Chapter 27: Night's Silent Watcher

The moon hung low in the sky, casting a soft silver light over the city of Lurenthia, where Raven now lived. The streets, bustling by day, were quiet at night, the markets and lively taverns now darkened and deserted. Wrapped in the protective veil of Stealth, Raven moved like a shadow through the narrow alleys, unnoticed and undisturbed.

His movements were fluid and precise, and with his evolved Stealth, he blended seamlessly into the darkness. Each step was silent, his presence nonexistent to the casual observer. But tonight wasn't just about practice. It was a mission. He had grown curious about the world beyond Althea's estate, eager to gather information, especially about the escalating war that was tearing through the borders.

The streets of Lurenthia offered glimpses into the lives of its citizens. His Appraisal worked in the background, scanning buildings and people, noting subtle details. Tonight, he wanted to know more about what was happening at the empire's borders, beyond the whispers he'd already heard.

As he passed through a quiet alley, a flicker of light from the back of a rundown tavern caught his attention. A small group of people huddled together, their hushed conversation carrying through the silence. Dropping even deeper into Stealth, Raven positioned himself nearby, ears tuned to their whispers.

"More refugees today," a gruff man murmured, leaning in closer to the group. "They say the fighting at the border's worse than ever. Villages wiped out—people are fleeing with nothing but the clothes on their backs."

A woman, her voice weary but steady, responded. "I heard some of the merchants talking about Arlen Drake—the SS-rank mage. They said he summoned three meteors onto the enemy's forces, wiped out a hundred thousand soldiers and mages in one move."

"That man's a legend," another man said with awe. "If it weren't for him, we'd be overrun by now."

Raven's eyes narrowed. Arlen Drake, the SS-ranked mage. He had heard whispers of this man before, but now it seemed his power was greater than Raven had imagined. An SS-rank capable of summoning meteors… the sheer scale of such magic was unimaginable.

"He's handsome too," the woman added with a faint giggle. "If only I could meet him…"

Raven's attention drifted for a moment, his mind processing the information. Arlen Drake's power was frightening, but what worried him more was the next piece of the conversation.

"The opposition retaliated with their own SS-rank," the gruff man continued. "They call him Vulkan, the walking volcano. Burned through entire battalions with his flames. Both of them—Drake and Vulkan—had to back down after their clash, but not before leveling the entire battlefield and the nearby villages. It's chaos out there."

The woman sighed. "Nothing left of those towns but ash. People are saying this war's going to tear everything apart if it keeps up."

Raven's heart pounded as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. SS-ranked mages like Arlen Drake and Vulkan were powerful enough to reshape the landscape with their abilities. It wasn't just a war between soldiers and mages anymore—it was a war between forces that could annihilate entire cities.

He stayed a little longer, listening as the group continued to discuss the war and the refugees. The people of Lurenthia were feeling the effects of the conflict, even if the battles were happening far from the city. The tension was growing, and Raven knew it would only get worse.

As he prepared to leave, Raven noticed movement at the edge of the alley. Two raggedly dressed children hovered near the tavern's back door, eyeing a pile of food scraps left by the workers. They were clearly starving, too afraid to approach.

Raven couldn't stand by and watch. Using a subtle flick of his fingers, he summoned a gentle breeze with Wind Manipulation, pushing the food towards the children. It slid across the ground, stopping just in front of them.

The children hesitated, then quickly grabbed the food and disappeared into the shadows. A small smile crept onto Raven's face. It wasn't much, but it would keep them alive another day.

He moved on, slipping further into the city. His Appraisal continued to scan the area, assessing structures and occasionally glimpsing the stats of passing citizens. Most were ordinary people, their stats far below his own. As he appraised a few of the guards and shopkeepers, he noted that the average human stats ranged between 50 and 60 in most categories, with a mana capacity of around 2000.

Compared to them, Raven's stats were far beyond the norm. But these were civilians—his true competition would be mages, warriors, and others with abilities like his. He needed to prepare.

After a few hours of sneaking through the city, Raven gathered enough information for the night. He had learned more about the war and the growing tension at the borders. The conflict between Arlen Drake and Vulkan loomed large in his mind as he made his way back to Althea's estate.

Before entering, Raven paused to erase all traces of his presence. Using Wind Manipulation, he scattered dust and dirt over his tracks, ensuring that no one could tell he had been out.

The sky was just beginning to lighten as Raven slipped into his room. He felt a sense of accomplishment, but also a growing realization that he had much to learn. The war was escalating, and powerful forces like Arlen Drake and Vulkan were shaping the future of the empire. Raven knew he had to continue honing his skills, to prepare for whatever might come.

As he settled in, reflecting on the night's events, Raven decided to check his status, comparing it to the average citizens he'd observed earlier:


Name: Raven

Age: 13

Race: Human

Class: None


Physical Strength: 460

Endurance: 450


Wisdom: 530

Spirit: 515

Mana Capacity: 30,000


Wind Manipulation (B Rank- about to evolve)

Stealth (B Rank)

Appraisal (C Rank-about to evolve)

Regeneration (C Rank)


Raven noticed that his Regeneration had recently evolved from Accelerated Healing and now stood at C Rank. The power of his regeneration ability had improved, but he could also feel that evolving his abilities further would become increasingly difficult. He clenched his fists, knowing he had only begun to scratch the surface of his potential.

Looking at his stats and abilities, Raven felt a surge of determination. His numbers were impressive compared to the average citizens, but he reminded himself that these were normal people. His true competition wasn't shopkeepers or guards—it was mages like Arlen Drake and Vulkan.

"I have to be ready," Raven whispered to himself, gazing out of the window at the slowly waking city. "I have to become stronger."