Chapter 21: Raven's Training

Chapter 21: Raven's Training

Raven had always been a creature of habit, but now, in the new life that Althea had offered him, his habits had transformed. Every evening, when the shadows grew long and the world outside the estate grew still, Raven would slip away from the mansion, disappearing into the night with quiet determination. He didn't need to hide his intentions, not from Althea, but he found peace in the solitude of his secret training. There was something liberating about being alone in the vastness of the night, when the only sounds that filled his ears were the wind and his own heartbeat.

His new abilities, especially his Appraisal and Stealth, needed refinement. In the quiet, he could hone them without distraction. But the one thing that had caught his attention most of all was the wind. He had always felt its presence—its flow, its movement. Now, he could feel it respond to his commands. It was not a skill that could be mastered easily, and Raven knew that. But he was patient. He had always been patient.

That was why, in the dead of night, he would train.

He would stand on the edge of the large balcony that overlooked the sprawling garden and the thick forest that bordered the estate. From there, he would begin, closing his eyes and feeling the air move around him. At first, it had been clumsy—turbulent gusts that lacked control, his hands unsteady as they shaped the air. But with every passing night, it became more fluid, more natural.

Tonight, as Raven stood there, the wind whispered around him. He reached out with his senses, allowing the cool air to ripple across his skin. Slowly, he began to manipulate the wind, feeling its subtle push and pull as he shaped it into something more than just a breeze. It was more than just feeling the air. It was as though the wind was an extension of himself, and as he began to float higher into the air, his body was carried by the gusts of wind.

No one could see him. No one could hear him. His Stealth skill, enhanced by the training of his mind and body, made him nearly invisible. He had spent hours perfecting it, blending into the environment until he became a shadow, barely detectable. But tonight was different. As he floated upward, his wind manipulation carried him with speed that felt like it could rival any creature of the night. His feet barely touched the ground as the wind shifted around him, cradling him in its embrace.

With every silent motion, Raven felt his body responding to the training. His Appraisal skill, the one that had evolved into something more complex, was key in understanding the world around him. It wasn't just about seeing things—it was about understanding them. As he floated above the mansion, he observed the intricate details below, seeing through walls, into the ground, and even beyond the physical objects that surrounded him.

He moved silently, a dark wraith of wind, weaving through the trees and over the rooftops. His steps were soundless, his presence all but erased from the physical realm. He could feel the power of the wind beneath him, carrying him faster and faster, his control becoming more precise. He was in perfect harmony with the air around him, every gust, every current bending to his will. His Stealth was perfect, his Appraisal sharp, and his manipulation of the wind was growing stronger with each passing night.

He would float like this for hours, moving silently and swiftly through the air. His movements became a blur, and soon he was able to manipulate not just the air around him, but the wind itself, creating gusts that were as sharp as blades or soft as whispers. As he trained, he could feel the connection to his skills strengthening. He could sense that his control over the wind was expanding, becoming more fluid and effortless.

He knew that he was growing stronger with each passing day, that his abilities were evolving, and that soon, he would be able to do things he could only dream of before. But it wasn't just about his powers. Raven knew that he needed to be faster, smarter, and more prepared for whatever lay ahead. He had chosen to train in the shadows, away from the prying eyes of Althea and the mansion staff. This was his time, his moment of quiet growth, away from the expectations that everyone else placed on him.

The wind whispered in his ears, and he could feel its rhythm in his bones. He stopped for a moment, suspended in the air, and took a deep breath. The wind seemed to hold its breath with him, as if waiting for the next command. Raven allowed himself a small smile. He had come far in his training, but there was still much left to learn.

As he descended back to the ground, landing silently in the center of the garden, he knew that his journey was only just beginning. There were still mysteries to uncover, powers to master, and enemies to face. But for now, in the quiet of the night, Raven could feel his strength growing. Slowly but surely, he was becoming something greater than he had ever been before.

And he would continue to train, every night, until he had no more limits to break.