Chapter 26: Realization and Comparison

Raven sat quietly, reviewing his thoughts about the people around him. Over the past few days, he'd used Appraisal on everyone he could—the maids, the guards, and the other servants. He was curious to see how his own strength compared to theirs, but as the results came in, a new understanding dawned on him.


Appraisal Result: Maid

Physical Strength: 52

Endurance: 55

Intelligence: 48

Wisdom: 47

Spirit: 50

Mana Capacity: 2,100


"Of course," Raven thought, the results making perfect sense now. "They're just regular servants, after all."

The realization hit him hard—he had been comparing himself to people who were simply living ordinary lives. Of course, their stats were low. They weren't training for power like he was, nor were they chosen by a system to evolve their abilities. He had been expecting too much.


Appraisal Result: Guard

Physical Strength: 60

Endurance: 65

Intelligence: 55

Wisdom: 50

Spirit: 60

Mana Capacity: 2,500


The guards, too, had only slightly better stats, which made sense for people whose roles involved combat and physical training. But compared to Raven, they were weak.

"These people… they're just normal," he realized, his mind settling. "I'm not below average atleast."

His Physical Strength, Endurance, and especially his Mana Capacity were far beyond theirs. An average person had a Mana Capacity of about 2,000, but his was at 28,000. He couldn't help but feel little accomplishment. He wasn't like them anymore; he was somewhat better.

Yet, he also knew that while he was ahead of these regular people, there were those who far outclassed him. Althea was the clearest example.

"She's no normal merchant," Raven thought, recalling the way she had snuck up on him, her mysterious aura, her powerful presence. His curiosity about her deepened, but he knew he had to be careful. Althea was keeping secrets, and they were likely dangerous ones.


Raven's Status:

Name: Raven

Age: 13

Race: Human

Class: None


Physical Strength: 450

Endurance: 420

Intelligence: 550

Wisdom: 510

Spirit: 500

Mana Capacity: 28,000


Wind Manipulation (B Rank)

Stealth (B Rank)

Regeneration (D Rank)

Appraisal (C Rank)


His stats were far beyond what was normal for the people he had appraised. But now, Raven understood that these were just everyday citizens, with no extraordinary strength or magical prowess.

"They're not the real challenge," Raven thought. "It's the people like Althea . That's who I have to surpass."

His clenched fists relaxed a little as he made this realization. He had to keep evolving his abilities, training harder, and most importantly, staying alert. It would be foolish to let his guard down, especially now that he knew there were people like Althea in the world—people who, like him, were far from average.

And so, he made a promise to himself: He would continue to push forward, silently growing in strength, until the day he could stand as a true equal to and surpass the powerful figures in this world.

"My competition isn't normal people," Raven thought, his eyes hardening with resolve. "It's the mages—the ones who wield real power. That's the world I'm heading into."

' as i went through some books I realised that getting skills / abilities or just being born with them is pretty common in this world and those who are born with abilities even if low rank are supported by the society into becoming mages while the other people rarely tried to become mages because the ones borned with skills usually had higher potential higher the rank of their abilities and skills. Normal people generally stuck to normal jobs and didn't train much just like the maids working around here hence justifying their low stats. '

The children usually got their ability rank tested for them at the age of fifteen.but they may realise that they abilities anytime uptill 15 years old in some case they awaken at 14 ., 12 or some rare cases who realise or awaken it as early as 5 years old.

This was the reason that the ability rank test was kept at the 15 year old as all the ability users realise or awaken their abilities by this age.

So even if althea asks him about what skill he used on her he can just say it was appraisal and he had just awakened it a few days ago and just wanted to try it out.