's another day's journey."

Kazuki nodded but couldn't shake the unease gnawing at him. His body was still sore from the battle in the city, and his mind kept replaying the scene over and over. He had fought well, but he knew he was still far from the strength he needed to avenge Jiro. The enemies he would face were leagues beyond what he had encountered so far.

As they continued, Kazuki's thoughts drifted to the future. The capital would undoubtedly be a turning point for him. He had heard stories of its grandeur and the power held within its walls. Lords, samurai, and warriors from across the land all gathered there, serving under influential rulers. If there was any place to find the strength he sought, it would be there.

Tatsuya seemed to sense Kazuki's restlessness. "You're thinking too much again."

Kazuki smirked, knowing Tatsuya could read him too easily. "I can't help it. I've never been to the capital. What should I expect?"

Tatsuya sighed, his eyes narrowing as he recalled memories of the great city. "It's… overwhelming. The capital is a place where power flows in many forms. Political power, military power, even spiritual power. You'll see samurai of all kinds—some who live by honor, and others who would sell their sword to the highest bidder. You'll need to stay sharp. There are as many enemies in the capital as there are allies."

Kazuki frowned at the thought. He had always imagined the capital as a beacon of strength and unity, but Tatsuya's words painted a different picture—one of intrigue, deception, and hidden dangers.

"I take it you've been there before?" Kazuki asked, curiosity piqued.

"A long time ago," Tatsuya said, his voice carrying a hint of bitterness. "But that's a story for another day. Just know this—the capital may offer the answers you seek, but it will also test you in ways you aren't prepared for."

The road ahead began to narrow, leading into a dense forest. The trees cast long shadows across the path, and the sounds of nature filled the air. Birds chirped in the distance, and the rustling of leaves underfoot became their only companion as they ventured deeper into the woods.

Kazuki felt a sudden chill, his senses alert. There was something different about this forest. The air was thicker, and a strange feeling of being watched crept over him. His hand instinctively moved to the hilt of his sword.

Tatsuya noticed Kazuki's unease and raised a hand, signaling for him to stop. "Wait."

Kazuki froze, scanning the area around them. The birds had gone silent, and the wind had stilled. It was as if the entire forest had suddenly gone quiet.

Tatsuya's eyes flicked from tree to tree, his grip tightening on his blade. "We're not alone."

Kazuki's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to spot the threat, but nothing appeared out of the ordinary. He took a deep breath, steadying himself, and activated his ki, allowing it to flow through his body. His senses heightened, he could feel the pulse of the forest around him. And then, he heard it—a faint rustling in the bushes, too deliberate to be an animal.

Without warning, a figure leaped from the shadows, sword raised high. Kazuki barely had time to react as he drew his blade, blocking the attack with a loud clang. The force of the strike sent a shock through his arms, but he managed to hold his ground.

The attacker, dressed in dark robes and wearing a mask, was quick and agile, darting around Kazuki with deadly precision. Another strike came, and Kazuki parried, struggling to keep up with the speed of the assault.

Tatsuya was already engaged in battle with two more masked figures, his sword flashing through the air as he fended off their attacks with ease. Kazuki could see the calm efficiency in Tatsuya's movements, but he didn't have time to admire it—his own opponent was relentless.

Kazuki ducked under a swipe aimed at his head and countered with a quick thrust, but his blade was deflected. The masked figure spun around, delivering a swift kick to Kazuki's chest that knocked him off balance. He stumbled back, barely managing to keep his footing.

Focus. He had to focus.

Summoning his ki, Kazuki steadied himself and launched a series of precise strikes, aiming for weak points in the enemy's defense. The masked warrior blocked each one, but Kazuki could feel the flow of the fight shifting. He was gaining ground.

With a powerful swing, Kazuki disarmed the attacker, sending their sword flying into the bushes. The figure hesitated for a split second, and Kazuki seized the opportunity. He lunged forward, delivering a swift strike that grazed the figure's side, drawing blood.

The masked figure stumbled back, clutching the wound, but before Kazuki could finish the fight, the enemy disappeared into the trees, vanishing as quickly as they had appeared.

Kazuki stood still, breathing heavily, his sword still raised. He looked around, searching for any sign of the other attackers. Tatsuya had already dispatched his opponents and was standing over their bodies, wiping his blade clean.

"Who were they?" Kazuki asked, lowering his sword.

Tatsuya sheathed his weapon, his expression grim. "Assassins. Hired to kill us, no doubt."

Kazuki frowned, feeling a sense of unease wash over him. "But why? Who would send assassins after us?"

Tatsuya shook his head. "It's not just us. They're after you, Kazuki. Whoever's pulling the strings knows about Jiro's death and your connection to him. They're trying to eliminate you before you get any stronger."

Kazuki clenched his fists, frustration bubbling up inside him. "So they'll just keep coming?"

"Yes," Tatsuya said plainly. "But that's why we're heading to the capital. If we can find the right allies, we'll be able to fight back. But until then, we need to stay sharp. These assassins won't stop until you're dead."

Kazuki looked down at the bodies of the fallen assassins, a cold realization settling over him. The road ahead was going to be far more dangerous than he had anticipated. He had always known that his quest for vengeance wouldn't be easy, but now the stakes were higher than ever.

"I'll be ready," Kazuki said, determination burning in his eyes.

Tatsuya gave him a nod of approval. "Good. Because this is only the beginning."

As they continued on their journey through the forest, Kazuki couldn't help but feel the weight of his mission pressing down on him. He had already lost so much, and the enemies he faced were growing more dangerous by the day.

But he wasn't going to back down. Not now. Not ever.

The capital awaited, and with it, the next step in his journey. Kazuki didn't know what challenges lay ahead, but he was ready to face them.

For Jiro. For revenge. For the strength he had promised to obtain.

The path to the c

apital was filled with danger, but Kazuki was determined to walk it to the end.