Chapter 19


The last few days hadn't been easy for the party. They got attacked other three times and they had lost most of their men. Ser Rodrick got seriously injured the last time that happened. The Imp was still in the world of the living but his two men, captive with him, died too. Antea was tired, she couldn't manage to sleep at night, too afraid of another battle. Shadow didn't disappear anymore, she stood close to the young lady, day and night.

The landscape around Antea grew desolate by the minute; the montains above them were huge and dark, the vegetation was barely visible. The only thing that gave Antea a bit of strength was the cool wind blowing against them between the rocks.

They were heading to the Eyrie, the ancient castle of House Arryn, lords of the Vale. Antea's aunt Lysa set on that seat now, after the Lannisters killed her husband. Antea had seen her just once, but she was very young so she really didn't remember her. She came to know that she was blessed with a son, named Robert, if Antea recalled correctly, but she had never seen him. He is probably around Bran's age, Antea thought.

Her eyes fell on the little lord of Lannister, wondering what her aunt would have done to him. His family killed her husband, she was certainly searching for revenge. But Antea hoped she wouldn't give the order the moment they step in the room with the Imp; there were questions that needed answers.

Antea had thought about that dagger since what Tyrion had said; if he spoke the truth and he didn't bet against his brother then Littlefinger had lied. She didn't like Petyr Baelish, not one bit, but her mother knew him, they grew up together. It was like for her doubting of Theon. Even in Winterfell a lot of people talked about Theon Greyjoy; his attitude, his reputation with women, his House name… but even if he had his flaws, he was a good man and a good friend, she knew. So it didn't matter if someone blamed him for something she would always believe in him. Antea was sure that that's what was her mother was feeling and Antea trusted her mother. Moreover they didn't know the little lord of Lannister, he could be saying anything to save his life.

"Ser Rodrick how do you feel?" Antea asked softly riding closer to the man who was getting paler and paler by the moment.

"No worries, my lady" he said in a thin voice, smiling tiredly at her "We'll be at the Vale soon. There I will take some rest" Antea hoped that surely. Ser Rodrick had been a loyal friend of her family since before Antea was born, she didn't want for him to die like this.

It took them a day to see what seemed like a knight leading a group of men. It had been so long that Antea widened her eyes at how shiny their armors were. The more they approached, the more Antea could see how the leading man looked like. He was young, not much older than her, maybe he was twenty; he got a large nose and brown hair. In her built a sense of security when she recognized the moon-and-falcon of House Arryn on their clockes and shields.

They were in a pass between the mountains, it was narrow and steep even if they had just begun their way up on the mount. For what she knew the Eyrie was at the very top of the Vale, so she was prepared on seeing more of those narrow passages in the near future.

"Who are you?" the young man asked with a strong voice.

Her mother set her horse at hold, making the last of them stop behind her "I'm Catelyn Stark" she announced solemnly and the young man made a bow, before looked surprised to them.

"I'm Ser Donnel Waynwood, my lady" he spoke "You should have sent a world of your coming. We would have sent an escort. The high road is not safe for a party as small as yours"

"A fact we came to know in our sorrow" Antea heard her mother said. In the last few days she had been quiter, pensive and Antea could always see an hard expression painted on her face. She always wondered what her mother was thinking, she whised she would make her part of her thoughts.

"The clans have grown bolder since Lord Jon died" Ser Donnel said almost sadly "If it was up to me, I would take a hundred men to the mountains and teached them some sharp lessons. But lady Lysa wants all her men in the Eyrie. She would not even permit her knights to fight in the Hand's tourney. She wants all the sword here to defend… against what, no one is certain. Shadows, most say" from what Antea had learnt, she ran away from King's Landing afraid the same people who murdered her husband would murder her and her son, but she remembered from what she had studied, that the Eyrei was probably the most difficult castle to attack and succed in trying it. Not only because it was on the top of the montains of the Vale but to defend it there was the Bloody Gate, that they were about to cross, the Gates of the Moon and then there were three waycastles: Stone, Snow and Sky. If someone had attacked, words of it would arrive to the Eyrie before invaders could arrive to the Gates of the Moon. Why would her aunt forced all her men to stay inside?

"Honest words does not offend me, Ser Donnel" Catelyn said knowingly before turning to the Imp for an instant. Antea followed her gaze and she noticed bitterly that the little golden haired was stick to the cuttroath Bronn. Since the other assassin had died the two of them were always together, chatting and laughing, it was becoming very stressful to have them around. Antea was sure her mother disliked such friendship as much as she did. The Imp was a cunning man and Bronn only wanted his purse to grow fat with gold, he wasn't loyal to anyone but that.

Looking at the Imp he didn't even seem a prisoner anymore, he rode, he talked, he laughed and he drank with them. He seemd more at his ease then Antea was.

They set off keeping their climb to the Bloody Gate escorted by all Ser Donnel's party. Antea heard her mother ask for a maester to help Ser Rodrick, whose reins where held by Antea firmly in her hand, but Ser Donnel said that lady Lysa didn't let the maester out of the castle to stay close to her son. Antea didn't knew he was sick, she was sorry she didn't knew.

