chapter 3

Great Qing residents

Chapter 3


Following this khan looked at the other three people there

Wang Dawu : profession ; blacksmith

Skills : forging( can create weapons )

Zhang Baizhu : profession : Apothecary

Skills : healing ( can heal sickness)

He yun : profession : tailor

Skills : tailoring ( can create defensive items)

All of them were of the S grade and their stats were not important cause their profession were not battle oriented in the primordial world, grade was of paramount importance. There were nine grades , in total and they were from highest to lowest : SSS, SS ,S , A, B , C , D , E , and F .

The higher your grade the higher your talent and comprehension which in turn affects your cultivation speed and there were three sub- grades for each grade such as F- , F and F+ also military forces also had grades split from F to SSS after telling them to wait khan approached one of the rooms in the village hall where the tablet was floating and looked at the village stats

Village name : Great Qing

Village grade : ( legendary)

Level: primary (0/5000)

Village area : 1 square kilometer

Village territory: 46 square kilometers

Residents : 6/1100

Soldiers: 0/440

Every village has a population and soldier limit, most normal grade villages have a limit of 400 people, silver grade villages have a limit 600 people, Gold grade villages have a limit of 800 people and legendary villages had a limit of 1000 people and the reason that Great Qing population limit had an additional 100 residents from the village special stats.

Popular support: 100

Popular support refers to the residents loyalty, if popular support is at least 80 , the village would attract more people, if popular support is at 0 residents would flee and when popular support is negative , criminals would be attracted, and criminals can't possibly be loyal .

Because the 5 residents were given by the primordial system they all had a loyalty stat of 100, popular support was therefore at 100

Village special stats: territory crop output +35% / territory crop growth time : -35% / population limit +10% / residents stats can randomly +1 / soldiers stats +1 / population attraction +20% / chances of attracting higher grade population +20%

Subsidiary village limit: 4( subsidiary villages receive +10% of the special stats from the main village, normal villages can not have subsidiary villages and need to upgrade to intermediate villages before they can have any , blue villages can have one subsidiary village, silver grade villages can have two subsidiary villages, Gold grade villages can have three subsidiary villages and legendary can have four subsidiary villages.

After looking at the impressive stats khan felt like it was very powerful but remembering that it was not the only one because Great Qing was not the only empire to unify china or the only dynasty to make exist in china thousand years of history they were three holy dynasties xia , Shang and zhou , the seven powerful states of the warring states period: Qi , Chu , Qin, Yan , Zhao, Wei, and Han; the chu- Han contention, chu and Han , the three kingdoms wei , shu and wu , the five dynasties ; later Liang , later tang , later Jin , later Han and later zhou , the ten kingdoms wu , wuyue , min , chu , southern Han , former shu , later shu , jingnan , southern Tang , and northern han , they were countless dynasties and kingdoms and even though they were many forces that had unified a state they were not many legendary level ones and this was only in china they were many other countries as well . All this chaotic forces from histories would now appear together at the same time, they would also be normal people who would develop their own city tablet or by conquering a village, adding on the countless other races, you could imagine how cruel, bloody and dark this world would be ,putting all this at the back of his mind he walked to the origin alter accompanied by the five people, this was were he would summon residents , normal grade villages could only summon four residents blue villages could summon six silver could summon eight gold grade could summon ten and legendary grade could summon twelve but because of the villages special stats and li si's tittle bonus the village could summon fifteen people every day, khan arrived there and immediately

[Ding : do you wish to summon new residents? ]

the system spoke in his head , yes khan responded and new villages started appearing, eight males and five females some were elderly, some of them were children and another thing to note was that their loyalty was not at 100 they were around 60 , as such popular support fell from the previous 100 to 70 when they were summoned as for their grades , normal grade primary villages usually summoned F grade villagers and one E grade villagers every three days , one D grade villagers every 12 days , one C grade villager every 48 days one B grade villager every 198 days and one A grade villager every 768 days while from S grade above couldn't be summoned in normal villages from this it could be seen how rare high grade villagers were and this time was reduced by 2/3 for blue grade villages another 2/3 for silver grade villages and so on .

So most of the villagers summoned at violet legendary grade villages were F grade some were E grade and a few were D grade and very few were C grades higher grades required more than 2 days but adding on the Great Qing special stats and li si's tittle effects the Great Qing village had a 25% bonus to attracting higher grade population, out of the thirteen summoned villagers one was C grade two were D grade , three were E grade and seven were F grade , out of this thirteen six of them had the military profession ( Great Qing soldier ) grade E : the Great Qing soldiers who swept across and destroyed the other six states and they had different military professions they were infantry which branched out as ( saber men ) , ( swords men ) or ( spearman )

All profession had profession specific skills but all six of the summoned soldiers had the infantry profession cause khan was the king he could choose any profession so he chose infantry , immediately he did he got a basic sword technique