Lady Aiko led Kazuki and Tatsuya through the palace grounds in silence. Her graceful movements and composed demeanor only added to her air of mystery, and Kazuki couldn't help but wonder what her role truly was within the court. She seemed far more than just the Lord's daughter—there was a sharpness in her eyes, a sense of authority that demanded respect.

Finally, they arrived at a secluded training ground hidden behind the palace walls. The area was quiet, far from the hustle and bustle of the capital, and surrounded by cherry blossom trees whose petals fell gently in the wind.

Lady Aiko turned to face Kazuki, her expression unreadable as ever. "My father has high expectations for you," she said. "But I will judge your worth myself."

Kazuki blinked, taken aback. "Judge my worth?"

"You've proven yourself in the tournament, but that was just a spectacle for the public," Aiko replied, her voice calm but firm. "Here, in the palace, things are different. If you wish to rise within my father's ranks, you will need more than just skill with a sword."

Tatsuya raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "What kind of challenge are you proposing?"

Aiko's gaze remained locked on Kazuki. "Fight me."

Kazuki's eyes widened in surprise. "Fight you?"

Aiko stepped back, drawing a sleek, finely crafted katana from her waist. "I want to see what kind of warrior you truly are. Don't hold back. If you do, you won't survive."

The weight of her words settled over Kazuki, but he nodded, drawing his own sword. He couldn't afford to back down, not now. If Aiko was anything like her father, this would be a fight he wouldn't forget.

They squared off, the wind rustling the petals around them. Kazuki could feel the intensity in the air, the quiet before the storm. Lady Aiko's eyes narrowed, and in a flash, she attacked.