Chapter 18


"Happy nameday, my sweet Cyel" Cyel opened her eyes at the sound of her mother's sweet voice. That day was her twelfth nameday. The girl rubbed her eyes with her hands before opening them fully and when she noticed her mother she set quickly on the bed.

"Mother" she said when her eyes fell on the plate full of food "You sould rest and you know it"

Her mother shook her head "It's been days" she said with a smile "The fever is gone and I'm sure that going in the kitchen can't hurt me that much" then she gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead "Plus it is my sun's special day"

Cyel smiled taking her mother's hand "You shouldn't push yourself too much" Phelya let out a light laugh.

"I won't" she swore "We're eating and then I'll lay down again" Cyel nodded satisfied and taking her plate she started to break her fast. Her mother always brought her food the morning of her nameday and with it even two waffles. They were just for her but the girl always gave one to her mother who loved sweets as much as her daughter.

"Sometimes I forget who is the mother and who is the daughter" Phelya said with a smile playing with Cyel's hair. The girl had always loved when her mother did that, especially when she had nigthmares when she was little. She put her head on her mother's lap and fell asleep while her mother caressed her hair and sang a song that Cyel's father had taught her.

Cyel smiled at her mother's words. Indeed since Phelya got ill, Cyel had become very strict. She kept an eye on her at night, she brought her food and brushed her hair. She wanted to ease Phelya from any thought or problem. Like she did when Cyel was sick.

"I don't have a present, sweety, I'm so sorry" Phelya said after a moment of silence, but Cyel shook her head.

"There is no need" she said turning to her mother, she was already feeling better. There wasn't anything more that she could give her.

"Thank you, but.." Phelya said hugging her daughter "When Maester Luwin will say I am fool recovered, I'll take you and the others on the hill so you can see the fireflies" Cyel turned to her mother with a bright smile. She was six when her mother had took Cyel and the Stark children to see the fireflies for the first time. They appeared suddenly in the dark and after a few moments Cyel felt like she was surrounded by countless of candles flying in the air. It had been so beautiful and so fun, because all of them had played for hours trying to catch them. That was one of the memories she held most dear; the lights, the laughter.

"Thank you, mother" her mother gave a kiss on her daughter's forehead "Now you need to dress" Phelya said with a joyful voice "It's your day, you can't spend all of it in bed" Cyel laughed standing up.

She decided to pick a golden dress with a skirt whose patter reminded an autumn foliage. Her hair were covering her shoulders and at the side of her face she made a braid and around her neck she put a golden neckless that her uncle Doran had sent to her for her last birthday. She was finishing to brush her hair, when a knock came from the door.

"Come in" Phelya said fixing the fur covers aroud her.

The door opened to reveal Maester Luwin with Thom and Beatrice, two servant who were bringing four boxes "Good morning, my ladies" the old maester said while Cyel went to take a box from Beatrice's hands with a smile.

"Here, let me help" she said while the girl bowed her head.

"A very happy name day, Cyel" Maester Luwin said happly, he had always loved namedays, he said they made everyone in a better mood.

"Thank you, maester" Cyel answered sweetly.

"These are from Dorne, I presume" Phelya said looking at the boxes that now were on the table next to the window.

"Three of them are" the maester said nodding his head "And the other is from your brother, lady Phelya" Cyel smiled thanking again.

"We'll leave you now" maester Luwin announced "Robb wishes to see you after you've done here, for a walk in the gardens"

"I'll be there" she said bowing her head in thanks. The man smiled at her again and then went out closing the wooden door.

Cyel decided to open her uncle's Ahmet present first. Her uncle was her mother's younger brother, now lord of Thornhill. He was married and blessed with two sweet sons, they were twins, and they were three like Rickon. He was a very lively person, as much as his sister, goofy even. He was short, but he was very skilled with bow and arrows and he really loved the color blue, everything he wear was blue.

Cyel opened her present and smiled when she saw a blue dress, with roses embroyed on it. It was truly beautiful.

