
A month had quietly passed since Xing Wuye received the body-refinement pill from Li Zhang. He had spent every day cultivating under the waterfall, his senses sharpening, his body becoming stronger. The serene environment of the waterfall felt like a second home, a place where nature's essence seemed to embrace him, helping him grow both physically and spiritually.

Each day, as the water cascaded over him, Wuye could feel the energy of the surrounding area pouring into his body. His qi flow had become more refined, and the mantra Li Zhang had taught him continued to deepen his understanding of the Dao. He had long sensed that the time for his breakthrough was near.

On a quiet afternoon, as the sun began to set, Wuye felt a shift within him. His body resonated with the energy around him, and his meridians pulsed with a new intensity. This was it—the moment he had been waiting for.

With a steady breath, he reached into his robes and took out the pill Li Zhang had given him. He stared at it for a moment, knowing this small pill held the potential to change his life. Without hesitation, he swallowed it, and immediately felt a surge of warmth spread through his body.

Sitting in a lotus position beneath the waterfall, Wuye closed his eyes and began to meditate, using the mantra to guide his qi. The warmth of the pill merged with the natural energy from the waterfall, coursing through his meridians. His skin tingled as his qi flow rate increased, his body rapidly absorbing the energy around him.

Moments passed, and then Wuye's skin began to solidify, growing tougher, more resilient. His meridians expanded, allowing his qi to flow at an even greater rate, and he felt his entire body begin to transform. His muscles tightened, his bones strengthened, and his old skin began to peel away, cracking like a brittle shell. Large pieces of dead skin sloughed off, revealing a new layer underneath—stronger, tougher, more refined. The transformation was complete.

After what felt like hours, Wuye slowly opened his eyes. He could feel the difference immediately. His body felt powerful, his muscles brimming with untapped strength. He stood up, stretching his limbs and getting accustomed to this new state. Testing his newfound strength, he walked over to a nearby boulder and clenched his fist.

With a single punch, the boulder cracked, sending small chunks of rock scattering across the ground. Amazed, Wuye stepped back and gathered qi into his fist, remembering the Gale Burst Fist technique Li Zhang had taught him. He struck the boulder again, this time releasing the qi in a burst. The boulder shattered into large pieces, leaving only fragments behind.

Wuye couldn't contain his excitement. He had done it—he had reached the Upstream stage. Without wasting another moment, he sprinted back toward the sect, eager to share the news with his master.


Li Zhang was sitting in meditation when Wuye burst into the pavilion, excitement practically radiating from him. His master opened his eyes, a calm smile forming on his lips as he sensed the difference in his disciple.

"You've done it, haven't you?" Li Zhang said knowingly.

"Yes, Master! I've broken through to the Upstream stage!" Wuye exclaimed, still catching his breath. "I can feel the difference in my body—my strength, my qi flow—it's all so much stronger!"

Li Zhang stood and approached his disciple, nodding in approval as he placed a hand on Wuye's shoulder. "I'm proud of you, Wuye. Your hard work has paid off." He reached into his sleeve and pulled out another small bottle. "These are more body-refinement pills. They will help you further refine your body, especially as you start to prepare for the Leaping stage. I'll also prepare another medicinal bath for you soon. It's important that your organs begin the process of toughening as well."

Wuye accepted the pills with gratitude, bowing deeply. "Thank you, Master. I'll continue to work hard."

Li Zhang gave him a nod before dismissing him. "Go. You've earned some rest. But don't get too comfortable. The path ahead is long and filled with challenges."

Wuye smiled as he left the pavilion, already thinking of who he could share his news with next. His feet naturally led him toward Liu Chen's quarters.


Liu Chen was relaxing in his courtyard when Wuye arrived, a wide grin on his face. "What's got you so excited, Wuye? Did you finally break through?"

Wuye nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I reached the Upstream stage today!"

Liu Chen laughed, clapping him on the back. "I knew it! Congratulations, Brother Wuye! You're well on your way to leaving us all behind."

"Thank you, Brother Liu," Wuye said, his smile growing wider.

Liu Chen's grin took on a mischievous edge as he added, "To celebrate, how about we sneak a peek at our junior apprentice sisters while they're bathing? You know, just to see what we're missing out on!"

Wuye's face turned bright red, and he stammered in protest. "No! I-I could never—"

Liu Chen burst into laughter, doubling over at Wuye's reaction. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Relax, Brother Wuye, I wouldn't really suggest that. You're too innocent for your own good sometimes."

Wuye smiled shyly, relieved that Liu Chen was only teasing. "You really had me worried for a moment."

"Come on," Liu Chen said, motioning for Wuye to follow. "Let's go register you for the inner disciple tournament. You've been cultivating for months, so you'll need to get your name in before the deadline."

As they walked through the sect grounds, they came across a small group of outer disciples gathered near the registration hall. Among them stood one of the top disciples of the outer sect, a tall, broad-shouldered young man with an air of arrogance about him. His name was Bai Feng, and his reputation for being overbearing was well known throughout the sect.

Bai Feng was currently harassing a petite, sweet-looking female disciple with delicate features and wide, innocent eyes. Her name was Mei Ling, and she looked visibly uncomfortable as Bai Feng loomed over her.

"How dare you refuse me, Mei Ling!" the disciple barked, his voice laced with condescension. "You think just because you're an inner disciple aspirant you can reject my offer? I could make things very difficult for you, you know."

Mei Ling tried to step back, her voice shaky. "I… I'm not interested, Senior Brother Bai Feng. Please leave me alone."

Wuye frowned, feeling his blood boil at the sight. Liu Chen placed a hand on his arm, trying to stop him. "Don't get involved, Wuye. Bai Feng's not someone we should provoke."

But Wuye shook his head, stepping forward despite Liu Chen's warning. "Senior Brother Bai Feng, please stop. She clearly doesn't want to go with you."

Bai Feng turned slowly, his eyes narrowing as he looked Wuye up and down. "Who do you think you are, brat? Don't you know who I am?"

Wuye met his gaze calmly, though his heart raced. "I don't care who you are. You shouldn't treat your fellow disciples like this."

Bai Feng's expression darkened, and he took a threatening step forward. "You've got a lot of nerve, stepping in like that. I think you need to be taught a lesson."

Before Bai Feng could act, Liu Chen stepped in between them, raising his hand. "Back off, Bai Feng. My senior is an aspirant in pill refinement, and I can make sure you never get your hands on another pill from the hall if you touch him. Think about it."

Bai Feng's face twisted in anger, but he reluctantly stepped back, glaring at both Wuye and Liu Chen. "Fine. But I'll remember this, and I'll make sure you regret it. Let's settle this in the inter-disciple tournament. I'll crush you there, and no one will be able to stop me."

With that, he stormed off, leaving Wuye and Liu Chen standing in the aftermath. Liu Chen sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. "You really don't know when to stay out of trouble, do you?"

Wuye looked down, embarrassed. "I couldn't just stand by and watch…"

Liu Chen shook his head, but there was a hint of a smile on his lips. "You're too soft, Wuye. This world isn't kind to people like you. But… I guess that's what makes you different." He glanced at Mei Ling, who was watching Wuye with gratitude in her eyes. "Looks like you made a new friend, though."

Mei Ling stepped forward, her voice soft but sincere. "Thank you for standing up for me, Senior Brother Wuye. I… I appreciate it."

Wuye smiled shyly. "It was nothing, really. I just didn't want to see you being bullied."

As the group made their way to the registration hall, Wuye couldn't help but wonder what challenges awaited him in the tournament. He had made an enemy in Bai Feng, but he had also earned Mei Ling's respect.