Chapter 18: The First Day of Training (3)

After finishing the exhausting training and taking a shower to ease the fatigue of the day, Isamu returned to his room with slow, weary steps.

His body was drained. He sat on his bed in the room that had become his permanent residence since becoming Mikumo's student, the same room he had stayed in during his recovery over the past month.

He threw himself onto the bed, staring at the ceiling in exhaustion, feeling the lingering weight on all four of his limbs. A heavy sigh escaped from deep within him.

"This is really tiring..." he muttered under his breath. He recalled how he used to watch the series where the hero Kenichi trained in hellish ways at the Ryozanpaku dojo under the master Akisame Koetsuji.

He remembered how Kenichi often wanted to escape, and at that moment, Isamu had looked down on him, thinking of him as just a spoiled child.

But now, after enduring Mikumo's grueling training, he began to wonder: "Is what I'm going through similar to what Kenichi experienced?" He shook his head tiredly. "I don't know... maybe... but this isn't training; it's more like self-torture!"

Despite the physical training Isamu had undergone in the Naruto world, and the memories he held of the original owner of his body under the supervision of his late grandfather, he felt that what he was enduring now was completely different.

He laughed lightly and muttered to himself with a sarcastic smile, "Neither I nor my grandfather had any perverse tendencies toward torturous training!"

The day was divided into two parts: during the day, Isamu focused on improving his physical fitness through intense exercises, and then, as the sun set, he transitioned to theoretical lessons under Mikumo's supervision. With him was Chikage, who also shared these lessons.

Mikumo wasn't just an ordinary martial arts teacher. She was a renowned martial artist and a researcher in traditional Jujutsu arts, which she had developed over time into her own unique style. This evolution wasn't accidental; it took years of trials and research to create a fully integrated combat system.

Therefore, in her training, she emphasized theoretical aspects alongside physical exercises, requiring students to reach a certain level of understanding to grasp the complex techniques she taught.

Of course, Mikumo took into account the ages of her students; although Chikage was a prodigy in martial arts and Isamu displayed unique abilities compared to his peers, the training was tailored to suit their capabilities and level of maturity.

"In truth, the worst part of today wasn't the tough daytime training or the theoretical lessons, but the special meals I had all day.

Seriously, what is this food? It's worse than hospital food. No, actually, if hospital food could talk, it would demand respect!" Isamu thought bitterly as he recalled the meals he had with his teacher Mikumo and the young Chikage.

"The original series mentioned that the reason Mikumo stayed youthful was due to her special diet, but this goes far beyond 'special,'" Isamu mused, thinking back on the food.

"When I was in the Naruto world, I used to dream that when I crossed over into a modern or similar world, I would make up for all the delicious meals I missed. So why has everything gotten worse now?" Isamu thought bitterly, recalling the meals he had access to before.

"I miss the food in the Naruto world... after all, I was part of a founding clan of the village, and I could get any food I wanted as long as it was available, even making modern dishes if I remembered the recipes and found the right ingredients."

The more he thought about it, the more Isamu felt like crying. Then he whispered to himself quietly, "Alright, I need to pull myself together... I'll endure this harsh training for now. Once I find a way to leave this dojo, I'll head straight to the nearest fast-food restaurant and order the biggest burger I can, with extra calories!"

As he indulged in dreams of a bright future filled with hearty meals, he almost drooled. But he quickly snapped back to reality, saying, "Now I need to focus on the important thing... I have to check something."

Then he whispered softly, "Data panel."

Suddenly, a glowing screen appeared in front of his eyes, as if it were part of his mind, displaying his personal details:

Full name: Isamu Uchiha

Age: 6 years

Chakra Unit (temporarily sealed): 70


Sharingan (Uchiha Clan bloodline): Level 1

• Description: Grants the ability to accurately read and analyze the opponent's movements, but requires intense focus to activate.

• Progress: (0/10) – Recently awakened, training to develop it.


Clone Technique (Rank E) – Level 1

• Description: A Ninjutsu technique that allows the user to create illusory clones aimed at distracting opponents or setting up surprise attacks.

• Progress: (2/10) – Still in the early stages of training and needs improvement in basic skills.

[Transformation Technique] (Rank E) – Level 1

• Description: A Ninjutsu technique that allows the user to temporarily transform into another person or object, useful for camouflage or infiltration.

• Progress: (4/10) – Still in the early stages of training and needs improvement in basic skills.

[Substitution Technique] (Rank E) – Level 1

• Description: A defensive technique that allows the user to quickly swap their body with another object, such as a tree trunk or stone, to avoid surprise attacks.

• Progress: (1/10) – Still in the early stages of training and needs improvement in basic skills.

Taijutsu: Level 1

• Description: A combat style that relies on physical strength and close-quarters techniques such as punches, kicks, and fast movements to enhance both offense and defense.

• Progress: (0/10) – The trainee is learning basic movements like punches and kicks and needs continuous training to strengthen muscles and improve speed and accuracy.

Jujutsu: Level 1

• Description: A combat style that focuses on physical strength and hand-to-hand combat techniques. It emphasizes balance, control over the opponent, and dynamic movements to disable or subdue the opponent without the need for weapons.

• Progress: (0/10) – The trainee begins learning the basics such as balance, focus, and endurance. This style requires regular and intense training to develop skills and improve performance gradually.

Overall classification: Beginner fighter / Novice ninja (First stage of training).

[Dimensional Gate]:

• Discovered worlds: Naruto (original world), History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi (current world).

• Unknown worlds: 0

After summoning the data panel provided by the Dimensional Gate, Isamu focused on his details and noticed some changes compared to before the crossing.

"It seems there's a new addition; the word 'sealed' appeared next to the chakra column, meaning I'm temporarily unable to use my chakra... just as my teacher said." Isamu tried to activate his chakra and channel it through his energy pathways like he used to in the Naruto world, but he failed.

"It's no use... I guess I won't be able to use ninja techniques unless I ask my real teacher to remove the seal or wait for it to fade naturally."

Then he paused for a moment to reconsider: "It might not be such a bad thing after all. This will help me adapt to a fighting style without chakra, which might be useful in the future. Besides, the seal prevents me from using chakra, but it doesn't stop me from extracting it. This means I can focus on increasing my chakra reserves while I wait."

He continued reviewing his data, most of which remained unchanged. He wasn't surprised, as only a month had passed, and most of it was spent recovering from his injuries and staying in bed.

At the end of his review, he noticed the "Jujutsu: Level 1" entry. This new skill was at the same level as Taijutsu.

"Jujutsu has been added as a skill! That's good... I can now track my progress. I feel that under my teacher's training, this skill will develop quickly."

Finally, he noticed another change: the removal of the number 1 from the "Unknown Worlds" column, with the name of this new world now listed next to the Naruto world in the "Discovered Worlds" column.

Isamu pondered over the data in front of him: "This panel isn't a tool to gain extra perks or unrealistic abilities. It simply reflects the information I have and updates itself automatically based on what I learn, without adding anything unfamiliar to me."

Then he said to himself: "The first day of training is over, but I have a feeling that this day might be the true beginning for me."