Growth and New Horizons

Months passed quietly in the sect, as Xing Wuye continued his cultivation with steady diligence. His once round, youthful face had matured, his features sharpening into a more defined visage. His long black hair had grown past his shoulders, often tied loosely behind him, and his presence seemed to carry a calmness that reflected his inner growth. Though he remained mostly silent, focused on his training, there was a quiet intensity in his eyes that hadn't been there before.

The secluded waterfall had become his sanctuary. Every day, Wuye would sit beneath the crashing waters, cultivating as the natural qi flowed through him. The animals of the forest had grown used to him, and they often gathered nearby in peaceful silence as if recognizing his harmony with the surroundings. Birds chirped softly, deer grazed in the distance, and even the smaller creatures, rabbits and squirrels, seemed content to be near him while he meditated.

On this particular day, Liu Chen made his way to the waterfall, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he approached. He spotted Wuye in his usual spot beneath the cascading waters, eyes closed in deep meditation. Around him, animals gathered, a natural tranquility hanging in the air.

Liu Chen chuckled softly to himself before stepping closer. As if sensing his presence, Wuye's eyes opened, and in one smooth motion, he leaped out from under the waterfall, landing gracefully on the ground. The animals scattered at his sudden movement, but there was no fear in their retreat—only a return to their natural activities.

"Impressive," Liu Chen teased with a smirk. "You're becoming one with nature, Brother Wuye. Soon enough, I'll find you talking to the birds and the trees."

Wuye gave a small laugh, brushing his damp hair away from his face. "I feel more connected to this place than I thought possible," he admitted, a thoughtful look crossing his features. "Cultivating here has been... peaceful, but not without progress. I'm close to breaking through to the Upstream stage."

Liu Chen's eyebrows raised with genuine interest. "Close, you say? That's excellent news. Once you break through, things will start to change for you. The strength of the body at that stage is nothing to scoff at." He clapped Wuye on the back as they started walking back towards the sect. "But you'll still need to be careful. Strength alone can't solve everything."

As they continued their walk, the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting golden hues over the sect's valley. As they neared the outer gates, a noticeable buzz of excitement spread through the air. The disciples in the sect were gathered in small groups, talking excitedly among themselves.

Wuye tilted his head, curious. "What's going on? There seems to be quite a commotion."

Liu Chen chuckled. "Ah, that's right. You've been out here in isolation for so long, you probably haven't heard. The inter-disciple tournament is coming up soon. It's the biggest event for outer sect disciples."

Wuye's eyes brightened with curiosity. "Tournament?"

Liu Chen nodded. "It's a competition held every few years between the outer sect disciples. The winners not only gain honor and recognition, but the top competitors get a chance to fight against the lower-ranked inner sect disciples. It's one of the few ways to earn entry into the inner sect."

Wuye's interest was clearly piqued. "So, by winning, you can become an inner sect disciple?"

"Potentially," Liu Chen confirmed. "But even if you don't win, if you catch the eye of the overseers—disciples of the elders who manage the inner sect—there's a good chance you'll be invited to join one of their factions. And that's a significant opportunity in itself. Gaining the favor of an inner sect overseer means guidance, resources, and advancement."

Wuye pondered this for a moment, his mind racing with possibilities. The idea of competing in the tournament and the potential to gain entry into the inner sect was more than intriguing. It was a path forward, a way to grow and learn more in his journey of cultivation.

Liu Chen noticed Wuye's expression and laughed. "It seems I've captured your interest, haven't I? I had a feeling this would appeal to you. There's still time before the tournament begins, though. You'll want to focus on breaking through to the Upstream stage before thinking about anything else."

With that, they parted ways. As Wuye made his way back to his pavilion, his thoughts swirled. The tournament had sparked a flame of ambition in him, but there was another lingering thought that had been on his mind for some time—his master, Li Zhang, and why he lived in an isolated pavilion far from the bustling Thousand Myriad Pavilions where most outer disciples resided.

When Wuye arrived at the courtyard of Li Zhang's pavilion, he felt an unusual pressure in the air. A sudden flash of bright light emanated from within the main chamber, followed by a loud cracking sound. The stone door to Li Zhang's secluded chamber split apart, and moments later, the figure of Li Zhang stepped out, an aura of power radiating from him.

Li Zhang, now at the Leaping stage, looked invigorated, his excitement evident in the way he moved. His eyes, sharp and focused, locked onto Wuye immediately. With a speed that Wuye couldn't follow, Li Zhang was suddenly standing in front of him.

"Master!" Wuye exclaimed, taken aback by the sudden burst of energy.

Li Zhang grinned, clearly proud of his breakthrough. "I've done it, Wuye! I've finally broken through to the Leaping stage of Body Tempering!" He paused, noticing Wuye's astonished look. "Ah, forgive me for being absent for so long. I've been a poor master, neglecting your training. But that's going to change now."

Before Wuye could respond, Li Zhang clapped him on the shoulder. "Tonight, I'll teach you a few basic techniques. You've grown stronger these past few months, and it's time you learned how to harness the qi around you properly."

They spent the evening together in the courtyard. Li Zhang demonstrated the techniques he wanted Wuye to learn, each one emphasizing the use of qi to enhance both attack and mobility.

"The first technique is called Gale Burst Fist," Li Zhang explained. "By gathering qi into your fist from the surroundings and releasing it in a focused burst, you can deliver a powerful blow that's more effective than just relying on brute strength."

He showed Wuye how to gather the qi from the air around him, guiding it into his arm before striking out with a sharp punch that caused a brief, but powerful gust of wind.

"The next one is Wind Stride," Li Zhang said with a smile. "It allows you to gather qi into your legs, increasing your speed and agility in short bursts. It's perfect for closing gaps quickly or escaping danger."

Wuye watched intently as Li Zhang demonstrated, his feet becoming a blur of motion as he moved across the courtyard in an instant, leaving Wuye struggling to keep up with his movements.

"These techniques are simple but effective," Li Zhang said as he slowed down. "Master them, and they'll serve you well in combat."

Wuye bowed deeply, grateful for his master's guidance. "Thank you, Master. I will practice diligently."

Li Zhang smiled, his earlier excitement now tempered with a more thoughtful expression. "Remember, cultivation isn't just about power. We are Dao seekers, after all. But in this world, strength is often necessary.

Wuye nodded, understanding his master's words on a deeper level. The pursuit of power, when tempered with wisdom, was a path worth walking.

Li Zhang gave him a serious look. "Now, one last thing before we end the night." From his sleeve, he pulled out a small jade bottle, which clinked as he shook it lightly. "These are body-refinement pills. They'll help you reach the Upstream stage more quickly by purging impurities and accelerating your body's refinement. Use them wisely."

Wuye accepted the bottle with gratitude. "I will, Master.

As the moon rose, Li Zhang gave Wuye one last piece of advice. "Continue your cultivation and prepare for the future. We'll focus on refining these techniques once you reach the Upstream stage. Until then, practice your form and study the nature of qi."

Wuye bowed again, watching as his master disappeared into his chamber. With the pills in hand and new techniques to practice, he felt more prepared than ever for the challenges that lay ahead. The inter-disciple tournament, his breakthrough, and his master's teachings—all of it combined into a path he was eager to follow.

After Li Zhang's departure, Wuye returned to the waterfall where he had cultivated for months, ready to test his newfound strength. His body was stronger, his mind clearer, and with the aid of the body-refinement pills, he felt the Upstream stage was within his grasp.

The night stretched on as Wuye sat beneath the waterfall, his heart filled with determination.