The day after the tournament, a messenger arrived at the inn where Kazuki and Tatsuya were staying. He bowed deeply before presenting a letter sealed with the Lord's emblem. Tatsuya broke the seal, his eyes scanning the message quickly.

"It's from the Lord," Tatsuya said, a hint of surprise in his voice. "He wants to meet you tomorrow."

Kazuki's heart raced. This was the opportunity they had been waiting for—a chance to secure a place in Lord Takeshi's court. But with the opportunity came the weight of expectation. Kazuki knew this meeting could determine his future.

The following day, Kazuki and Tatsuya made their way to the Lord's palace. It was a grand structure, with towering walls and intricately designed gates that led to sprawling courtyards. The guards allowed them inside without question, and they were escorted through the palace's ornate halls until they reached a large chamber.

Lord Takeshi sat on a raised platform, flanked by his advisors. The woman from the tournament stood by his side, her eyes once again focused intently on Kazuki. Kazuki bowed deeply, feeling the weight of their gazes upon him.

"You fought well yesterday," Lord Takeshi said, his voice calm but commanding. "Your skill in battle has caught my attention."

"Thank you, my Lord," Kazuki replied, keeping his head lowered in respect.

The Lord studied him for a moment before continuing. "My samurai tell me you are not from the capital. What brings you here?"

Kazuki straightened, meeting the Lord's gaze. "I seek strength, my Lord. I wish to serve under a powerful leader, to learn and grow stronger in battle."

Lord Takeshi nodded, though his expression remained unreadable. "Many come to the capital seeking power, but few are worthy of it. Why should I choose you to serve in my court?"

Kazuki took a deep breath, his mind racing for the right words. "Because I have nothing to lose, my Lord. I've already lost my mentor, my friends, and my home. All I have left is the desire to grow stronger, to protect those I care about, and to fight for what I believe in."

The Lord raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by Kazuki's answer. He leaned back in his seat, glancing at the woman beside him. She whispered something in his ear again, and this time, Lord Takeshi smiled slightly.

"You have the spirit of a true warrior," the Lord said. "And the determination to match. I will allow you to serve under me, but you will start at the bottom. Earn your place among my samurai, and you may rise to a position of honor."

Kazuki bowed deeply once more. "Thank you, my Lord. I will not disappoint you."

The Lord waved his hand, signaling the end of the meeting. "You may leave now. My daughter, Lady Aiko, will see to your duties."

Kazuki's heart skipped a beat. So that was her name—Aiko, the woman who had been watching him so closely. She stepped forward, her expression still unreadable, and motioned for Kazuki and Tatsuya to follow her.

As they left the chamber, Kazuki couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. He had been given the chance he sought, but now the real challenge would begin. Serving in the Lord's court would be no easy task, and he knew the road ahead was filled with peril.