Chapter 25: Althea's hand

Raven turned the corner of the hallway, his mind still spinning from what he had overheard about the war and the devastating power of the SS-ranked mages. His thoughts raced through horrific imagery—meteors crashing into armies, the raw might of combatants laying waste to entire villages. It made him feel small. Though he had grown in power, his path seemed endless in the face of such strength.

As he walked, barely noticing his surroundings, he suddenly felt a pressure on his shoulder. Startled, Raven froze, realizing someone had placed a hand on him without him sensing their approach. He spun around, eyes wide, only to find himself face-to-face with Althea.

She stood there, her hand gently resting on his shoulder as if it had always been there. Her dark eyes twinkled with amusement, and the faint smile on her lips told him that she had noticed his shock.

"You're quite deep in thought, Raven," she said softly, her voice smooth and calm.

Raven's heart raced as his mind scrambled to understand how he hadn't noticed her. Althea wasn't just standing near him—she had placed a hand on his shoulder without him even realizing it. His senses had failed him completely.

"I… didn't hear you," he muttered, still processing the fact that she had gotten so close without him noticing.

Her smile widened, a playful glint in her eyes. "I've always been light on my feet," she said casually, as though it were the most natural thing in the world. "But you were so lost in thought, I'm not surprised."

Raven straightened up, trying to compose himself. He wasn't used to being caught off guard like this. His stealth skills were evolving, his senses sharp—how could she have slipped past them so effortlessly? His suspicion of Althea, already piqued by their previous conversations, deepened.

"How long were you standing there?" he asked, trying to sound more composed than he felt.

Althea chuckled softly, her hand still resting on his shoulder as though she were testing his reaction. "Long enough to see you worrying about things far beyond your control." She withdrew her hand and took a step back, her movements graceful and fluid. "You've got a lot on your mind, don't you?"

Raven's brows furrowed. There was something almost... knowing in her words. He wasn't sure if she was merely being observant or if she had been keeping an eye on him for longer than he realized.

"Just thinking about what's happening," he said, choosing his words carefully. "The war... and everything."

Althea nodded, her expression turning more serious. "It's good to stay informed, but be careful not to let your mind get too consumed by things beyond your reach. There's always more going on than what meets the eye."

Raven tilted his head, trying to gauge her meaning. "What do you mean?"

Althea gave him a smile, though this time it was softer, more reflective. "There are forces at work that you'll come to understand in time. Not everything is as it seems, especially not now."

Before he could ask more, she stepped closer once again, her hand brushing past his shoulder as she walked by. For a moment, her presence was overwhelming, as though she were silently asserting her power, and Raven felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise.

"You've got potential, Raven," she said over her shoulder as she moved away, her voice a little more serious. "But remember, sometimes strength isn't enough. Sometimes it's about understanding the game being played."

Raven stood there, stunned, watching her walk away. She moved with such ease, her steps quiet, her aura almost... ethereal. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was so much more to Althea than what she let on. His stealth had evolved, his senses sharpened, yet she had completely eluded him. He had no doubt now—Althea was far more powerful than she appeared.

How strong is she? he thought, the realization sinking in. If I can't even sense her... how far do I still have to go?

As she disappeared down the corridor, her cryptic words still echoed in his mind. Not everything is as it seems. You'll come to understand in time.

Raven exhaled slowly, trying to calm the unease growing within him. He turned and continued down the hallway toward his room, his thoughts now not just about the war or the SS-ranked mages, but about Althea. Just how powerful was she? What had she meant by her words?

One thing was certain—he would have to keep his guard up around her. There were too many unanswered questions, and Raven knew he couldn't afford to be caught off guard again.

Curiosity got the better of him as he continued to think about her. As he rounded a corner, he glanced back toward Althea, now just a distant figure. The urge to test his evolving skill surged within him.

Appraisal, he thought, directing the ability toward her.

For a split second, his mind buzzed with an attempt to read something, anything about her—then nothing. The skill failed to reveal any information, as if it had hit a wall. At the same time, Althea paused mid-step. Slowly, she turned her head, a knowing smile on her lips, her dark eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Nice try, Raven," she called back, her voice light but carrying an unmistakable undertone. "You're not quite there yet."

She gave him one last smile and continued walking down the corridor, leaving him standing still, both in awe and frustration.

I couldn't even get a read on her... Raven thought, the weight of his ignorance pressing on him.

As she disappeared from view, he clenched his fists tightly, his mind whirling with thoughts. Does she know I used Appraisal? No... I should ask. How much does she know?

His heart pounded as he stared after her, the need for answers growing stronger. Whatever Althea was hiding, he had to find out.