POV: Kate

I was just halfway awake when I felt something weighty on my stomach. I tried to push it a little bit, but it was difficult since my muscles were sore and it was simply too heavy. When I opened my eyes, I noticed something silky stroking my neck and collarbone, and I felt something else on my breast that was a little bit achy and it was painful. Once again lying down, I inhaled deeply, rubbed my eyes, and waited for them to completely open before looking down and my eyes went wide-open when I saw a men. I was completely perplexed and filled with questions. Who is this man? Where am I? How did I get here? I looked around and realised that it wasn't my stupid room.


Kate bit her lip to stop herself from wailing when David shifted a little while he was sleeping and bit her nip since it was near to his lips. Kate felt like a current passed through her body and it was intense only one thing was missing she wasn't willing Because that won't make her problems go away although it will welcome more problems and because of that freaky movement, she realised she was nude!

She looked around, no one was there. It was huge room and well decorated and totally an alien for her. A very pleasant manly odor was surrounding her. In a matter of second she realized what she had done. Her private parts

were hurting and wet..

She checked up on the sheets she sat on, it was all bloody. "What have I done?" she muttered in panic.

"Goooooddddddd! As Kate tried to leave, she noticed that his arms were encircling her. She struggled to break free of his hold after noticing his arms around her. Fortunately, she completed it flawlessly without interfering with his sleep. The moment she stood up, however, she hissed in pain and kept her plam in place. She knew what she had done, but for the time being, the most important thing is to get out of here without waking him up. As she made fewer movements, she began looking for her dress. It was seen kissing the ground right there. She went there while wearing a provocative outfit. "What have I done?" she repeat with the same panic expression and put her clothes on. she appeared to be in complete disarray at the moment. She whirled around to face the men she had been getting intimate with. Kate doesn't know why, but she was curious to see his face because his well-muscled back was clearly visible. She approached him while in excruciating pain, but she didn't care because he give her what she needed from max and for what she had been wanting for years. However, after seeing him making moments, she abandoned the plan because she was so terrified and her head was hurting for no apparent reason. She then continued walking as though as she had an iron rod inserted inside of her. Her Legs were shaking, and it hurt a lot. She spoke ill of herself. opened the door to the room. But something was waiting for her, she was unaware of that. her plam was on her stomach, accepting and managing the discomfort while applying pressure to it. However, what happened after that really embarrassed her. She noticed two lines of guards, left and right, divided into four. Standing one inch away from the room but they all were like robots "Can't this day be any worse,?" she thought. She just exercised self-control and walked straight, and the guards likewise let her leave. She was relieved to leave that area, but when she saw the club, she was completely taken aback. But she didn't have time to react emotionally, she hurried to the club's exit.

She got in the taxi, told the driver where she was going, and then she left once the driver started the engine.

toward David

after Kate's vehicle left. On his stomach, David was dozing off pleasantly. The hour was 12:00. David then began to move. Because he was eager to see his kitten view, his eyelids slightly opened. But when he noticed the other side was unoccupied, he instantly stood up straight and glanced about his opulent chamber, only to find that Kate was. not there the person David was desiring there. He snatched his bathrobe after rising like a blaze. He enters with one arm, and with the other, he seized the robes and bound them. He after wearing his slippers and made his way to the door. His straight but ferocious expression was menacing. His guards saw him as he opened the large door to his enormous room. How is the girl doing? His wrath and coldness were both evident, but his Guards were standing without showing any emotion until one of them commented.

"Boss! The female left! Upon hearing that, David Anger erupted in rage, and he added.....

His guards nodded as he said, "Bring me the CCTV of this location and the yesterday's at the main hall side."

Scene changed

David, who was dressed in a bathrobe, was in his room sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and his elbows resting on the sofa's arm. His green eyes were blazing. His thumb was being used to crease his index finger. The guard started the CCTV footage on his large screen.

"Boss! This is the first main hall, where everyone was involved,"

"Move to the primary entrance,


boss," the video surfaced, and around 9:30 Kate and Emma entered.

resting on the soras arm. His green eyes were Diazing. His thump was being used to crease nis index ringer. I ne guard started the CCTV footage on his large screen.

"Boss! This is the first main hall, where everyone was involved,"

"Move to the primary entrance,

"Yes, boss," the video surfaced, and around 9:30 Kate and Emma entered.

Zoom into those girls,"

"Boss, yes," The additional video demonstrated their drinking habits at the counter.

David admitted in thoughts, "This is strange-she was drunk last night, but look at her now-drinking she's orange juice. However, his admission was revealed when he saw a curious phenomenon that may be happening right now in front of his eyes which is going to be highly risky for someone now. When the video from the other rooms was aired, Kate was seen dancing and singing foolishly. She was singing and dancing when David heard the guards running behind her.

"Oops, where should I go now, lalala?" He eventually learned the reason she ended up in his room. The guards closed

the TV and stood in a straight manner. David was flaming thinking what was going to happened her last night and he pressed his plan. On the other flying moment

When one of his guards entered the room carrying a purse, David grinned and his man walked up to him and gave him the bag.

The guard continued....

"Boss, I discovered something on the counter, and it could belong to her as it matched her dress.

When David opened it, inside were some bubble gums, a red travel lipstick, and a card. His personal guard was like....

"It's a women's purse, sir. David, David chuckled as he pulled out the card, which was an ID card.

"Split in two his guards in his order split and 4 at the right side 4 at left, "Asian origin and Kate Desouza," he said as he delivered the card to his left side guards.

"Find any mention of Kate Desouza." His guard nodded and added, "I want all the files at my office.

"Sir, we're on it"

You all know who to find his guards understand as he added and where to brought it," his guards nodded.