Then she moved to her next present, but she decided to open her uncle's gift first. She open the small box to see a golden hairnet with orange perls on it. She really missed her uncle. In the last period he wasn't feeling very well due to his gaut, he barely could stand up, but his spirit was higher as always. He was a smart man, very smart, but he rarely said what he had in mind. He ruled over Dorne rightfully and wisely. Arianne was his eldest daughter and heir to Dorne, she was very different from Cyel. She was confident of herself and she was a great talker, she was able to enchant whoever was listening. When Cyel went to Dorne, Arianne always spent time with her, playing and talking, even about boys. She always wanted to know if Robb was a good looking guy. Cyel always felt embarrassed at first, but Arienne was so sweet to her, she always said she missed her ninth Sand Snake. Cyel always smiled at that name. It seemed like a warrior name, like most of her sisters will surely become. She didn't know if she fit in that, but her uncle Doran always said that Cyel shouldn't doubt it; she had her father's eyes, like all her sisters. She was a Sand Snake, the White Snake they called her. Trystane, Arianne's brother, was very sweet and he and Cyel often swimmed together with Cyel's youngest sisters.

Then she turned to her last presents, those from her father. He gave to her a new dress and a ring shaped as a snake. She then took the letter that he had wrote her and opened it carefully.

My sweet Cyel,

I wish you a very happy nameday.

Another year has passed and I can't believe you are growing up so fast. I miss you, dear one, everyday.

Here everyone misses you dearly and can't wait for your next visit. Elia and Dorea wanted to leave for the North, we had to stop them from taking an horse.

Lorenza and Obella had made you a crown of flowers, it is here waiting for you.

I hope your mother is feeling better, I wish I could be there to help you. Ellaria said that the hot weather could help her, but I know how much the both of you love the North.

I wish to hear from you soon, my dear. But not today. Today is your day, I can wait.

I love you dearly, Father.

Cyel smiled before giving a kiss to the piece of parchment. She really wanted for her father to be there, it had been too much time since the last time she had seen him. They always dance together at dinner, knowing how much she loved to dance, and he always told her about those lands far across the sea, promising her that one day they would go there together.

Cyel put the dresses in her closet and her jewels in the wooden chest she had on her desk. Then she stood up, she gave her mother a kiss and went to find Robb. She wanted to see him before her lessons with Dorena, so after that she could go spend some time with Bran.

She walked through the corridors of Winterfell, were people were already working and when she passed by they bowed their head wishing her a happy nameday. It was always strange that day for her, being so much in the center of attention in Winterfell. The servants were always kind and on her nameday they always made her toasted bread and another waffle, it was like she was part of the Stark family.

Cyel found Robb in the gardens playing with Grey Wind "Good day, my lord" Cyel bowed with a smile, when Robb turned. He groaned before laughing "Not you, too" he said before walking to her and giving her a kiss on the forehead "Happy nameday, Cyel" she thanked him before they started walking together.

"Is your mother alright?" Robb asked turning to her.

"Yes" Cyel answered happly "It's been almost three weeks and she is almost fully recovered"

"You should wrote Father this" Robb said in an happy voice "He really wanted to know how Phelya was" Cyel couldn't help but smile at this, her lord was always so kind to them. She surely would write to him as soon as she could.

Suddenly they heard footsteps and they saw Rickon running with Shaggydog followed by a very angry Theon who was yelling at them to come back. At the sight, Cyel and Robb brusted in laughters.

"Oh no, poor Theon" she said trying to control her breathing. Rickon was difficult and he liked to make Theon angry. Angry Theon had always been funny for them, even Bran did everything he could to make a prank to him.

"I really wish Bran was here" she said keeping looking at Theon. Now Bran needed help almost for everything, so in the morning he was always the last one to arrive, even because he still didn't have something he could moved with.

"Cyel" Robb's voice made her turn "I really wanted to thank you, for what you are doing with my brothers" she smiled.

"There is no need"

He shook his head "Always modest, but really. You stay with Rickon and you are helping Bran a lot. I'm so busy that I barely see them"

"You are the lord of Winterfell" she said hearing how sad he was. Rickon may get angry but some company it was all he needed for him to feel better, Bran was another story. Some days were better then others, but sometimes he was just in bad mood and he became very quiet. But there was nothing more that Bran loved more than his sibilings "Bran knows that, he does" she nodded smiling "He had told me you promised that the both of you will go to the Wall to see Jon and that it will be an adventure"

"Did he?" he said surprised.