When they arrived at the Bloody gate a knight rode towards them and Antea recognized the colors of his cloak, blue and red of Riverrun. Tully's color. And pinned to his shoulder there was a brooch shaped as a shiny black fish. Just one person Antea knew was called the Black Fish, Breyden Tully, her mother's uncle.

"Who would pass the Bloody Gate?" he called.

"Ser Donnel Waynwood, with Lady Catelyn and her companions" the young knight announced.

"I thought the lady looked familiar" he said with a smile lifting the helm's visor form his face "You are far from home, little Cat"

Antea saw her mother smile genuine after so long "And you Uncle".

He laughed "Home is at my back"

"Your home is in my heart" her mother said sweetly. That made Antea's mind went back to her uncle Benjen, she had seen him so rarely, but she loved him with every beats of her heart. He was kind and brave, and her father always smiled when he was at Winterfell.

The man took off his helm to reveal auburn hair stray with grey and happy blue eyes "Did Lysa know you where coming?"

"I'm afraid there was no time to send words" Catelyn told him.

After Breyden Tully gave his permission to enter the gate they started their climb lead by him. Behind the Bloody Gate there were waterfalls that rushed delicately against the rocks sparkling under the sun, far Antea could spot green fields and the clear blue sky. It was truly beautiful, so different from what it was before.

"And don't think I didn't noticed you, niece" Breyden's voice made Antea turned to him and Catelyn smiled.

"Uncle, this is my eldest daughter Antea" Catelyn told him. It was the first time the girl saw her uncle, her mother had spoke about him of course, how impulsive he was and how much love she had for him, but Antea had never met the man and she was eager to know him.

"It is so nice to finally meet you" Antea said sweetly.

The man laughed "It is actually impressing how much of a mixture she is between you and Eddard, Cat" Catelyn observed her daughter for a moment before talk with the smile never leaving her lips "A bit more like her father I think, due her love for the north weather"

"She is a Stark, don't forget it" Breyden said "But she rides like you did"

Antea turned to her mother "You loved to ride?"

Before her mother could answer, her uncle laughed "Ride, ran in the fields and came back covered in mud. Little Cat was a little explorer" Antea looked at her mother who was clearly remembering those days. The girl had never knew. She had always thought her mother had always been like Sansa, born the perfect lady she was now. She would tell that to Arya as first thing the next time she saw her. There is hope for everyone, Antea thought.

They rode for long and Breyden asked Antea about her brothers, all of them and she felt so happy she could talk about her family. She told him everything could make him know his nephews best. And he told her about Riverrun and her mother's family, while Catelyn let out a small laugh every now and then.

Soon Antea's mother decide to let their companion rest since to reach the montain they should have ride until evenfall and to arrive to the Eyrie another day of travel was needed. But her mother decided that her, Antea and the Imp to go on, but soon Marillon asked to continue and Bronn with him. Catelyn looked at the cuttroath not to happy that he wanted to follow, but she couldn't deny it to him if it was his wish.

Keep walking on the sharp path Antea looked down to see how Shadow was. Her black fur waved at the wind blows and her eyes seemed on fire, they seemed almost amber now that the sun was slowly starting to get down from the high, it was no long time before twilight. Antea didn't want for her pup to get tired, but Shadow was marching closely to her horse, not caring about how disconnetted the ground was becoming. Antea tried her best not to let the sleep take the best of her; her mother asked her if she wanted to stay behind and rest, but she would arrive at the end of that journey. She wouldn't leave her mother alone, she had promised Robb she would have taken care of her.

"I'm starting to feel weary. What about you, my lady?" Antea looked ahead of her when she heard Tyrion Lannister's voice.

"Do you ever stop talking?" she asked taking a breath.

"Well, it is better than to stay quiet looking at the view" he said and she could already picture the grin that never left his face.

"Some people like that" she told him "Peace and quiet" Antea heard him laugh lightly at this.

"You are not a guest here" she said finally turning to him "Stop acting like one"

He frowned "I thought you were on my side" Antea almost take her horse at rest.

"I'm sorry, you thought I was where?" she asked astonished.

"Yes" he insisted "After we agreed that I wouldn't bet against my brother"

"We" she started "Didn't agreed anything" she couldn't believe at how bold he was, or probably he just found her stupid and that thought made her hands clange around the reins.

"My lady, I assure you" he said "I would do anything for my brother and the same goes for him" She shook her head, she really didn't want to listen to him "You surely understand how deep is the love between brothers"

At those words she stopped her horse hurshly making it block the passage for the Imp, who winced helding tightly the reins. Bronn behind him gasped in surprise and Marillon almost lose his arp "You don't get to speak about my brothers" she growled and soon Shadow followed her doing the same.

"I know what you are trying to do" she said coldly never leaving the little man's eyes "I understand. You've seen me, a young girl, and surely thought that I could be easy to decive"

"Why would I do that?" he asked not pleased by her action, but she didn't care.

