He was in his cabin, he was looking into the matter who attacked him the last week.
“Boss, we have found the actual culprit, it is your rival, Pop gunina,” said a guard. “That new gang rising from the south Africa?” he asked. The guard nods.
He remained quit for a while and then got up. He walked towards the huge mirror of the ofce. His heavenly handsome fgure was refecting in the mirror.
“Boss, we are trying to tracking him down, luckily you are saved,” said the guard.
“Yeah, luckily,” he said while touching the love mark on his neck, he remember it from the last night and a smirk appeared on his face.
“Handle this one, I am leaving,” he said expressionlessly
and was about to walked towards the door when one of his
guard entered in.
“What do you mean you are not coming?” she asked, angrily on the phone. She was feeling of since the morning and she was calling her fancée since the morning. She wanted him to help her for the renovation of their house. She decided to live here after marriage but as usual he was absent. He was always a busy git who works on the motto ‘work comes frst’.
She rolls her eyes angrily.
“Oh go fuck yourself,” she said, angrily and hung up the phone.
She took a deep breath in order to calm herself. Just then the door knocked. She walked towards the door and opened it.
“Mam, we are from TS services, would you like to renovate your house? We have received an inquiry call from you,” said a man, who had blond hair.
“Yeah, come in,” she said and he with his team stepped
David walked inside the club's room and found the room empty. His expressions turned stone, he looked around in order to fnd her but she was not there. “Where is she?” he muttered, angrily.
He was sitting in the bar and was drinking expressionlessly. She was all in his mind and he was unable to get her out of his mind.
Her disappearance had made him feel aggressive, he was getting angry since morning without any reason.
Just then a little girl appeared in the bar. She was looking for someone. It was odd because kids underage were not allowed in the club.
She walked towards the bar and was looking around as if she was looking for someone.
He narrowed his eyes and he was feeling dizzy. She walked towards him.
“Mr Westle, have you seen my mommy?” she asked, innocently. David smiled and sat down infront of her on his knee he added aa he cresses her cheek ...
“You know my name?” he asked, chuckled. The little girl giggled.
“hehhe! Everyone knows you, my mommy works here, she forbade me to come here but I wanted to give her this,” she said while pointing at the box she was holding as she added ...
“She did not ate anything, I know she works over time, could you please tell me where she is?” she asked while looking up at him confdently and at that moment that girl reminds him of someone. Someone he was craving for. She got same eyes as that girl got. “Who is your mommy?” he asked.
“Ivana blackwood,” she said.
“So you are Ivana’s daughter, she must be in changing room but you should not be here,” he said while patting her head softly.
“I know but I have to take good care of my mommy,” she said.
He called a man.
“ zay, take her to Ivana,” he said smiling. He found that little girl cute.
She turned and stopped again.
She opened the box she was holding and brought out the chocolate.
“Here, it is my mommy’s birthday, have a nice day,” she said innocently.
He smiled and took the chocolate from her.
He was now feeling light and maybe it was frst time he was smiling. The guard was looking at him astonished.
David's guard brought the little girl at her mother counter where she works as an accountant ... her mother was not there but someone was really disturbing....
“Hey Oliver, give me another shot,” he said, aloud.
The bartender(the waiter who mixed that drug in Kate's juice) making another shot for him and he was staring at bottle as if he was in deep thoughts. ************
“Why I have to do all of this alone?” she thought frustrated. She was still feeling upset about it. Her legs were still numb.
Losing virginity to a stranger was never her plan. She was still in shock. She was thinking how she will tell this to her fancée.
Her legs and inner thighs were still soaring. She put her head back on the couch and closed her eyes. The two green eyes appeared on the screen of her eyes and then the lucid moments from the last night as well.
She felt her arousal again but this time with slight pain. “David Westle,” someone whispered in her head again, a very deep sexy voice that made her breath fast.
She opened her eyes instantly again. She was breathing fast and she could feel herself going wet from down there. “What am I thinking?” she muttered and got up. **********
“I said fnd her,” he said, angrily.
“Boss, we have tried everywhere but we don’t know where she is,” said, the guard.
He punched the nearby table angrily shattering it into pieces.
“Boss must be angry and ofend,” muttered a man in the
“Mommy, you promised that you are going to spend you birthday with me,” she said, sadly.
“Olga, honey, I know you are upset on your mommy but you know I have to do overtime so that I can bring some money home,” said Ivana, softly.
“But mommy, it is your birthday, you should not work today,” she said sadly.
“Honey, I promise, I will come home early we will celebrate together and what I have told you about his place? You should not be here?” she said.
“Sorry mommy, you have not eaten anything so I came here with this chocolate box,” she said.
“But this is your chocolate box honey, what you will eat then?” she asked.
“It’s okay mommy, we will buy more,” she said and kiss her
on the cheek.
Ivana smiled.
“Now go, I will be home,” she said, smiling.
“Okay mommy,” she said and turned.