chapter 4: A close call

Then, Raven froze. He heard another set of footsteps, heavier and more deliberate. His heart quickened as the familiar voice of Lady Emma, the orphanage caretaker, cut through the still night air.

"Just a nice night for a walk," she muttered to herself, her voice soft but clear in the quiet. She stepped out of the orphanage, her old boots crunching softly on the gravel path. Raven pressed himself further against the shed, holding his breath. His mind raced. "Lady Emma… she's never up this late. Why now?"

From his hiding spot, Raven watched as she strolled calmly through the courtyard, her gaze fixed on the stars above. For a moment, he feared she would turn and walk in his direction, but Lady Emma seemed lost in thought, her eyes reflecting the moonlight. "She can't find me here. Not like this," he thought, his muscles tensing.

Raven stayed absolutely still, not daring to move until she had passed. The seconds stretched into what felt like an eternity, his thoughts swirling. "I've been reckless. I can't let anyone see me practicing, especially not Lady Emma. She's too sharp."

As Lady Emma rounded the corner toward the garden, Raven saw his chance. Without a sound, he slipped away from the shed and darted back toward the orphanage. His feet barely touched the ground as he moved swiftly, quietly, making sure to avoid the moonlit patches of the courtyard. He reached the door just as Lady Emma's footsteps grew faint behind him.

Once inside, he let out a slow breath, the tension easing from his shoulders. "That was too close." He silently made his way back to his room, his thoughts racing as he climbed into bed. "I can't risk being caught again. I have to be more careful."

Raven stared up at the ceiling, the weight of his double life pressing down on him. During the day, he was just another orphan, playing the role of a quiet, unassuming boy. But at night, he trained relentlessly, pushing his abilities further, always in secret. It was a delicate balance, one he had to maintain at all costs.

"From now on, I need to put up more of an act," he decided. "Lady Emma and the others can't suspect a thing. I'll be the quiet, obedient orphan they expect. But when the night comes, I'll continue my training. No mistakes. No risks."

The next morning, Raven was the first to rise, as usual. He played his part perfectly, helping with the chores, smiling politely when Lady Emma gave him instructions, and blending into the background whenever the other children were around. He made sure to laugh at the right moments, to speak only when necessary.

Lady Emma watched him from time to time, her keen eyes studying him the way they always did, but Raven was careful. He let no hint of his secret life slip. "She can't know," he reminded himself. "No one can know."

As the days passed, Raven continued his nightly training, always more cautious than before. He kept his wind manipulation small, subtle—nothing that would draw attention. Every night, he pushed his control a little further, refining his power, but never letting it get out of hand.

And by day, he remained the perfect picture of a quiet, obedient orphan. Lady Emma seemed satisfied with the act, though Raven never let his guard down around her. He couldn't afford to.

Weeks passed like this, each one bringing him closer to mastering his abilities. He would occasionally glance at his system panel, watching the progress inch forward, the D-rank ability slowly evolving.

[System Panel:

Wind Manipulation (D-rank) – Evolving.

Current Progress: 65%

Condition for Next Evolution: Continued Use and Control Refinement.]

Each night, the wind bent a little easier to his will. His control sharpened, his movements became more fluid, more natural. He could feel it—his power growing, the system adapting, evolving with him. But still, he remained cautious.

"I'll get stronger in the shadows," he thought, the familiar determination settling in. "I don't need anyone to notice. Not yet."

And so, Raven continued to grow, silently, secretly, under the watchful eyes of the world that would never see him coming.