Chapter 19 : Rhythm of Training

In the following training days, Mikumo did not come to watch Isamu every day; she only came for a few hours to provide some guidance and increase the intensity of the training. He also noticed that Chikage was not present during the training with him, and she showed signs of fatigue on her face in the evening. With Mikumo's fewer visits, Isamu began to suspect that Chikage was undergoing special training under the teacher's supervision. However, he did not feel jealous of her special treatment, as he knew he was a secondary student, which meant he came second in terms of training focus.

Moreover, Chikage was Mikumo's adopted daughter. When he looked at Mikumo's age, which exceeded ninety years, he realized that no relatives or people had come to visit her, which meant that Chikage might be the only member of her family.

In truth, Isamu felt pity every time he looked at Chikage, compared to what he was doing at her age in his previous life. At that time, he cared only about playing in the mud, and when he returned home, his mother would hit him, while Chikage was now training hard.

Furthermore, there was no special treatment that his teacher Mikumo could offer him. Unlike Chikage, the little girl who appeared to be four years old, he possessed much higher physical abilities than his peers. If Isamu really asked for special training, it was likely that she would double his physical training, which would make him collapse under the pressure.

Isamu wanted to walk the path of strength, not torture. For him, the forty-year-old otaku spirit, training was enough, and he did not need any extra special treatment. He had reached the limits of his mental training, and any type of additional treatment could lead him to think about quitting this world and returning to the world of ninjas.

Time flew by quickly, and each day was filled with increasing training. Mikumo's training remained as strict as ever, but over time, Isamu began to notice gradual changes in his physical strength and skills. His endurance improved noticeably, his balance became better, and his speed increased with greater precision.

The training was not limited to the physical aspect only; it also included his mind. Mikumo continued to provide him with lessons in jujutsu and other martial arts she had developed, focusing on understanding the philosophy behind each movement, not just how to execute it.

This deep understanding was changing the way he thought about fighting, significantly contributing to his development as a fighter. During this period, the data board became an essential part of his daily life. Isamu would browse the slight changes in his information daily, tracking his ongoing progress. Although ninjutsu techniques like cloning, transformation, and substitution were on hold due to the seal's presence, the amount of chakra he had was increasing, even if he couldn't use it. He also felt that his physical training might have slightly improved his control over the flow of chakra, despite the restrictions imposed by the seal on his channels.

As for jujutsu, which was the focus of the training, his level rose from 0 to 1. The surprising thing was that the same progress occurred in taijutsu as well. Over time, when he asked his teacher about the training related to other martial arts during one of the evening sessions, Isamu learned that martial arts might differ in their developmental goals and focus, but the training foundations they relied on were quite similar.

When he arrived at the training ground today, he found Mikumo standing as usual. But this time, there was no wooden board or obvious challenge. Instead, there was a small bag hanging on a wooden post in the center of the training ground.

Mikumo said calmly, "In the past months, I have improved your jujutsu fundamentals, and you have mastered the basic elements." Isamu complained inwardly, "If it weren't for the extra weight I carry on my limbs all day, which I keep increasing a little each time I adapt to it, I would have mastered these fundamentals faster." However, he kept his thoughts to himself and showed no signs of complaint.

Then Mikumo continued, "Today we will learn speed and precision." She pointed to the bag hanging in the center of the training ground. "Jujutsu is not just physical strength or balance; it's also the ability to move quickly and strike the target accurately at the right moment."

Mikumo explained while pointing at the bag: "Your task today is to hit this bag with one move, but the strike must be both accurate and fast. The goal is not to smash the bag but to hit it so that it barely moves."

Isamu approached the bag, examining it carefully. At first, the exercise seemed simple, but he quickly realized after several attempts that combining precision and speed was not as easy as he had expected. Either his strike was too fast, causing the bag to move too much, or it was too slow to affect it as needed.

Mikumo, as usual, contented herself with silently observing without intervening. She knew that Isamu needed to test every step for himself, as practical experience was the key to mastering these skills.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Isamu began to grasp the secret of the training. He realized that he should not only focus on the bag but also on his complete control over his body. He began to organize his breathing, adjust the rhythm of his movements, and concentrate on the moment his hand would meet the bag.

In that moment, Isamu understood that the training Mikumo provided was not just physical movements. It was a true balance between mind and body. With every attempt to hit the bag, his body learned something new, not only through his muscles but also through a deeper mental harmony. He had to control every part of his body and direct his strength precisely without losing speed.

As he continued trying, he remembered the previous training sessions where Mikumo had focused on the small details he had initially overlooked: regular breathing, controlling weight distribution, and being fully aware of every movement. Those details that had seemed trivial before were now harmonizing to form a new foundation in his mind and body.

"It's not just about strength," he whispered to himself, "but about control." He realized that the goal was not the bag itself but training himself to control his body, his movements, and even his thoughts. Every new attempt opened a door for him to deeper understanding.

As the hours passed, his attempts gradually improved. The challenge was not in the force of the strike, but in what happened before it: focus, preparation, and timing. This was what Mikumo wanted him to learn, to understand that true strength comes from the mind that leads the body.

With every step forward, his confidence grew, but it did not come just from succeeding in hitting the bag; it came from his awareness of what was happening inside him. This training was more than just developing combat skills. It was training to understand oneself and using the mind as a tool to direct physical strength in a balanced and thoughtful manner.

Over time, Isamu finally managed to strike the bag with both lightness and power simultaneously, just as Mikumo wanted. The strike was accurate and fast, barely moving the bag, yet it was perfectly executed.

After hours of continuous attempts, Mikumo approached him and said calmly, "Speed and precision are not in the movement itself, but in the mind that directs that movement. This is similar to what you learned about body balance. When you control your mind, every movement becomes a reflection of that control."