Cyel nodded "He asked me to come with you"

Robb laughed "It doesn't surprise me, he loves to have you around" Cyel put a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"The same goes for me" she said without looking Robb. Then her gaze fell on Maester Luwin not too far from them who was talking to Mikken, the blacksmith. Mikken was very skilled and when they were kids Robb, Jon and Theon always went to him to see him work.

"Is that Bran?" she asked noticing Hodor in Mikken's emporium, but the sweet stableboy was so tall that Cyel couldn't see his head.

"I think so" Robb said before following Cyel to where everyone was. When she got closer she heard Bran laughing happly and she couldn't help but smile at the sound.

"It is perfect, Mikken" she heard Bran say "Thank you"

"Anything, my little lord" Mikken said bowing is head.

When Cyel was close enough she knocked at the wooden entrance, to announce her presence. As she step in Hodor granted her with an happy "Hodor!"

"Good day" she said with a smile, then she turned to Bran "Good day, my lord"

"Cyel, hi!" he exclaimed "Happy nameday" she looked at his face, his lips curled in a genuine smile. She thanked him bowing her head before Robb asked "Is something happening?" even Cyel had noticed they were all smiling.

"Your saddle is ready" she guessed hopefully, knowing how much Bran missed riding. The boy immediately looked at Mikken with curious eyes "My saddle is ready?" he asked curiously.

Mikken gave out a laugh "No, my little lord, I would have told you"

"Oh.. yes, of course" he said with a timid smile, then he turend to Cyel "Cyel, are you busy after your lesson?"

"She is not busy even now" Robb said with a smile "She is all yours" then he turned to Maester Luwin "Maester, I need to talk to you"

The man bowed "Of course, my lord"

When they disappeared, Bran thanked Mikken again and asked Hodor to bring him to the Godswood. Cyel followed the sweet giant, talking with Bran and petting Summer's head. The direwolf walked happly next to them. He was so quite, not like Shaggydog. Summer enjoyed to sit next to Bran, licking his hands every now and then.

The two children set down next to a tree, so that Bran could lay his back on it. He arrived to the tree alone and Cyel didn't dare to ask him if he wanted help, knowing how much proud Bran was. She set graciously next to the boy who smiled at her. Hodor had went back to the castle.

"Heren told me your mother got up today" Bran said playing with the cloth of his trousers.

"Yes, she did" she answered with a smile.

"I'm glad" he said "If she feels better, I would like to go and see her"

Cyel looked at Bran greatful, he was so sweet "I'm sure she would like that"

He nodded with his head fixed on his legs "And you?"

Cyel blinked her eyes at the question, before searching Bran's gaze "I would, yes" he looked up to her before curling his lips in a smile.

She returned the gesture before looking at the pools. It was becoming colder everyday a bit more so the hot steam was colored in a deep white against the cold wind.

"I wanted to give you something" he called for Hodor who had come back with a box in his hands. She smiled when the sweet stableboy put it in front of her.

"This is from my family, and Theon of course" Bran said "It has been ready for months now" Cyel opened it to see a beautiful grey cape with orange embroidery.

"Gods" she gasped looking at it "It is beautiful" it was perfect for the North weather, she couldn't wait to wear it. She would have liked to thank all the Starks. She would write to Lord Stark and Jon as soon as possible. And she wished she could thank lady Catelyn and Antea too.

"Sansa and Antea choose it" Bran said, then he carefully put a hand in his pocket to take out a little leather bag, not bigger than his hand, and he gave it to her. She carefully accepted it with a little smile.

"What is it?" she asked.

"It…" he said looking down "It is from me" her eyes widened in surprise and she carefully opened it afraid of ruin it.

Inside there was a neckless and its pendant was beautiful. It was a blue rose whose stalk was interweaved by a golden snake. She looked at it with a smile.

After a moment of silence Bran lean over timidly "I know how much you like blue roses so.."

"It's marvelous" she said turning to him giving him a kiss on the cheek "Thank you" Bran look down scrolling his shoulder, before smiling. She looked at him and then back at the pendant. It was what she liked, what she was. When her gaze fell on Bran she couldn't believe he had done something so sweet and thoughtful for her. She took off her neckless and put on the new one. Then they set there talking and laughing like they had always done until Maester Luwin came to tell them it was time for their duties.