Chapter 29: A double Stroke of Luck

The cool night air brushed against Raven's skin as he sat by his window, the moon casting a pale glow over the city of Lurenthia. The city was peaceful, but inside his mind, he was anything but calm. The notification from the system still lingered, offering him the chance to evolve one of his skills randomly by one to three levels.

"Regeneration it is," Raven whispered to himself, knowing that it was the best choice. Wind Manipulation was close to evolving on its own in a day or two. If he focused on it now, he'd be ready to train even harder when it did.

But there was another reason for his choice. The pain.

Evolving Regeneration had been agony. So he decided to evolve regeneration weighing his options.


His body nearly rebelled against the surge of power, his muscles contracting and burning as the magic rewrote his biological foundation. It was like his body was being torn apart and rebuilt at once, cells mutating in the heat of transformation. He remembered the sensation all too well—pain so intense it nearly pushed him past his limits.

It was that excruciating process that had made the choice clear. Regeneration was a skill that could save his life one day. He couldn't afford to hesitate, no matter how much it hurt.

He closed his eyes, breathing deeply, his hands resting lightly on his knees. The air in the room felt charged with energy as the familiar sensation of his system's influence began to wash over him. He concentrated, mentally guiding the evolution of his healing skill.

Evolving... Regeneration...

For a moment, Raven felt a sharp, tingling sensation run through his entire body, like a surge of power. It was as if his body was being remade from within, his cells knitting themselves together at an accelerated pace. This time, there was no pain—just the familiar sense of growth and transformation.

The ache from earlier still lingered, a reminder of the trial he'd just gone through. It was more than just the physical sensation—it was a mental test, a trial of endurance. If he could withstand that kind of pain and come out stronger, he could face whatever was waiting for him in the future.

He blinked open his eyes, feeling stronger, more capable. He could feel the power of his new ability coursing through him—faster, more efficient than before. His body, already healed from the last few training injuries, felt even more resilient.

His heart pounded in excitement as the change took root. He had evolved his Regeneration skill to S Rank, a significant boost that would ensure his body could recover from even the most severe injuries in minutes rather than hours.

The surge of strength filled him with confidence, and for a moment, he allowed himself to relax. But only for a moment.

"Wind Manipulation will evolve soon," he reminded himself, standing up from his chair. "I'll be ready for that too."

He walked toward the mirror, inspecting his reflection. His dark hair fell messily over his forehead, but there was a certain intensity in his gaze. His body felt different—stronger, faster—like he was one step closer to the power he desperately sought.

Raven glanced at the city below, the silent streets of Lurenthia glowing under the light of the moon. He knew he had a long road ahead, but with each step, he grew stronger. Regeneration was now one of his greatest assets, and soon, Wind Manipulation would follow.

No matter how painful the process, Raven was ready for whatever came next.

Raven sat by the window, his breath steady as the moonlight bathed the city of Lurenthia in a quiet glow. The pain from his recent skill evolution had faded, leaving a sense of euphoria in its wake. His body was now stronger, more resilient, and the thought that he had just evolved his Regeneration to S Rank made him feel invincible.

System Notification:

Pain Tolerance has evolved to D Rank.

"Struck the jackpot twice," he muttered to himself, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

A wave of exhilaration rushed through him. The knowledge that his body could now regenerate from even the most serious of injuries—almost instantly—filled him with a sense of power. He had pushed through the pain, and now, the benefits were undeniable. No longer would he have to fear injuries during battle. He could recover and continue fighting without hesitation.

Raven's eyes gleamed with wild delight. With an exaggerated flourish, he stood up and tried to imitate a famous laugh he had read about in one of the stories from the orphanage—a laugh of dark amusement, one that echoed through the night, imitating the great villains of old.

"Mwahahaha!" he bellowed, throwing his head back dramatically as he tried to perfect the tone.

But it didn't come out quite right. Instead of the deep, menacing laugh he was aiming for, what followed was a series of uncontrollable coughs. He doubled over, gasping for air, as his throat suddenly rebelled against the mockery.

"Cough-cough!" Raven wheezed, catching his breath. "Damn it..."

He straightened up, embarrassed but amused. There was something about the way it had turned out that made him laugh even more. Maybe it wasn't so important to get the laugh right after all. It wasn't like he was going to be a villain in some story.

He sighed, wiping his forehead and shaking his head at his own antics. But even as the laughter subsided, his mood remained high. S Rank Regeneration. The thought echoed in his mind, a thrilling realization that brought a smirk to his face.

He turned to face the mirror, inspecting his reflection one last time. His dark hair fell in messy waves over his forehead, but now, his eyes seemed sharper, his posture more assured. He felt stronger, more capable, and the sensation of having an edge over others gave him a thrill he couldn't quite explain.

"Now that's power," he whispered to himself, looking out toward the city once more. "But this is only the beginning. Wind Manipulation is next. I'll be unstoppable soon."

Raven couldn't help but laugh again, this time a little more subdued. His laugh was still far from the iconic villainous tone he had envisioned, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that he was growing stronger, more powerful. And soon, no one would be able to stand in his way.