Chapter 33: Disturbance in Training

As Raven trained vigorously vs Mind World, the atmosphere around him thrummed with energy. The forest he had conjured was alive, the leaves rustling and the air crackling with potential. Each tree stood tall and proud, forming a natural obstacle course that he navigated with increasing speed and agility.

Focusing his mind, Raven harnessed his Wind Manipulation ability, summoning currents of air to propel himself forward. The wind whistled past his ears as he zipped through the dense foliage, his movements a blur of precision and grace. With each pass, he practiced cutting down trees, testing both his control and efficiency.

Raven visualized the air currents weaving around him, guiding his body as he dodged and weaved between the towering trunks. He could feel the strain on his muscles as he pushed himself to the limit, yet he thrived on the adrenaline. The scent of earth and the sound of leaves crunching beneath his feet became the rhythm to which he danced.

With each tree he struck, he marveled at the way the wind obeyed his commands, slicing through the bark as if it were nothing. This was no longer just training; it was a symphony of movement, a fusion of body and elemental magic. He felt his control over the wind deepening, his efficiency improving as he seamlessly blended speed and power.

Suddenly, a notification screen flickered to life before him, interrupting his intense focus. Raven's heart sank momentarily as he paused, glancing at the panel. The image displayed the exterior of his room, and he was shocked to see a maid knocking on his door, her expression a mix of concern and urgency.

His brow furrowed as he registered the disruption. "What could be so important that she would disturb my training?" he wondered, the thrill of the moment fading into curiosity and annoyance. Raven had expected this training session to last uninterrupted, a chance to refine his skills without the distractions of the outside world.

He took a deep breath, trying to shake off the irritation. There was no point in dwelling on it. Whatever the reason for the disturbance, it had to be significant enough to pull him from his focus.

Raven glanced around his Mind World, taking in the vibrant forest he had created. "I can always come back," he reminded himself, trying to quell the disappointment. With a mental command, he deactivated the training environment, allowing the forest to fade into the void.

As the scenery around him dissolved, Raven felt a familiar sensation wash over him. In an instant, he reappeared on his bed, the familiar surroundings of his room grounding him once more. He blinked, the transition from the Mind World to reality sharp and sudden.

Before he could fully collect his thoughts, the door creaked open, and the maid stepped in, her face pale and drawn. "Young Master Raven," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "I'm sorry to interrupt you," she began, not realizing he had been training. "But... Miss Althea is sick."

A wave of concern washed over Raven at the news. Althea's well-being was important to him, and the sight of the maid's worried expression made his heart race. "What's wrong with her?" he asked, quickly rising from the bed.

The maid hesitated, clearly troubled. "It seems to be a high fever, and she's been restless. I thought you should know immediately."

Raven's mind raced as he processed the information. He had to see her, to ensure she was okay. Without another moment of hesitation, he grabbed his cloak and headed towards the door, the training he had just been immersed in already fading from his mind as he focused on Althea's condition.

Althea's Flashback

Meanwhile, in another corner of the estate, Althea sat in her dimly lit chamber, surrounded by scrolls and magical tomes. The air was thick with the scent of ink and parchment as she focused intently on her work. Her brow furrowed in concentration, she was deep in the process of creating seals and spells, plotting her plan against Arlen Drake.

Althea had been meticulously studying forbidden sealing magic, hoping to harness its power to gain an advantage over her enemies. She believed that with the right spell, she could bind Arlen's abilities . However, the forbidden nature of the magic weighed heavily on her, and she knew the risks involved.

As she inscribed the intricate symbols onto a piece of parchment, her hand trembled slightly. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "Just focus, Althea. You can do this," she whispered, pushing aside her doubts.

But in her haste and eagerness, she miscalculated a crucial step but who can blaim her she had to create something to bind a ss rank being in just 4 years obviously she was short on time, genius mages couldn't do it in their entire lives. The runes glowed ominously as she completed the seal, the air crackling with volatile energy. Realization dawned too late; she had crossed a line she shouldn't have.

A surge of dark energy erupted from the parchment, a backlash that sent her flying backward.she broke through multiple walls. As the dark energy enterer.The room spun around her as she crashed into the wall, pain lancing through her body. She gasped, her vision blurring as the power of the failed seal washed over her like a wave.

Desperate, Althea struggled to regain control, but the backlash was overwhelming. It felt as though the very essence of the magic was consuming her. She clutched her head, feeling the weight of the forbidden knowledge crash down upon her.

After what felt like an eternity, the energy dissipated, leaving her gasping on the floor. The room was silent, save for her ragged breaths. ''How can i fail in placing runes when I never did. Is the effect of my fleeting life force?" she whispered, panic creeping into her chest. The failed spell had not only caused her physical harm but also left her mentally shaken. She felt a fever creeping into her body, exhaustion overtaking her as the world around her began to fade.

Althea tried to push herself up, but her limbs felt heavy, and darkness encroached on her vision. The last thing she remembered before slipping into unconsciousness was the overwhelming sense of failure and dread.


Back to Raven

As Raven rushed down the hallway, his heart raced with worry for Althea. The maid's words echoed in his mind, amplifying his concern. He had to be there for her, to provide support during this moment of vulnerability.

He arrived at her door and knocked urgently, his heart pounding. "Althea! It's me, Raven!" he called out, hoping she could hear him. The door creaked open, revealing the maid, her expression still grave.

"She's inside, but…" the maid hesitated, glancing back. "I'm afraid she's not well at all."

Raven's resolve hardened. "I need to see her," he insisted, stepping inside. As he entered the dimly lit room, he was struck by the sight of Althea lying pale and still on the bed, her brow slick with sweat.

The air was thick with a sense of urgency, and Raven felt a rush of determination surge through him.