Chapter 32: The Limits of the Mind World

As Raven stood in the empty expanse of his Mind World, he received a sudden notification from the system.

[System Notification: Mind World D-rank has been created.]

He blinked, feeling a surge of excitement. This was it. After hours of mental focus and experiments, he had successfully created the Mind World, a mental space that would allow him to train without the physical constraints of reality.

Looking around, the void seemed vast and endless, as if he could push its boundaries infinitely. However, the excitement was short-lived when another notification followed:

[System Notification: Current Mind World space limit – The size of a small town. While you can see as far as your vision takes you, the actual interactive space is restricted for now.]

Raven frowned as he processed the information. The vast, seemingly endless void around him was deceiving. Despite what his eyes told him, his Mind World was confined to a limited space—the size of a small town, to be exact.

"So it's not as infinite as it seems…" he muttered, scratching his head. "I'll have to figure out how to expand it later."

Still, even with the space limitations, this was a significant achievement. The Mind World provided him a unique training ground where he could test his abilities freely. Though he was currently limited in size, he knew that as he grew stronger, so too would this mental realm.

Taking a deep breath, Raven began experimenting with the environment. He focused on creating a forest, forming trees and rocks with just a thought. They appeared before him, solid and tangible, allowing him to test not only his imagination but his control over the space.

Raven, still fascinated by his new Mind World, pondered for a moment. The idea struck him—if this was truly a mental realm under his control, maybe he could use it to observe the outside world while training.

He decided to ask the system directly.

"System," he said aloud, "Can I see what's happening outside while I'm in here?"

There was a brief pause before a notification chimed.

[System Notification: External observation available. Would you like to open a view panel?]

Raven nodded. "Yes."

Almost instantly, a floating panel appeared in front of him, hovering in the air like a mirror, but instead of reflecting his surroundings, it showed a clear view of his room back in the real world. The dimly lit chamber, with the faint glow of a lantern flickering on his desk, was exactly as he had left it. He could see the bed he had been sitting on, his books scattered nearby, and the closed door leading to the hallway.

Raven marveled at the clarity of the image. It was as if he was still physically in the room, able to watch everything without leaving his Mind World.

"This is… useful," he mused, leaning closer to the panel. "I can train in here and keep an eye on my surroundings at the same time."

Satisfied, Raven relaxed for a moment, feeling a sense of relief. This additional ability to observe would keep him connected to the real world, even when immersed in his training. He grinned slightly. This was just the beginning.

With a flick of his hand, the panel disappeared, leaving him alone again in the vast space of his Mind World.

After the floating panel vanished, Raven stood in the center of his Mind World, thinking deeply about the potential this space held. There was so much he could do here, but many questions remained. Could he expand this world? Could he train both mentally and physically within this space?

He decided to ask the system again.

"System, what happens if I stay here for a long time? Can I train my body and abilities inside this world, or is it purely mental?" Raven asked, his mind racing with possibilities.

The system responded promptly.

[System Notification: Time flows normally in your Mind World. Training both mentally and physically here will improve corresponding attributes and abilities. However, Excessive use may lead to temporary mental fatigue upon exit, so caution is advised.]

Raven raised an eyebrow. So, the Mind World allowed for more than just mental refinement—it could also be used to increase his physical abilities. However, the system warned that he would still need to practice in the real world to fully benefit from those gains.

"That's better than I expected," he muttered, realizing the advantage this world gave him. "I can enhance my physical strength and abilities without needing the outside world for every bit of training. But I'll still need to make sure it translates properly when I leave."

The part about mental fatigue stuck in his thoughts. Overusing the Mind World could tire him out, which would be dangerous if he wasn't careful. He'd need to balance his time between training here and acting outside.

"So, it's not a free pass," he concluded, "but it's still a huge advantage. Train here, then solidify the gains out there."

He pondered what to focus on first. His Regeneration ability had just evolved to S-rank, and his Wind Manipulation was on the verge of evolving as well. There was also his new Mind World ability—he needed to learn how to use it effectively.

With his next steps clear, Raven formed a plan.

"I'll divide my time between training in the Mind World and outside," he decided. "Use this space to push my limits and refine my abilities, but still make sure I apply everything in the real world. No one can know how fast I'm growing."

Satisfied, he clenched his fists. He was ready for whatever came next.

"Let's see just how far I can take this." Raven grinned, his determination burning brighter than ever.

The path ahead was clearer now, but the challenges were only beginning. And Raven was ready to face them head-on.

Then a sudden thought crossed his mind. "System, what happens if I die here? Can I actually die in this world?"

The system took a moment before replying.

[System Notification: Death in the Mind World will not result in actual death. You can respawn infinitely within this space. The only limit is your own will and endurance.]

Raven's eyes lit up, and a slow grin spread across his face. "I can't die here

Well, that didn go as planned," he muttered with a smirk. Still, the thought of infinite respawns and endless opportunities made his heart race.

"Let's see just how far I can push myself."