The tournament grounds were nothing like Kazuki had imagined. Situated in the heart of the capital's palace district, the expansive arena was filled with spectators from all walks of life—noblemen, merchants, samurai, and even commoners who had managed to secure a place. High-ranking samurai in elegant armor stood by, their presence alone commanding respect from the crowds.

At the far end of the arena, seated on a grand platform above the rest, was the Lord of the capital, Lord Takeshi. His regal presence was impossible to ignore. Next to him sat his closest advisors, and just behind him was a figure that caught Kazuki's attention—a young woman, likely in her early twenties, with dark hair and piercing eyes that scanned the arena with the same sharpness as her father. She had a grace and poise that stood out, though her expression remained unreadable.

As Kazuki stood in line with the other participants, Tatsuya gave him a final nudge. "This is it. Get his attention, Kazuki. If the Lord sees your potential, everything changes."

Kazuki nodded, gripping his sword tightly. He had faced many battles since Jiro's death, but this felt different. The weight of the capital's judgment pressed down on him, and the eyes of hundreds of spectators were upon him.

The first round began, and Kazuki watched as other participants engaged in fierce, one-on-one combat, displaying their techniques and prowess for all to see. Some fought with grace, while others relied on brute strength. Each warrior fought to impress, hoping to catch the eye of Lord Takeshi and his court.

When Kazuki's name was called, he stepped into the ring. His opponent was a towering samurai with broad shoulders and a menacing scowl. Kazuki drew his sword, the blade reflecting the sunlight, and assumed his stance. The crowd quieted as the battle began.

The large samurai charged at him with surprising speed, his heavy blade slicing through the air with deadly intent. Kazuki sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the strike, and countered with a swift slash aimed at his opponent's arm. The samurai blocked it, their blades clashing with a sharp ring.

Kazuki quickly realized his opponent was stronger than him physically, but he had something the larger man lacked—speed and precision. He danced around the arena, dodging and weaving through his opponent's strikes, looking for an opening. The crowd began to murmur, impressed by his agility.

Finally, Kazuki saw his chance. As the large samurai overcommitted to a heavy strike, Kazuki slipped inside his guard and delivered a precise cut across his opponent's torso. The man stumbled back, clutching the wound as blood seeped through his armor. Kazuki didn't wait—he followed up with a sweeping kick that sent the samurai sprawling to the ground.

The crowd erupted in applause as Kazuki stood victorious. He glanced up at the Lord's platform and saw Lord Takeshi watching intently, his expression unreadable. But it was the woman beside him who caught his eye again. She leaned in and whispered something to her father, her gaze never leaving Kazuki.

Tatsuya appeared at his side as he left the arena. "You did well. The Lord noticed."

Kazuki let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. "It's not over yet."

"You're right," Tatsuya replied with a grin. "But you've made the first step. Now we wait for the next round."

As they moved away from the arena, Kazuki couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had just begun. The woman's gaze lingered in his mind, and he wondered what role she would play in the days to come.