chapter two

Great Qing

Chapter two

After looking at his stats khan found that his strength and constitution were fairly low , his stats were based on his body the better his body the better his stats would be and conversely the weaker his body was the lower his stats would be , the world he was in was called the primordial world and it was a hundred times more bigger than earth and another important thing to note was that this world was not safe , other than the human race , there were countless other races and terrifying magic beasts . for normal people without legacy they would be sent to native city's of this world called the system main cities, after few moments of searching he finally found a relatively hidden area and pressed the tablet against the ground immediately a system announcement sounded out

[ would you like to use the legacy tablet? ]

yes khan immediately replied, ripples of light started to spread out from the tablet before a formless energy covered the surrounding one square kilometer area , as a formless wave of energy spread and all of the trees grass and flowers disappeared revealing flat smooth ground , buildings rose from the ground there was a thatched cottage with two rooms and the name above the cottage was (village hall) at another part another thatched cottage rose with a furnace and with the name ( smithy) written above another cottage also stood with clothes hanging around with name ( tailors shop ) and another thatched cottage with medicine filled bottles on display with a name ( medicine shop) and an alter slowly rose with the name origin written above then five figures also appeared two at the front were both youths , one had a cold and handsome appearance, while the other one looked refined and cultured. Behind were two men and a woman, one of the men was a bit muscular and the other man had a gentle temperament, the woman had a smile on her face she looked average "we greet your majesty " Looking at them khan felt like the well built man was likely the blacksmith and the gentle man would be the owner of the medicine shop and the smiling woman the tailor, khan knew that he was naturally the emperor of Great Qing now that he received the Legacy so he replied all rise !!

Then they all stood up respectfully, looking at their interface , something only a lord could do to his subordinates, facing the cold and handsome youth

Name : fukang'an

Grade : SSS

Title: ( god of killing )

Title effects: all stats +10 % and causes enemies to feel fear reducing their battle strength and increasing his own troops morale

Profession: (general )

Profession effects : can hold two military professions ( Calvary and infantry)

Achievement points : ( 0/ 200) commoner

Race : human

Age : 24(100)

Loyalty : 100

Stats : strength: 10 / intelligence: 10 / constitution: 10 / agility: 10

Cultivation stage: 0

Cultivation technique: Great Qing sutra ( grade A)

Skills : none / equipment: coarse clothes, coarse clothes pants, coarse clothe shoes

Even though that Great Qing was a warlike empire, so their experts would most likely be powerful generals, he was still surprised when he saw fukang'an stat however his death was one of the most baffling mysteries of Great Qing . He was a member of Manchu forces of Manchuria now known as north east china who had established the Qing dynasty, fukang'an inherited a minor post in the government. After distinguishing himself in battle, he was made military governor of Manchuria (1777) , between 1780 and 1795 , he served several terms as governor- general in different Chinese provinces, he was said to be a corrupt official, he was known to have greatly enriched himself in his various positions, but that was already taken care of by the system with the loyalty stat a 100 meant that he was a khan fanatic, so history won't ever repeat itself

In combat however he was undefeated he suppressed rebellions in the western Chinese provinces of sichuan and gansu , pacified the recently occupied island of Taiwan and led the Chinese expedition into Tibet .

There on unfamiliar territory, 3000 miles from his source of supplies, in the capital of Chinese at Beijing he defeated an army gurka warriors and drove them 1000 miles across one of the highest plateau's of the world back into their homeland Nepal , which became a Chinese tributary state, for his service, fukang'an was made a prince of the fourth degree, the first Manchu outside of the imperial family to receive that rank so he was said to be one of the greatest generals of Great Qing after looking at fukang'an stat khan turned to the refined and cultured youth

Name : li si

Title: (prime minister)

Title effects ( raises popular support, population attraction +5% ,chances of attracting higher grade population +5%

Grade ; SSS

profession: ( civilian court officials)

Profession effects; can choose one type of military profession, intelligence +3% constitution; +2%

Achievement point ( 0 / 200) commoner

Race : human/ age 23 ( 100)

Stats: strength : 6 / intelligence: 10 : constitution: 5 / agility:4

Cultivation technique: Great Qing sutra

Skills ; none / equipment: coarse clothes, coarse shoes/ coarse pants

After looking at li si stat khan was not as surprised cause li si was a famed general of Great Qing, he came to the states of Qing in 247 bc , inaugurating nearly forty years of service to zhao Zheng , who became the first exalted emperor of Great Qing dynasty in the 221 bc , as the prime minister , li si was involved in the initial construction of the Great Wall creating a unified writing system, eliminating dissent and in effort to prevent the growth of subversive thoughts, li si forbade the teachings of history and ordered the burning of books " in 213 bc , one year later 460 scholars were killed to further purify the realm of thought and he helped the first emperor greatly unify china ,however his end was tragic he was involved in the plot of eunuchs zhao gao to void proper succession, but the two conspirators quarreled and zhao gao had li si charged with treason and he was executed by waist chop