chapter 5 : veil of shadows

Chapter 4: Veil of Shadows

The orphanage was quiet that night. The children had all settled into their beds, their steady breathing a soft backdrop to the silence. The moonlight filtered through the windows, casting pale, silver beams across the floor, but Raven didn't pay much attention. His thoughts were on his training.

The past few months had been dedicated to learning how to control the wind, focusing on the way it moved and the way he could manipulate its flow. Yet, something else had evolved along with his abilities. The more he practiced in secret, the more Raven found himself naturally drawn to blending into the surroundings, moving almost as if he were part of the night. It was instinctual now, the way he could silently step into the shadows and disappear, without a sound.

"I need to be even more careful," Raven thought as he shifted to sit cross-legged in his small room. "Lady Emma could come in at any moment."

The orphanage caretaker, Lady Emma, had always been observant. Raven had learned that early on. Her sharp, brown eyes missed nothing. He'd made sure not to leave any traces, keeping his training so subtle, so private, that it would be nearly impossible for anyone to notice. But tonight, something felt different. His training had become more than just wind manipulation—it was like his body had instinctively adapted to conceal his presence.

The system had recognized this shift.

[System Notification]

Your stealthy nature and cautious habits of hiding yourself have evolved.

New Skill Acquired: Stealth (F-rank)

Skill Description: Mastery of blending into surroundings, moving silently, and staying unnoticed even in the most open of spaces.

Bonus: Increase in movement speed when hiding, enhanced ability to evade detection, reduced noise from actions.

Raven's eyes widened slightly. "Stealth?" he whispered under his breath. His body had always been cautious, moving quietly, avoiding detection, but now it had been honed into a skill. He felt a small rush of excitement, but he stifled it quickly. He couldn't afford to draw attention to himself.

He stood up and tested the new skill. Moving with deliberate slowness, he made his way to the door, barely making a sound as his foot brushed the floor. The doorknob turned with a soft click, but there was no squeak in the hinges as he opened it. Raven stepped out into the hallway, barely a whisper of movement, as if he was part of the shadows themselves. His heart beat steadily in his chest, but his movements were calm, controlled, and silent.

"This... this is incredible," he thought, barely able to contain the thrill building inside him. "I can move freely without leaving a trace."

Raven slipped down the hall, making his way to the stairs. Even in the dim moonlight, his body seemed to melt into the darkness, his form indistinguishable from the shadows cast along the walls. He could hear his breath, but it was quieter than it should have been. His steps were nearly nonexistent.

The quiet of the orphanage weighed heavily in the air. Raven paused at the top of the stairs, listening for any signs of life. A creak from below—Lady Emma, no doubt. She sometimes came out for a late-night walk, though it was rare. He knew this was his time to practice, but he had to be careful. He didn't want to risk drawing attention.

He moved as silently as a shadow, keeping low, blending into the darkness of the hallway. He could see the soft outline of the caretaker walking slowly through the courtyard, her back turned toward the building. He pressed himself against the wall, holding his breath for a moment, waiting for her to pass.

"If she sees me..." Raven thought, swallowing hard. "... she'll know something's off."

But the skill was working perfectly. Even with Lady Emma so close, she never turned toward him, never sensed his presence. The shadows seemed to wrap around him, almost protectively, hiding him in plain sight. When he finally exhaled, it was so quietly that he barely noticed the sound himself.

"I can move without being seen, even by her," he realized. The thought was a little unsettling. If Lady Emma couldn't see him, then who else might not notice him either? But that didn't matter right now. What mattered was that his training had paid off, and this new skill would allow him to continue training without fear of being discovered.

Raven smiled to himself, then made his way outside, fully embracing the darkness. The cool night air wrapped around him, and the wind whispered in his ears, almost as if it were congratulating him. He stepped through the courtyard with ease, moving like a wisp of wind himself, disappearing into the shadows without a trace.

As he practiced, his body growing more accustomed to the fluidity of his new ability, he felt something deep within him stir. This was just the beginning. With each step, he was becoming more than just the boy in the orphanage. The shadows were his allies now, and in them, he would grow stronger.

"I'll keep training," Raven thought, "in the darkness where no one can see. And when the time comes, I'll be ready."

He returned to his room before anyone could notice his absence, quietly slipping back into his bed. His heart still raced with the thrill of his discovery. But the smile on his face faded quickly as he reminded himself to stay vigilant. His secret was safe for now. And it would stay that way—because the moment he slipped, everything could change.