"You are a cunning man, Tyrion Lannister" she said without looking away from him "And I'm lady Stark's daughter; a good help for your life. But all you are giving here are smart, yet empty words and it's not me you have to convince" she saw the look on the man of Lannister had on his face, similar to the one he gave to Catelyn when she had deceived him. Antea then kicked her horse to make it move again "Choose the words you are going to say carefully, Lannister. And in the mean time don't speak about my brothers, not even remotely" she kicked her horse again and moved it to approach her mother and her uncle that had stopped further on the path.

"Antea, what happened?" she heard her mother say when she was close enough.

"Nothing" the girl answered.

Her mother studied her with her gaze, knowing perfectly that Antea was lying but after a moment she turned again to keep moving.

It was full dark when they arrived at the Gates of the Moon. It was guarded by the lead of Lord Nestor, that is what Breyden said, and from where they were if they looked up it was possible to spot the fireplaces that lead to the Eyrie.

It is so high, so far, Antea thought tiredly. Its beauty wasn't visible for her at that time.

"If you planning to make us climb that mountain in the dark, I'd rather you kill me here" Tyrion Lannister said suddenly sharply.

"We'll spend the night here. We'll make the ascent on the morrow" Her uncle didn't look at him when he spoke.

"How do we get up there?" Tyrion replied with a frown "I've no experience at riding goats" Antea passed an hand on her tired eyes. They could even had to fly on the back of a raven for what she cared at the moment.

"Mules" Breyden answered with a smile "Passages are too narrow and steep for horses, the mule will take us as up as Sky.

"And beyond that?" Antea wasn't sure if she was just tired but she heard a bit of worry in the Imp's voice.

"That path is too steem even for mules" Breyden said "So we'll walk, but if you prefer, my lord of Lannister, I can make you go up with the chains used to draw supplies from Sky to the Eyrie" Antea let out a quite laugh at that, she was too tired to control it. Tyrion looked at her sharply before turning to Breyden "Yes, if I was a pumpkin" he said "But I'm not sure my father would like to hear it so if you ascend by foot, so will I. We Lannister do have a certain pride"

"Pride?" Antea looked to her mother when she heard her words "Arrogance, maybe. Arrogance, avarice and lust for power"

Antea rolled her eyes when the little man affirmed that every member of his family had one of those qualites, but he was innocent and very far from them, but in the girl's eyes he really wasn't. Arrogant fitted him perfectly.

When they finally enterted the Gates of the Moon, Antea couldn't wait to lay down and sleep for few hours, but when lord Nestor arrived he told them that lady Lysa wanted to see her sister immediately. They were deep in the night, why wasn't she sleeping like everyone else in Westeros? She could wait some more.

"What madness is that?" Breyden roared boldly "A night ascent, without the full moon? It is easy to fell down and Lysa knows that" at those words Antea's tiredness faded away, her mother wouldn't move if it was dangerous.

"The mules know the way, Ser Breyden" a tall girl made everyone's attention diverted to her. She was around Theon's age and she was wearing men's cloths. Her hair were short and black and her eyes were blue. When Antea first looked at her she was sure Cassie was before her, but then she noticed that Cassie was leaner due to her trainings and her lips were fuller than the girl's who was in front of her. But they really seemed similar. She walked closely to Catelyn and bowed with grace.

"I promise you my lady, no harm will come to you. If you grant me I would like to accompany you up. I've made the climb in the dark hundreds of times" she sounded very confident in herself, almost cocky. Gods, is she Cassie's sister? Antea thought keep looking at the girl.

Catelyn smiled "Do you have a name, child?"

"Mya Stone, if it please you, my lady" Stone. Stone was the name given to the bastards of the Vale. Antea's eyes widened; her father and King Robert had spent their youth in the Eyrie, they were surely there nineteen years before. Could she really be a King's bastard? Could she really be Cassie's sister? The resemblance was undeniable.

Antea turned at her mother that for a moment looked the girl coldly clenching her fists, but after a moment she seemed calm again, but she didn't answered back, not even a smile was shown.

"Mya is clever, my lady" Lord Nestor said "If she vows she can bring you safely to the lady, I believe her"

Catelyn looked the man before nodding "I put myself in your hands, Mya" the girl smiled proudly "Lord Nestor keep a close guard on my prisoner and my daughter"

"What? No" Antea argued walking closer to her mother "I won't let you go alone"

"Antea, you need to rest" Catelyn said, but the girl shook her head.

"You need it too" she said "But you keep going. You are my mother and I made a promise to Robb and to Father. I wouldn't have came all this way otherwise" she was tired, very tired, but it was her duty to stay close to her mother. Catelyn put a strand of Antea's hair behind her ear.

"What about Shadow?" the direwolf stood up when she heard her name and looked directly at Antea. The girl smiled at her pup, understanding what she was telling her with her eyes.

"She can do it, as can I."