chapter 6: A day of laughter and anticipation

Chapter 6: A Day of Laughter and Anticipation

The following morning, the sun was shining brightly through the windows of the orphanage. The children had already started their usual routines, some quietly reading, others playing small games in the yard. Raven sat by the window, watching them from his spot in the corner of the room. It was a rare moment of calm, but his mind was still racing with the implications of his new stealth skill.

His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Raven! Are you just going to sit there all day?" Elara's cheerful voice broke through the quiet. Raven turned to see her standing in the doorway, a bright smile on her face. Her long, light brown hair was tied in a loose braid, and her eyes sparkled with energy.

Raven blinked and looked away, trying to keep his composure. "Oh, Elara..." he muttered, a bit distracted. "What do you want?"

Elara placed her hands on her hips, as if she were scolding him. "I want you to play with me! You're always so serious. Come on, let's go outside for a bit. We can play tag or something. It'll be fun!"

Raven hesitated. It had been a long time since he allowed himself to just relax and enjoy anything. His mind was always on training, on growing stronger, hiding his abilities. But seeing Elara's wide, eager eyes and the bright smile on her face made it hard to say no. He sighed, standing up slowly.

"Alright, fine. But just for a bit," he said, trying to hide his inner reluctance. He was used to being in the shadows, rarely engaging with the other kids. But Elara... Elara had always been friendly to him.

As they stepped outside into the warm sunlight, Raven could hear the distant laughter of other children, the air filled with the scent of fresh grass and blooming flowers. For a brief moment, Raven felt a little lighter.

The two of them started running around the courtyard, playing a game of tag. Raven, using his natural agility, moved effortlessly, but he found himself smiling—genuinely smiling. Elara was quick, and though she wasn't quite as fast as him, she was determined, always coming up with sneaky ways to tag him when he least expected it.

"You're getting slow, Raven!" she teased, her laughter ringing out as she chased him around the yard. "I'm going to catch you!"

Raven laughed quietly to himself, but he kept up his playful demeanor. For the first time in ages, he felt free, if only for a moment. He wasn't the boy with secrets or hidden skills. In that moment, he was just a kid, playing with a friend.

Suddenly, two other children approached. They had been watching the two of them play from a distance. Raven recognized them both—two of the other kids from the orphanage, both around the same age.

The first was a boy named Joren, a bit taller than the others, with tousled black hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes. He often seemed to be the ringleader of their small group, always coming up with games or mischief. The second was a girl named Mira, a quieter, more thoughtful girl with curly red hair and green eyes. She often kept to herself, though she was always watching the others, her quiet demeanor hiding a sharp mind.

"You two look like you're having fun," Joren called out with a grin, his hands in his pockets as he strolled over. Mira followed him, her usual soft smile on her face.

"Can we join in?" Mira asked, her voice gentle but curious.

Elara glanced at Raven and then back at the other two. "Of course!" she exclaimed, her excitement not dampened at all. "Let's all play together! It'll be great!"

For a while, the four of them played together—tag, hide and seek, and all the games kids naturally fall into when they are enjoying themselves. Raven found himself laughing and even getting caught a few times by Joren and Mira. It was strange for him, the carefree joy, but he couldn't deny that it felt good.

As the sun began to lower in the sky and the day drew to a close, the children gathered on the porch to rest, their energy spent. Raven sat off to the side, quietly catching his breath as Elara, Joren, and Mira chatted about their favorite games.

It was then that Lady Emma, the orphanage caretaker, came outside, her dark hair pulled back in a loose bun and a soft smile on her face. She was in her late 30s, with sharp brown eyes that seemed to notice everything. Her presence was calm and authoritative, but there was kindness in the way she looked after the children.

"Children," Lady Emma called out, her voice carrying across the yard. "I hope you've all had fun today. But I have some news for you."

The kids stopped talking and looked up at her, curiosity piqued.

"Next week," she continued, "we're going on a picnic! A nice day out of the orphanage, by the lake. We can play, swim, eat, and enjoy ourselves."

The news was met with excited gasps and wide smiles from the group. Raven blinked in surprise, though he didn't say anything. A picnic? That was unexpected, but he had to admit, it sounded like something that would be fun. He hadn't spent much time outside the orphanage, and the thought of a whole day away from the usual routine intrigued him.

"Yay!" Elara shouted, jumping up from her seat. "I've never been on a picnic before! It'll be so much fun!"

Joren grinned widely. "I'm going to beat all of you in swimming," he said with confidence, making the others laugh.

Mira, who usually remained more reserved, nodded softly, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "It sounds nice," she said quietly.

Raven, listening to their excitement, felt a small flicker of warmth in his chest. A picnic. It wasn't something he had ever imagined doing. But now, he found himself looking forward to it—maybe just a little.

"I should enjoy the moment while I can," he thought to himself as the sun began to set. "Before I get too caught up in the shadows again."

For now, he would savor these small moments of normalcy, these fleeting feelings of happiness. And maybe, just maybe, the picnic would give him a chance to enjoy something other than secrets and training.

As he gets a flash back of his previous life. He was working late night on a college project without having any fun for months and finally collapsed one night. Only to wake up in a new place. He didn't want that slave lifestyle anymore. He will enjoy when he can while secretely growing his power.