Chapter 30: Testing Limits and Street Brawls

Raven sat in the dimly lit room of his quarters, focusing on the subtle, rhythmic pulse of his Regeneration ability. His body was already healed from the grueling pain of the previous night, but today, he decided to test the limits of his newly evolved S Rank Regeneration. He had always been fast to heal, but now he was curious just how rapidly his body could recover.

He picked up a small, sharp knife from the table, its blade catching the faint light from the window. Slowly, he pressed it against the palm of his hand, wincing as the blade cut deep into his flesh. The pain was immediate, sharp, and intense, but even as the blood began to flow, he watched in quiet fascination.

Within seconds, the edges of the cut began to seal themselves, the skin knitting together as though it were never injured. But what was truly extraordinary was the faint wisp of smoke that rose from the wound. The healing process was so rapid that the air around the injury seemed to sizzle, the scar fading before his eyes, and the wound closed completely in less than a second. The blood flow stopped almost immediately, and Raven flexed his fingers, staring at the palm, completely unscathed.

He repeated the process, this time cutting along the wrist. Again, the skin began to close, the healing instantaneous and flawless. The blood ceased to flow, the cut vanishing like it had never been there. This time, he could see a faint, glowing aura surrounding the wound as it healed, a silent testament to the power of his S Rank Regeneration.

Raven grinned to himself, the satisfaction of his ability washing over him. S Rank Regeneration was a terrifying power, and it felt nearly invincible. He could take blows, wounds, and damage, and as long as he had time to focus, he could regenerate it all. The thought of combat, of fighting dangerous opponents, filled him with confidence.

But Raven's thoughts quickly shifted to his next goal—the creation of his Mind World. He had been thinking about it for days, ever since he had felt the desire to train more efficiently. A space in his mind where he could create a simulated environment to practice, a place where he could control the rules and the flow of time. It was a lofty goal, but he believed it was possible.

He closed his eyes, focusing inward. His body remained still, but his mind moved, seeking the deep, inner recesses where his System could influence the world. He imagined a vast, open space—one of infinite possibilities. Time could stretch or compress as he wished. He would be able to train without physical restrictions, without worry of exhaustion or injury.

Raven took deep breaths, trying to form the "world" in his mind. A place where he could go and train without the usual limitations of time or the physical world. He willed the image to form, but despite his efforts, it remained faint. His mind was pushing the boundaries of what he could imagine, but the Mind World was not coming to life yet.

It was a frustrating process. He could feel his mana fluctuating as he tried to mold the idea. But no matter how hard he concentrated, the world he envisioned remained just out of reach. It needs more refinement. More practice, he thought. Still, he couldn't afford to waste too much time on this at the moment.

Raven sighed, opening his eyes and placing the knife back on the table. He had other things to attend to.


A few hours later, Raven decided to leave the solitude of his room. The day was still young, and the streets of Lurenthia were bustling with activity. He stepped out into the cool evening air, the city's tall buildings casting long shadows. The streets were lively, as usual, with people going about their business, the city never truly quieting down.

Raven wandered through the city, his mind still churning with thoughts of his Mind World. But soon, the sound of shouting caught his attention. His keen senses perked up, and he followed the noise down a narrow alley. As he approached, the commotion grew louder, and soon he saw the source of the disturbance.

Two men were locked in a heated argument, their faces flushed with rage. Both were B Rank Awakeners, easily identifiable by the energy crackling around them. Their mana swirled in the air, a telltale sign of their strength. Raven knew this was no ordinary street fight—this was a clash between two individuals who could level entire buildings with a single strike.

"Enough!" one of them bellowed, his aura flaring as he shoved the other man back.

But the other wasn't backing down. "You think you're stronger because of that rank? I'll show you what true power is!" he retorted, fists clenched, mana swirling violently around him.

The two combatants squared off in the alley, their battle already causing a ripple in the air. The energy around them shifted, and small sparks danced between their hands. Their auras were fierce and aggressive—clearly, they were both used to being in control, but neither was willing to give an inch.

Raven watched from the shadows, observing how the two Awakeners interacted. He noticed how their mana fluctuated and how their movements were charged with intent. The fight, though only just starting, had the potential to cause real destruction.

"Enough of this," the first man growled, his power flaring. With a sudden surge, he launched a blast of energy toward his opponent. The force of it pushed Raven back slightly, the air vibrating with the intensity.

But the second man dodged easily, his own energy protecting him. He counterattacked, sending a shockwave of raw power toward the other.

The two combatants continued to exchange blows, their auras crackling, each attack more destructive than the last. The ground beneath their feet trembled with every impact, and the buildings nearby began to shake as the two B Rank Awakeners unleashed their power.

But suddenly, the first man hesitated, his expression shifting as his aura fluctuated. His hand lowered slightly, and the second man mirrored his motion, both pausing in their attack. The realization came over them almost simultaneously—this fight had the potential to cause irreversible destruction to the city and surrounding areas.

"You know the law!" the first man growled, looking around the area. "This is a populated zone! We can't go any further. It's forbidden."

Both men stepped back, their auras dissipating as they regained their composure. Their fierce expressions softened, but their hostility remained beneath the surface. They both knew that continuing the fight would violate the city's strict laws against causing destruction in populated areas. The consequences for such a breach were severe.

The second man growled in frustration but finally nodded. "This isn't over," he muttered. With that, he turned, walking away, leaving the first man standing in the alley, watching him go.

Raven, still hidden in the shadows, breathed a quiet sigh of relief. While he admired the strength of these B Rank Awakeners, he knew he couldn't risk getting involved. Even a single strike from either of them would be devastating. But their mutual respect for the law was a reminder that even the strongest must still abide by certain rules.

As the men disappeared into the distance, Raven decided to continue his walk through the city.


Later, while walking along a quieter street, Raven happened upon a small carriage that was slowly making its way down the road. Inside, a young girl, her face full of joy, laughed heartily. The sound of her laughter filled the air with an innocent warmth that contrasted sharply with the earlier violence. A woman sat beside her, smiling gently, her eyes filled with affection as she watched the child. Raven could sense their bond—it was a quiet, intimate moment of love and care amidst the chaos of the city.

The girl was Elara. Raven recognized her immediately, her radiant smile reminding him of their brief encounter. The woman beside her was a maturing figure, no doubt someone important in Elara's life. Raven couldn't help but smile as he watched the two. There was something comforting about the scene, a reminder that amidst the darkness and chaos, moments of light still existed.

He turned and headed back to his mansion, his thoughts still buzzing with the events of the.