Plans (2/2)

There was an item called Mirror of Remote Viewing. It's a magic mirror that allows the user to see and observe any known or unknown location. Like a computer screen, the user can manipulate the image perception, enlarging or minimizing the view using specific hand gestures to move through what the mirror is displaying. However, low-level anti-search magic is enough to hide from the mirror's sight and it can easily be destroyed when hit by an attack.

The mirror I was using was called Mirror Of The Heaven, a world-class item that could see it all, and so the true form of anything reflected in it. It would also show information about everything, telling you about spells used, locations, etc.

'They look... weak.' I thought while looking at knights slaughtering a village, the villagers had no hope of defending themselves against such power, so they were all being slaughtered without a single person being able to flee.

I tapped on one of the knights and his information appeared, which I went on to read. he was a level 8 knight, from a kingdom known as the Slane Theocracy. I tapped around the knights to find their leader, someone called Nigun who was at level 23.

I looked around the village for some time, before I tried to use my Almighty, and my eyes snapped wide open as I found myself in the middle of all of the deaths and chaos. I felt myself growing stronger as if all of the death that was taking place was being absorbed by me.

The knights didn't see me, I was like the Grim Reaper, only seen by those on the edge of death. I was here, but at the same time, I wasn't here. The best way to explain this was... well, think of everyone who was dying giving off energy, I could use that energy to appear here... but this wasn't my true form, more like an avatar whose strength reflected how much death energy was used to allow me to appear.

"Interesting," I said while looking at the mirror, looking at myself who was saying the same thing I was saying. Our minds were connected, but at the same time, we could act without getting in the way of the other. I also felt like I could give my avatar extra power to remain there until he no longer needed to stay.

My avatar used the Almighty. My Almighty was different from the one in bleach, it was limited to allowing me to see all possible futures of where I stood, and its power leaned more towards Death. It was thanks to it I appeared here, it was thanks to it I erased the concept of Death from Mera and Aura.

Now I found an extra ability, the power to absorb something to do with those who have died to strengthen myself. but I knew this went deeper and I planned to look into it later.

"... Carna village," I said while looking into the future, that village is where they planned to end Gazef once and for all. This caught my attention because I got a memory, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

It was of Momonga stepping out of a Gate to arrive before 3 people. 2 being village girls, and the other being a knight who was about to kill those two girls.

'Okay, let's see.' I thought while controlling the mirror to move towards where Carna village was. I quickly found the village, the knights would take about 2 days to reach this village, I looked around at this village before finding the two girls in that memory.

They were sisters, the eldest being Enri Emmot who was 16 years old, and Nemu Emmot who was 10 years old.

I didn't want to get too used to seeing the future, but I first looked into the future to look at possible futures where that village would have an army of goblins... wait, how did I know about an army of Goblins?

I cursed the god who killed me, I was sure he was behind this. but I focused on that fact, and slowly I saw an army of Goblins standing face to face with an army. I quickly used the Almighty to see a similar future while ignoring all events that would lead to that event as I didn't care for it... until I found a perfect match between the memory I recalled, which caused that memory to brighten up.

Seeing that future, I went on to look back, and quickly saw how in this possible future, I gave Enri two horns. They were simple items called Horn of the Goblin General.

'She seems to have met a hidden condition that led to her instead of summoning a few set goblins, to summon 5,000 powerful goblins... I wonder what condition they were.' I thought in interest, almost wanting to see the future to see those conditions but I stopped myself. Instead, I looked at Enri for some time... she would be a good pawn for my plans. She is blessed by luck... ignoring the fact her parents will die soon.

Step one of stepping into the world is to have some kind of place to call your own. Carna village can be that place, I will save this village, and from there I will secretly have it fall under my control. I had many plans, and by the looks of things, Carna Village would be the perfect place to throw out my plans without the risk of drawing unwanted eyes... but it was clear that the village would draw eyes one day, so I would need to be extra careful.

'The fact I could see possible futures of myself... does that mean there are other timelines with me?' I thought while using the Almighty to see the answer to this, before realizing something, I wasn't looking into a possible timeline, I was simply taking this moment right now, and looking forward at every possible future I could take. When I hardened my heart to do one thing for sure, and not doubt myself, I saw how many possible futures just up and disappeared.

Anyway, I played around with this for some time, learning everything I could do until my attention was drawn over by Sebas who arrived, sighing that he had finally found me.

"Lord Momonga, please don't go off on your own when we are in the dark about this world," Sebas said to which I nodded my head in understanding.

"My apologies Sebas, as things are, I will be busy with the events to come... on that note, have one of the Battle maids let Demiurge know we will be leaving in 3 days," I said with a smile, to which Sebas nodded while using the spell [Message] to speak with one of the battle maids to tell them of their new task.

"Well, I wish to train my capability," I said with a smile, I wanted to times Death with Death, and have the power of both life and death at my finger. So, we went to the 6th floor, where I got to train with the power of Death.