Chapter 17: The First Day of Training (2)

As Isamu's mind wandered, curiosity began to creep in.

"But why?" he finally asked his teacher.

"Why did you block my chi flow, Sensei?"

Mikumo smiled slightly and replied, "Because you're in an unbalanced state. Your body is full of potential, but weak on the inside. You're like a beautiful building, but built on shaky ground. The first thing you need to do is train the basics, just like any other student. During that time, you must not rely on your chi. Sealing your energy channels is to prevent that from happening unconsciously."

Mikumo's words somewhat answered Isamu's question, but they left him puzzled about the type of training she meant.

"Now, follow me," she said after seeing that her student had absorbed her words, motioning for him to accompany her as she walked toward a secluded area of the dojo.

After a short walk down the winding stone path that led to the mountain shrine's backside, Mikumo and Isamu arrived at a hidden training ground.

The area was surrounded by thick trees, as if nature itself wanted to keep this place away from prying eyes. In the center of the clearing, Chikage was standing, waiting for them, as if she knew exactly when they would arrive.

Her expression was calm, her face reflecting the patience and wisdom gained from years of training. She bowed respectfully to her teacher upon her arrival and glanced briefly at Isamu, who looked surprised by what lay before him.

Near Chikage was a small cart loaded with weights of various sizes and shapes. Some of them looked obviously heavy, while others were smaller but no less intimidating. Mikumo carefully selected four weights, each one meant for one of Isamu's limbs, and motioned for him to attach them to his hands and feet.

Isamu hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight even before putting it on his body. These weights were different from anything he had encountered in the Naruto world.

While he had used weights in the past, he had always been able to ease the burden with chakra, making the training more bearable.

But here, with his energy channels sealed completely, the weights felt like they were pressing directly on his bones, punishing him with every movement he made.

As he began to strap on the weights, he glanced at his teacher, Mikumo, with a mix of curiosity and dread. He wasn't entirely sure what awaited him, but he realized this training would be far harder than he anticipated.

When he finished attaching the weights, he felt his body grow heavier with each piece he added. His movements became restricted, and the pressure on his limbs was uncomfortable.

He tried to move his feet to test the balance, but he felt himself wobble for a moment, forcing him to stand firm and regain his balance.

"Your first lesson today is patience and endurance," Mikumo said calmly, pointing to two buckets filled with water. The buckets stood next to the cart, glistening under the sunlight filtering through the trees.

"You will carry these buckets of water," she said, gesturing toward the gently sloping path leading to the large tree at the bottom of the hill. "Walk to the tree and return here without spilling a single drop of water."

Once again, Isamu was taken by surprise. The buckets looked heavy, and with the weights strapped to his limbs, the task seemed impossible.

He felt his body might collapse under the strain, yet he didn't dare voice any objections or show hesitation.

Inside, he recalled his memories of Guy-sensei from the Naruto world, imagining as if his spirit had reincarnated as a Shaolin monk. Of course, this was merely a fleeting thought, but it brought a slight smile to his face.

With no other choice, Isamu complied. He grasped the buckets, feeling their weight added to the already substantial burden on his body.

The first step was the hardest, as he felt like the ground beneath him was pulling him down with every movement. His muscles screamed with each new step, and every pulse in his body reminded him of the challenge ahead.

Still, he persisted. The closer he got to the tree, the more the fatigue intensified, but his determination never wavered.

He wasn't about to show any weakness in front of Mikumo or Chikage. Sweat dripped from his brow, and his small frame trembled under the pressure, but he refused to give in.

When he finally reached the large tree, he paused for a moment, catching his breath, then began the journey back, step by step, pushing himself to stay steady and not spill any water.

As time went on, fatigue began to seep into his body. His arms trembled from the effort, but he knew this training wasn't just a test of his physical strength.

It was a test of his willpower and patience—qualities he would need in his long journey ahead.

When he eventually returned to the starting point, he was on the verge of collapse. But he summoned the last of his strength, took a deep breath, and set the buckets down carefully.

"Are you tired?" Mikumo asked quietly.

Isamu nodded, barely able to catch his breath, but he didn't complain.

"Good. Spend half the day on this training, and when you're done, don't remove the weights. Come to the clearing where the water pond is," Mikumo instructed as she and Chikage began to leave.

By midday, Isamu was exhausted and drained.

"The previous training was about endurance," Mikumo said, gesturing toward the training ground. "Now, you will train on balance."

Isamu looked toward the area and saw a long wooden plank placed above a pond. The plank wasn't wide enough to walk on comfortably, and it looked unstable.

"In this exercise, you will learn how to maintain your balance no matter the conditions," Mikumo explained, pointing at the plank. "The first step in jujutsu is controlling your body, and that begins with learning balance. Step onto the plank and try to stay on it for as long as possible."

Isamu swallowed hard and approached the plank. He began the task with determination but quickly realized it was more challenging than he had expected.

The moment he set his foot on the plank, it wobbled beneath him, and he found himself struggling to stay upright. Step by step, the pressure on his body and the tension made him lose balance and fall into the water.

After several failed attempts, he lost his footing again and plunged into the water. He quickly got up, soaked, but he didn't give up. He tried again, and then again. Each time he fell, he would rise and try once more.

Mikumo watched silently, offering no additional instructions. This was part of the test—not just to see Isamu's balance but also to gauge his determination.

Hours passed as Isamu trained without stopping. His legs grew tired, his arms trembled, but finally, in a stroke of luck, he managed to stand steadily on the plank for longer than before.

Breathing deeply, he maintained his balance despite the difficulty.

Mikumo stood beside him after that successful attempt and spoke in a calm, wise tone: "Balance isn't just a physical ability. It starts in the mind. If you can control your thoughts and fears, you'll find that controlling your body, no matter the circumstances, becomes second nature."

As her final words lingered in the air, Mikumo gazed at the setting sun, which cast its warm colors across the horizon.

Then she quietly added, "We'll stop here. The basic training will resume tomorrow."