The village 2

"Forgive me my lord, but I don't understand what we gain today that we couldn't gain by force," Demiurge said in shame, and at his words I laughed. 

"Demiurge, there is something I fully believe in. This is a saying I heard long ago, Anything That Can Go Wrong, Will Go Wrong." I said while looking down upon the village down below. To avoid the lifeless bodies from turning into undead, they had to bury them the same day they were killed.

"If we went about things through force, then the chances of things getting out of our control would increase. Ruling through fear isn't as effective as having them work for you willingly... well, I will let you watch everything for yourself. I will ask you at a later date how my actions in this village affected my plans down the road." I said lightly, to which Demiurge nodded lightly.

"Your next move is to go to E-Rantel to see this alchemist?" Demiurge asked to which I nodded lightly,

"Indeed, but first I need a reason to be near him or something of the kind. But that's for a later date, I can't do much with the little information I have now." I said lightly before I noticed something was off with the villagers.

I headed down, where I quickly was told that there were warriors on horseback heading towards the village. I quickly guessed this was the one known as Gazef, so I went on to calm everyone down and waited for Gazef and his party to arrive, and that didn't take long.

Gazef upon arriving instantly sized me up, along with Demiurge before looking at the Death Knight which was helping the villagers. I had given the villagers the death knight to see what type of task it could do, and couldn't do... and I was impressed with the task it could do.

"I am the Warrior-Captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff. By order of the King, I have been visiting each of the frontier villages to exterminate knights from enemy countries who have been making trouble here." And at his words, a shock spread out through the village as everyone was shocked to think he would come all this way for their sake.

"You must be the Chief of this village. Can you tell me who is the person beside you?" He asked wanting to know about me since he felt... well, he knew he was no match. The very thought of attempting to face him sent chills down every inch of his being. 

"This is our saver, Ainz Ooal Gown. He saved our village from the knights who attacked us." The village head said, stunning Gazef for a second before he bowed.

"Thank you for saving this village. I have no words that can adequately praise your kindness." He said while bowing deeply before me. But I raised my hand, having him get up.

"No need for that, I was just passing by and decided to have my home here," I said calmly, I had no smile or anything like that. I didn't want to waste my time putting on any more acts, instead, I was planning my future for Gazef.

'His standing amongst the nobles shouldn't be good... for such a small amount of warriors to come to face those guys, they would surely die. I also heard something about him having special gear, the fact he doesn't have it equipped... he seems to be of pure heart, something which nobles wouldn't like.' I thought calmly, wondering how I should go about my next plan.

As we spoke, we were soon intruded upon by a knight who came running over, alerting us of enemies that were here. To that, I had Gazef and the others protect the village while I had Demiurge join me to go meet the newcomers.

Soon, under the setting son I faced the army who had summoned angels from the game. They were known as the Archangel Flames, they were super-weak angels at around level 17.

"And who are you?" Nigun Grid Luin said with a raised eyebrow, stunned that two people would come face them. I ignored them, instead looking towards the sky where I sensed someone trying to watch the event here, with a thought, the sky shattered like glass, causing everyone to look up in shock. I allowed Nazarick to watch,

"Now, it looks like your owner was watching... we can't have that," I said with a smile while removing my ring, allowing my appearance to turn back to its skeleton form.

"While I'm here, I want to use you all for a few experiments," I said while looking at their shocked looks, which grew when the aura of death spread off my being, causing the air, light, and everything it came into contact with to just... die.

First I used [The Almighty], not to see their future or anything... but instead to change their fate.

"Die," I said, and with my words, one of the people before me... well, he just dropped to the ground, completely lifeless and dead.

"... w-what did you do?" Everyone was horrified, all while Demiurge's eyes widened at my show of power.

'Yes, I can mimic Instant Death... just this version is far weaker since I can't kill even fate... no, I should be able to kill fate. I just need to create a skill from this... now can I undo what I did?' I thought while pointing forward

"Live," I said while the power of death exploded off my being, I used the [Almighty] To the fullest, and under my will, I took hold of the laws of Life and Death, switching the two and allowing the knight to live once more.

'Interesting, the gains I got had not disappeared. It seems like summons would only have their gains disappear.' I thought before looking into what I gained.

"Kill him, he is the devil!" Nigun roared in horror, and with that, all of the summoned angels shot towards me at blinding speed.

