chapter 20: Althea's pov

Althea stood at the edge of the grand window in her room, staring out into the sprawling gardens that stretched beneath her. The dimming light of the setting sun bathed the estate in a golden glow, casting long, soft shadows on the stone pathways. The evening was calm, peaceful, but her mind was far from it. She could feel the weight of the decision she had made earlier, a choice that had not been easy.

Her hand instinctively brushed against the velvet curtains, her fingers tracing the soft fabric as her thoughts wandered back to Raven—the boy she had just brought into her life.

Althea had seen many children in her time. She had come across countless faces in the orphanages she had supported over the years. But Raven... Raven was different. His black hair, his piercing gaze that seemed far older than his twelve years, the way he carried himself with such quiet strength—it all struck something deep within her. She saw the hardship in his eyes, the weight of his past, but more than that, she saw something she hadn't often seen: determination.

When she had first met him, it had been through Lady Emma. The older woman had been brimming with praise for Raven, speaking of the boy's bravery and selflessness during the beast tide. Althea listened intently, but what struck her the most was how Raven had protected Elara, even when faced with the threat of the mana leopards. He had put his life on the line, without hesitation, and that was a rare quality. He wasn't just a child; he was someone who already understood the weight of responsibility, who was willing to carry it, even if it meant sacrificing his own safety.

As Lady Emma recounted the events, Althea felt a pang of empathy. She knew all too well what it was like to be forced to grow up too fast, to face hardships alone. Raven had done what many adults would struggle to do, and that had earned her respect. That was the deciding factor. She couldn't let a child like him slip through the cracks, not when he had so much potential.

Her fingers traced the surface of the ancient-looking amulet she wore around her neck, a subtle reminder of her own past. Hidden beneath her refined appearance and graceful demeanor was a power that few truly understood. She had honed her abilities in solitude over the years, practicing spells and enchantments that even the most seasoned mages rarely dared to attempt. Althea had grown beyond the limits of ordinary magic, wielding her power with ease, though she had learned to keep it well-hidden from prying eyes. Only those who truly knew her, who had glimpsed the edge of her power, understood the depth of her capabilities.

Althea leaned against the windowsill, her arms folded across her chest. The weight of her own memories began to press down on her. She had come from nothing once—an orphan, alone and destitute, with only her wits and will to survive. Over the years, she had built her fortune, her empire, piece by piece. She knew how cruel the world could be to those without power, how vulnerable they were to the whims of fate.

Her eyes narrowed for a brief moment, and a flicker of purple energy danced briefly in her irises, vanishing as quickly as it had come. It was a reflex, a remnant of the power she had once used in a time of great need. Now, it lay dormant—unless she needed it. But even so, she was keenly aware of the strength she had cultivated over the years, and how she could bring that power to bear whenever the need arose.

And now, Raven was here.

Althea sighed softly, pushing away the pang of uncertainty that gripped her. She had chosen him for a reason. But as she watched him settle into the mansion, so quiet, so poised, she couldn't help but wonder how much of his soul was still hidden from her. He had opened up in small ways—just enough for her to see that he carried a burden far heavier than his young shoulders should have to bear. She could sense the darkness that lingered in the corners of his mind, the memories of the beast tide, and the trauma that came with such a battle.

Still, Raven had a strong will. He was resilient. And more than anything, Althea saw the spark of ambition in him. He wanted to grow, to protect, and to understand his place in this vast, dangerous world.

That thought brought a smile to her lips, though it was tinged with sadness. He reminded her so much of herself when she had been his age—lost, yet burning with a desire to change everything around her. She knew that look, that fire, all too well.

Her gaze drifted back to the window, and her fingers tightened around the fabric of her dress. Was this the right decision? she asked herself. The mansion was larger than it had ever been, but now, with Raven in it, the halls felt a little warmer. A little less empty.

Alone in her room now, Althea let herself sink into the soft armchair by the window. The wind rustled the leaves outside, and for a moment, she closed her eyes, allowing the sound to soothe her mind. Her hand moved instinctively to the small crystal orb on the table beside her. The object, crafted from a rare material only she knew the secrets of, pulsed faintly with a soft glow. It was a powerful artifact, one she had made herself. She felt its energy, its connection to the magical weave that surrounded the world, and for a brief moment, the idea of just how much power she could command danced at the edges of her thoughts.

Not yet, she reminded herself, pushing those thoughts aside. But one day, Raven would understand the depth of her abilities. Perhaps, like her, he would also discover the power within himself that could shape the world.

The door to her chamber creaked softly, and a servant entered. "Lady Althea?" came the voice of the young woman, her tone respectful but unsure. "The boy is settling in well. He appears to be adjusting. Is there anything you would like to have prepared for him this evening?"

Althea gave a small smile and shook her head. "No. Let him be for now. Just... make sure he has everything he needs. I'll check on him later."

The servant nodded and left quietly, leaving Althea alone once more. She felt the familiar tightness in her chest, the sense of loneliness that always lingered just beneath the surface. I won't be alone for long, she reminded herself. Raven will make sure of that.

With a deep breath, Althea rose from the chair and moved to the large mirror in her room. Her reflection stared back at her—graceful, composed, but with an edge of vulnerability that few ever saw. For a moment, she allowed herself to feel the full weight of her solitude, her power, and the responsibilities that came with it.

She had made her decision, and there was no turning back. This house would no longer be just hers. It would be Raven's too.

And, perhaps, in time, they could heal the loneliness that both of them carried.