"I see..." I said while everyone froze as the ground cracked, as if coming from the pits of hell, those who had died, from villagers to knights came crawling out.

"All that dies near me enters my domain, and I shall allow you all to breathe again, but under my will as loyal fighters," I said as the villagers shot forward at blinding speed, far stronger than when they were alive. The knights jumped onto the angels, shattering them apart. Nigun had a horrified look at this sight, what was he supposed to do when he was facing the god of death?

'They growing stronger within my domain, there seems to be a limit to how strong they could be, and the time in which they have entered my domain doesn't seem to have much effect on their strength, seems to be an instant buff to their power... what would happen if I kill concepts?' I thought my eyes glowing at the possibilities, before I grinned feeling the skills at my palm.

For they were in my domain, their skills were mine. Unlike the original [Almighty] which made all skills I see my ally. This new skill which I will call [Death's Almighty] seems to have the ability to reward me with the gift of those who fall into my domain.

I just realized I could tap into farmer skills, knight skills, and the list went on. All of the skills they had learned, even something known as Martial Arts were something I could use... now the question was, how do I ensure I could keep these gains even if those who die escape my domain?

I wasn't foolish enough to think my ability was absolute, so this needed to be tested... but even if the person who died comes back to life, it doesn't seem to matter since the person I had killed and brought back to life was amongst those in my domain at the moment, and was fighting on my behalf.

"You, can you speak?" I asked one of the people I brought back to fight on my behalf.

"Yes, my lord." The villager said lightly, to which I nodded before asking the villager, a few random questions, and the villager seemed to be a perfect reflection of their past lives, with the only limitation being 1 thing. They didn't have emotions, I also guessed that they couldn't learn anything new and couldn't be able to grow anymore. As things stand, they should be at about level 30, which was their limit even if they were alive.

This knowledge made an itch grow in my heart, the idea of going around the multiverse collecting the best of treasures... well, in this case, the treasures were more beings to join my domain... I also wanted a harem. I mean who didn't? True love was cool and all... but I rather have a harem.

'Okay, the [Death's Allmighty] can foresee all possible futures, the power to manipulate Death's aura in many ways, amongst some being the power to absorb those who die to both strengthen me and also add those who die to my domain, before I summon them... the summoning of which weakens me.' I thought while looking at Nigun rushing to summon a higher tier angel... the Dominion Authority, an angel at level 48.

With a ray of holy light, all of the summons were turned to ashes, erased as they were too weak to face something super effective against them. With their death, they returned to me, slowly recovering although my strength did not return, and was instead slowly returning as they regained their power.

"Interesting... I was just wondering what would happen if they die." I said lightly, causing Nigun who was speaking something about how that was the strongest angel or something to pause... I didn't care to listen to him.

"W-what how can you be so calm!" Nigun roared almost going mad at the sight of me not caring one bit. Seeing me still ignoring him, he ordered the angel to attack me, and with that, a ray of light fell from the heavens... but it was nullified by a barrier that appeared before me.

"I have complete immunity to such weak magic. Unless your attack can one-shot 2 World Enemies at the same time, you can forget even touching my HP in the slightest." I said calmly, Nigun of course couldn't believe such words. Almost going mad, he ordered the angel to attack me, but I easily caught the weapon the angel held,

"[Hand Of Death]" I said lightly, with my racial classes, I had many unique skills. [Touch of Undead] or [Negative Energy Touch] was the downgraded version of [Hand Of Death] was a skill and not a spell.

[Negative Energy Touch]- Deals negative-type damage to the object being touched, attacked, or skill-attacked by the user. Before the target is inflicted by negative-type damage, it can be fully recovered by avoiding direct physical contact with the user. Death can occur from the unhealable strength attribute being reduced to zero. It can be acquired during the Elder Lich level-up and can be activated or deactivated at will. It was also a skill abused to infinitely heal the undead as a glitch in YGGDRASIL before the developers patched it up during the first week of the game.

[Hand Of Death]- Deals instant death to anything I touch, and bypasses all resistance and immunity. Did it have limitations? Nope.

So, when I touched the weapon of the angel... it just died, crumbling away and disappearing before everyone's wide eyes. I stepped forward, touching the angel, and not even bothering to look back, I looked at Nigun who grew horrified as the angel crumbled away until nothing remained. 

"You all lost your usefulness," I said lightly, my flames for eyes growing stronger, causing Nigun pants to grow wet, and joining everyone... he lost all hope to combat me.